After watching silent hill and reading about how the dark ages came to be...

Maybe you should open a history book and read how they also saved europe from the muslims. If it weren't for the sacrifice those men made you would've been ruled by shariah right now and that's 100x worse.

Good values!? Like what!? That it's okay to kill and burn people for not believing everything in the bible? That it's okay to fuck your own relatives because it says in the bible? That it's okay to be a dumb illiterate anti science retarted hillbilly because evolution proves that we didn't just come from two humans in a magical garden? That it's okay to rage war and kill people because your pope says that it's ok to kill if it is done so in name of christ?

go fuck yourself fucking faggot you are so pathetic and one of the reasons why more than half the world is cucked right now, if we dont have christianity were left with judiasm

You are a disgusting fucking idiot who lives off propaganda. The dark ages was christians dealing with faggot muslim invasions. Christianity invented science you stupid fuck. Now go kill yourself you ignorant fucking moron. Your ignorance and willingness to swallow propaganda like a cock makes you an enemy of humanity, stupid faggot.

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either poor b8 or actually retarded to be pagan in 21st century and your a shitty southern slav not even nordic blood

>Amerimutt defending chosen people: the religion and Rabbi Yeshu
No surprises there.

Fuck off, t*rkmutt. Only Jesus can save the white race.

>Christianity created science

Fucking how? The guy that proposed that earth was not the center and that we aren't in a bubble got fucking burned, Darwin that provided the perfect explanaition on how we came to be which is called evolution got horribly attacked in media and such by the christians, stem cell research is constantly being attacked by christians today and lets not forget about how you burn books and burn people for not being part of your religion.

Mon chi chi will fuck you up!