Just paint your nails and talk softly
AZ antifa meetup
Goose step through their shit
based undercover
would you be willing to do this for real? you would be greatly helping to damage left wing tyranny, which all races can agree is a major threat
could you wear a wire / mic and walk around recording audio? how good are you at steering conversations and maintaining your cover?
>tfw live in Phoenix...
Anyone know the official address?
Call them and tell them that a a local contingent or White Supremacists have learned about this meeting and are going to send people to spy on them. They will mostly try to get people into the meetings but they might also send people posing as local news investigators.
>Toxic Fasculinity
Time to Fasculate the situation.
spread fear and mistrust and amplify already-existing paranoia
lots of impact for a single phone call if properly done
>tip off the cops
Cops and courts and media are already on their side user.
rank and file cops are definitely not on their side