Why do you follow this double standard?

> Britain


>be on Jow Forums
>not knowing about niggers

Weak b8 fag sage

The one on the left is constantly demonized as a crazy redneck who's inches away from killing his family. Also why does the one on the right have a magazine in his gun? His finger may be off it but a MAC-10 (Don't go Jow Forums on me it's a little hard to tell) has a sensitive trigger

the niglet is pointing a gun at his father, it's clear that her father is not a responsible man

>implying that's the real father


Attached: Capture1.png (746x673, 90K)

This. Also muzzle discipline.

It's still a monkey whether it's got a banana in its hands or not

That's what I noticed first

At least, in countries where it is legal.