>Tasks Create memes Spread memes on social media Join at least one of the following: AfD, IB, Einprozent to counter subversion Get fit Spread flyers and stickers in your city
What is the most destructive force in the universe to civilizations? Is it plague? Earthquakes? Nuclear weapons? Or comet strikes? No, the world's best mathematicians, philosophers and thinkers have narrowed it down to one single group of men responsible for almost all conquest of modern civilizations: ANGLO Men.
Upon entering a new country, ANGLO man's first move is to demand tributes (welfare money) from the host-servants (tax-paying aryan bois) who usually give in due to the ANGLO man's powerful natural alpha persuasion, then once they have established themselves financially, ANGLO men begin pumping semen inside of the local aryan female population to create racebastards who in turn help take over the rest of the nation for them. So far no European country has been able to withstand the ANGLO onslaught and they are well on their way to becoming of the ANGLO sphere.
Although, did not somebody here propose as of late that we need our own Horst Wessel? You would have become a true martyr, bro! They would have written songs about you (with catchy Marschmusik tune)!
>Other books on my bed stand are: "Kulturbruch 86", Sounds interesting. What happened 86? One of the books I keep next to my bed since I was 18 is Emil Franzels "Geschichte des deutschen Volkes". Aged not that well but I like the old fashioned, unneutral writing style.
>dumb germans want cheap labor because greed >let's bait some suckers >millions of them keep pouring >the lemmings start to sense something is not right >retarded leadership decides to throw them a bone >only 200.000/year, i swear. >the lemmings are satisfied >the end
>The IM does not endorse parties. Instead it stages politically charged stunts, such as disrupting a play by a Jewish playwright with refugee actors in Vienna. Oy veh they shut it down! >In the social-media channels where identitarians congregate, on Twitter, Gab and 8 chan, a pseudo-movement calling itself NazBol has popped up Bad research, even Wikipedia knows better. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Bolshevism >Much more important is how identitarian language migrates from these fringe groups towards the political centre. Zeitgeist is a bitch, isn't it?
>Department of War is bigger than the parliament oh shit
Gabriel Jenkins
Sry, I made a mistake, I meant to wrote "Kulturbruch 68" It deals with the revolution of the left in Germany and the aftermath influence in different areas.
>dumb germans want cheap labor because greed If it was about cheap labour they would have just harvested eastern and southern Europe. What we have right now is way more sinister. youtube.com/watch?v=k-_7TaYb-mI
>more so than punishing this guy we need faster integration >for example teaching the dinduus that in Germany stabing innocent stranger to death on the street is NOT okay >to be honest it will take some time >we have to take responsibility >he just stabbed her once a little then ran away >6 months to seven years jail possible >SIX MONTHS >up to five years for posting a picture with your dog raising his paw the wrong way REEEEEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Okay. I thought there was some gamechanger in 86 I missed. >It deals with the revolution of the left in Germany and the aftermath influence in different areas. I fucking hate those 68 faggots and everything they did. Please give me a quick rundown on the 68 hippies in Switzerland.
Here in Austria all they accomplished was publicly shitting into the Auditrium Maximum. Maybe they had tried to emulate Diogenes, what do I know ... should have brought a chicken instead.
One short question: If you were able to post mutiple pictures in one post, would you still answer each taypost or would you give each poster his own reply?
They are a way for subvention. Literally the perfect consumer class. Give them 600€ and they will instantly use it on useless shit, while a german would would use half of it and save up the rest for worse times.
This ponzi scheme will blow up right in their face though, as the whole system colopses in a few years when the refugees outbreed the native population.
checked Ich weiß was du meinst, die ordinäre Aufdringlichkeit des Tages wirkt wie Hohn angesichts der aristokratischen Schönheit der Nacht und trotzdem, verzage nicht mein alpiner Freund, morgen sehen wir uns wieder und besprechen die Auswirkungen von universitären Kotbatzen auf die Gegenwart. Bis dahin gehab dich wohl und gute Nacht. Isch jonn jätz schlofe.
>Please give me a quick rundown on the 68 hippies in Switzerland. I guess the most significant achievement was to introduce the "Frauenstimmrecht" in 1971 ;-)