ITT: Youtubers who are openly anti-white/marxists

ITT: Youtubers who are openly anti-white/marxists.

let's get a collection going.

Attached: jacksfilms.jpg (815x815, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1007648_Captain-Disillusion-Fame-Curve-Collection-2011.jpg (810x455, 96K)


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The obvious answer

Attached: HBOMBERGUY.jpg (854x480, 28K)


Attached: Sargon_of_Akkad_Twitter.jpg (349x349, 24K)

Oh fuck. Unsubscribe.

implicitly anti-white/anti-American

Attached: khallallalaa.jpg (600x369, 61K)

Attached: jacksfilms white.png (1027x899, 493K)

He lived his childhood in the USSR, not a surprise

Attached: CapnDKid.png (550x308, 271K)

well that's something I didn't know

you can't make fun of anything else than white people these days or the race you are yourself. Can't really blame him.

1000 times this faggot

Attached: fagg.jpg (188x269, 5K)

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try again, rare.

Attached: 991a9585.png (237x269, 67K)

Fuck that lad is so cringy and annoying.

Attached: varg.jpg (440x460, 22K)

I liked his video on Fallout though..


Fuck this douche is annoying

Attached: jnoss.jpg (480x360, 22K)

Same.Thats how he gets you. I hate how one of the only people who defends Dark Souls 2 is a literal soygoy.

He hates whites now.

Attached: 131DD70F-D656-45F5-BD17-763545E3FE9D.jpg (750x741, 393K)


But arnt they openly anti white

Humans are human, caring about skin colour is like caring about the type of tshirt someone wears. fuck you racist

He's a fantastic guy. The amount of work he puts into his videos is mind blowing.

Attached: brainlet.png (645x729, 105K)

I hate this cunt so much

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Hahaha Holzkopf

sam hyde has always been a libtard larping as a right winger

He is gay right? He looks like an incredibly effeminate POS

black facebook "friend" posted a video saying "I hate white people. I hate white people"

fuck her

I guarantee he's willingly let a penis touch his lips.


this dude looks like a soyboy

So have I, but I'm not gay.

Lets also get a list of their home addresses as well

why are the feds in this thread?

You still browsing the internet Kraut?

Who's willing to be that they live in a 90% white, rich neighborhood?

Attached: F98F6C13-85C9-498E-88D6-A3B018291621.jpg (221x250, 18K)

Attached: defranco.jpg (657x1428, 360K)

He's constantly shooting innocent white people.

>live in a commie shit hole
>do the same thing to the next country
gas these fuckers first

Ian is clearly an Ancom

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