ITT: Youtubers who are openly anti-white/marxists.
let's get a collection going.
ITT: Youtubers who are openly anti-white/marxists.
let's get a collection going.
Other urls found in this thread:
The obvious answer
Oh fuck. Unsubscribe.
implicitly anti-white/anti-American
He lived his childhood in the USSR, not a surprise
well that's something I didn't know
you can't make fun of anything else than white people these days or the race you are yourself. Can't really blame him.
1000 times this faggot
try again, rare.
Fuck that lad is so cringy and annoying.
I liked his video on Fallout though..
Fuck this douche is annoying
Same.Thats how he gets you. I hate how one of the only people who defends Dark Souls 2 is a literal soygoy.
He hates whites now.
But arnt they openly anti white
Humans are human, caring about skin colour is like caring about the type of tshirt someone wears. fuck you racist
He's a fantastic guy. The amount of work he puts into his videos is mind blowing.
I hate this cunt so much
Hahaha Holzkopf
sam hyde has always been a libtard larping as a right winger
He is gay right? He looks like an incredibly effeminate POS
black facebook "friend" posted a video saying "I hate white people. I hate white people"
fuck her
I guarantee he's willingly let a penis touch his lips.
this dude looks like a soyboy
So have I, but I'm not gay.
Lets also get a list of their home addresses as well
why are the feds in this thread?
You still browsing the internet Kraut?
Who's willing to be that they live in a 90% white, rich neighborhood?
He's constantly shooting innocent white people.
>live in a commie shit hole
>do the same thing to the next country
gas these fuckers first
Ian is clearly an Ancom