What is your opinion on white gay people such as myself?

Faggots are just heterophobic who secretly wants to fuck girls. Off the roof you shall fly tho. Even the muzzies can do something right.

I agree, it makes you feel so submissive, truly the best!

But I'm redpilled guys!


Sounds like a deal to me~

b-but user, that's lewd.

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I think you're lying.
Nice trips though.


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I keep seeing this anime girl posted everywhere, who is she? Some new /a/ meme?

random girl C from anime game #5847
give it a year and she'll be replaced by random girl B from anime game #6743

Keep your degeneracy behind closed doors, and I couldn't care less what you do as long as you're not harming others.

You're very mentally ill. Go to church.

Just dont be a faggot in public. Is that really too much to ask?

If I would guess, around 12% of the population is white here user. That's a lot of people.


Got it!

But church is boring...

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