Wassup plebs. I'm in the reception on the station of The Police Of Czech Republic, suggest what I'm supposed to do!
I'm on a police station in Czech Republic, what am I supposed to do?
Leave before they arrest you for loitering?
is thatw ay
Bruh I'm a witness. I here for witnessing an assault
yell "allahu ackbar"
Fuckin police made me to wait here for an hour bro
Salute Führer out loud while taking piss in a corner
if it's legal tell more about the assault
tell them
>if you don't take my statement right now I'm going to leave and handle this myself
they like that kind of go-get-em attitude
I tried to yell Allah agbar, but it didn't take the folder.
You're doing a AMA with the police.
Bite your arm to the point where the blood is coming out and draw a swastika with the blood, then take a picture. Gl bro
Bruh I'm sitting here with the guy, who got beaten up. He's totally fucked. I'm drunk af
pic of your bro
>was it muzzies?
y u let him get beat up? some kinda friend u r
Is this enough?
no, I told you to salute Führer out loud while taking piss in a corner
Bruh he got beaten up, cuz I got fucked up.
I can't breathe
Is this enough? Can't take a piss tho.
>being so drunk you can't draw a swastika
nice lad
he doesn't look beaten up. Also who assaulted him?
Shut the fuck up
Why are you there in the first place?
I swear all czech posters have autism.
Yes thank you, I'll see if I'm able to find your Linkedin by end of tomorrow night
Blood is cleaned up, but he got fucked up by 2 junkies
>someone on Jow Forums having linkedin
Search up marschiert in feindesland lyrics and start singing it. Put your phone somewhere and record the audio, then upload it to youtube tomorrow.
I'm a witness and the damaged person. It started, couz one of the junkies took my cig, so I told him to go fuck himself, but he fucked me up, so my bro stood up for me.
Start a fire. It very cold in Czech Republic. You will be many hero. Get many sexes.
kill yourself
They are hearing me up, bro
take off your pants and start fingering your asshole like a girl.... they'll bring you to the hospital...
do the same thing there...
once in route, barrell roll out..
Very good. That's the right way to tell the police how tall those junkies were.
Bruh wtf
>this thread
So you guys both got your asses kicked by a junkie and now you're about to be arrested for nazi propaganda; well done op, you've officially had the worst night of my life
Search for some porn... quickly!
These niggas
>ywn go out for drinks with your based autistic czechbros
why live
the fuck did i just read
I'm still wondering why I didn't die during the holocaust
>being a snitch
Snitches get stitches, cunt.
Kill me please
Nice hat, you truly are the perfect material for late night trip to the police station. For fuck sake this is hilarious.
because your parents hadn't been born yet?
Tell them hitler did nothing wrong
tell them you know Stipe Miocic and if your friend doesn't get some justice there's gonna be hell to pay
When u too fucked up to even write
Who the fuck is Stipe Miocic?
pull down your pants and leave them a nice steamy shit
Where did this happen OP? What city?
One of your Czech brothers
Havlíčkův Brod, nigga
nevermind i think he's croatian
Don't get me fucked up by CZ media pls. No raid, guys. Just an innocent drunk person
ask em if they need any help "cleaning up the streets" and wink like a weirdo
>t. nigger that is about to get genocided
Raid Ratay and steal some guards armor. Sell it to the Miller.
>what even
Who would even want to do something with CZ media? Those fuckers are full of shit even without a story about some drunk person being edgy at the police station.
>ywn be handcuffed and used by a Czech milf cop
I'm sorry, my other Czech comrade
Ask if she will kiss your friend better.
>when you get interrogated by a Czech milf officer
>crossed legs
>boner status : not visible
looks like the house i buy weed from
>Czech milf
You should try flirting a little user, what could happen?
Czech yourself before you wreck yourself
go back to america you swine stay in your containment country reported to the czech police for being a mutt
Pls be calm Ahmed. Go throw some grenades or something.
hail hortler
stand up, click your heels to attention, and raise your right arm shouting "SIEG HEIL"
Too late OP is probably already tamed by milf officer.
ask the guards if they can cache a small czech
>Havlíčkův Brod
Kek, I lived like 17 kilometers from there. Didn't know there were any other Vysočina anons.
I'm not dead yet! It's OK, she's not that raw xD that junkie, who attacked me just passed by. He's got 6 missing front teeth xD some guy called Brož
But make sure you have enough money in your account before you write it out.
I'm going to die..
Well, I was expecting that name to be something like Gajdoš or so.
This. Also ask everyone there for their papers
Pull up your pants or volunteer for punishment.
>this thread
What have I done....
lmao u seem mad geek rn just fuck with the cops
>promoting criminal behavior
huge surprise
Still not letting me go.... Fuck...
inject dick in vagina and thrust
Show this photo to the pretty police lady.
If I'll show anything to her, she will make me a suspect for sharing of private information xD
You asked about ww3 before, in another thread
your cock, is it nice to look at or no?
Hile hortler
take our dick out and scream hail hitler
> Junkies
Your friend now has HIV and/or hep C
ps if you wanna leave quickly piss yourself