1. No one needs a commercial truck this large.
2. The Founding Fathers never envisioned large commercial trucks, and did not intend for people to drive them.
3. These “assault trucks” are designed for killing large numbers of people quickly, and that is their only use.
4. We need a “no truck” list immediately, one that does not require due process to get on or off.
5. No where in the Constitution does it mention the freedom to own these killing devices called trucks.
6. Large commercial trucks should only be owned by the police, military, or politicians, NOT normal citizens, who can use horses.
7. We already have licensing, registration, titles, inspection, and multiple taxes on large commercial vehicles, and STILL they are used for mass killing. Enough is enough. We must ban them entirely.
8. We must follow Australia’s example – we must have a massive government buy-back of all trucks currently owned by American citizens, then, they must be destroyed.
9. We must empower the police and military to go door-to-door to forcibly remove these “assault trucks”. Deadly force is reasonable when “disarming” people of these killing devices.
10. If it will save the life of even a single child, we must rid our society of trucks.
11. And lastly, we must continue to resettle enormous numbers of Muslims throughout the United States, primarily in rural, white, Christian areas.