What's the pro gun argument on stopping school shootings? I'm very pro 2A but don't know how to argue this part...

What's the pro gun argument on stopping school shootings? I'm very pro 2A but don't know how to argue this part, when people keep pointing towards all the school shootings that have gone on.

Does anyone have stats on how many lives guns have saved? I know Crowder mentions the CDC and 500K-3mil.

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Also, pardon me if it's not the CDC....

beef up school security. you know, the obvious, reasonable, and attainable solution.

The majority of school shootings are carried out by fucked up kids. Let's focus on helping them before they end up as murderers. Let's make our society a more compassionate one where we don't spit on the oddballs. The left is supposed to be all for compassion and outreach and tolerance. Here's the opportunity for them to express that where it matters.

>What's the pro gun argument on stopping school shootings?
There is none. I've listened to all the right wing radio hosts after the massacre happened, and none of them offer any workable solutions. The truth is, though they won't admit it on air, is that they are comfortable with school massacres happening once in a while, as long as they get to keep their assault rifle.
They are unwilling to tell their audience that supporting the right to own assault rifles guarantees more deadly massacres will happen, and that they are culpable.

Bump up security, don’t listen to survivors since they went through a shooting related traumatic event, and have kids reaize sometimes it is their fault for bullying the guy/dishwasher.

We are going to get rid of public schools. Problem solved.

Provide alternate education options to kids that get bullied, such as online schooling.
Outlaw SSRI’s.

Have Federal and Local law enforcement actually investigate numerous reports of potential school shooter behavior

Allow law enforcement to engage an active shooter instead of cowering outside

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Stricter security. Only a few authorized and usable entrances/exits manned by a guard and metal detector. Then once that is done it's time to start taking a look at the mental health of our youth and how we deal with it. The solution is so simple but leftists want to fight it because it'd solve the ONLY events in this country that ever get people questioning the 2A. I'm starting to think leftists love school shootings cause it's the only time their views on the 2A ever get any consideration.

Badge access like every office building in the country.

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Better mental health provided wouldn't hurt.
Beef up school security have an officer armed with AR-15
A grounded sense of reality to the fact people can do terrible things
To one another

This, and I own "assault rifles",

The pro gun position starts with the premise no matter what happens, gun owners will get blamed for any future gun violence, and that any program proposed will be hammered towards a full ban.

An example of this is Washington DC's CCW program. They required training and testing to prove competence, then turned it into a ban by refusing to certify instructors even when the courts went after their asses.

Nobody is offering any workable solutions.

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>Nobody is offering any workable solutions.

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not a solution. A guard is no match against someone with body armor, an ar15, and the element of surprise.
And if a school is guarded like a military base, then they could also shoot up a kintergarden, or a movie theater or a ballerina class. You are delusional if you think armed guards are a solution.

Look, fag, liberal indoctrination (safe spaces, gender bullshit, shouting down opponents, banning conservative speakers, etc.) have changed the youth of today. They don't know how to deal with emotions when faced with reality beyond the liberal rainbow perfect world that is created for them. Couple this with the glorification of gun violence in movies and video games and, to the shooter, life seems like a game. How does one explain the fact that the AR has been around since the 60's, kids have been bullied since the beginning of time, yet no mass shootings until now?

So, the pro 2A argument is that schools need to have some people in the schools armed. There is no way, despite what the liberal media tells you, to prevent violence if someone is dead set on doing it. So what's the answer? Minimize the damage by having people in the school armed and prepared to ENTER and SHOOT to remove the threat.

>not a solution

Are you mentally retarded perchance?

Actually giving two shits about mental health.
Actually having police and FBI do their fucking job.
Having actual security in schools who do their job.
Re-introducing traditional values.

1: Mass shootings are a media driven phenonema. Phone posting so can't get it myself but look up "mass shooting media contagion." The greatest predictor of a mass shooting is media coverage of a previous mass shooting. They all cluster together in time.

It's the reason why celebrity suicides and serial killers aren't heavily reported on anymore because it caused a spike in suicides and serial killers. We've known this for over 30 years.

Shooters also know that they can get away with it. Around 60 of mass shooting end on the shooters initiative because there's nothing to stop them. Easy solution is to allow concealed carry teachers to carry in schools. Mass shooters can't stand not being in control and that'll deter them heavily knowing the PE teacher may or may not be pumping big iron.

Lets accept your premise 100 percent. That means there's plenty of countries with gun owner friendly laws that don't have this problem, that get completely fucking ignored by people advancing legislation.

The proposals, both D and R are designed for political advantage, not for effectiveness, or to even be passed. You see anyone advocating for swiss style laws?

This! The next one is gonna be big. What did the media do? They stopped all programming for weeks to focus on the shooting and even managed to coordinate marches and even some legislation. To a typical mentally deranged loser, this IS the path to fame.

>Pressure enforcement of existing laws re: local reporting to NICS and health care providers ability to report with the 2016 HIPPA exemption.
>Bring back firearm training in school, make it mandatory to pass to own a gun as an adult. Program must be available at every school via federal funding
>Increase armed school security, including security guards able to carry

"all the school shootings" ?

oooo? ALL of them? ALL 6 of them?

who the fuck cares how many lives gun saves, as long as it saves the most important one, your own

why do peoples rights have to depend on the stupidest person in the room? you are going to give up fucking pussy because 1 person wants to be a tranny and cant get surgery yet?


>|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_

i dont need to argue

shall not be infringed. full stop

like these fucked up kids wouldnt just use one of the many other methods to cause mass casualties

hire veterans like me to stand guard. i'd do that job in a heartbeat.

1. No one needs a commercial truck this large.

2. The Founding Fathers never envisioned large commercial trucks, and did not intend for people to drive them.

3. These “assault trucks” are designed for killing large numbers of people quickly, and that is their only use.

4. We need a “no truck” list immediately, one that does not require due process to get on or off.

5. No where in the Constitution does it mention the freedom to own these killing devices called trucks.

6. Large commercial trucks should only be owned by the police, military, or politicians, NOT normal citizens, who can use horses.

7. We already have licensing, registration, titles, inspection, and multiple taxes on large commercial vehicles, and STILL they are used for mass killing. Enough is enough. We must ban them entirely.

8. We must follow Australia’s example – we must have a massive government buy-back of all trucks currently owned by American citizens, then, they must be destroyed.

9. We must empower the police and military to go door-to-door to forcibly remove these “assault trucks”. Deadly force is reasonable when “disarming” people of these killing devices.

10. If it will save the life of even a single child, we must rid our society of trucks.

11. And lastly, we must continue to resettle enormous numbers of Muslims throughout the United States, primarily in rural, white, Christian areas.

there are black hat hackers, and white hat hackers, they dont really care what hat they wear as long as they are hacking

hire all potential school shooters and school guards to defend kids, and then when a too stupid to be a guard school shooter comes along, they can shoot it out

also, bring back dueling

One solution never gets discussed here.

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We could put God back into our society? My two cents.

in a nut shell american is a lawless country, and you are all psychopaths, and you dying would be the best thing for this planet

generally, you cant stop someone who truly wants to do harm to innocents
all of the above can be easily made or stolen

>Gun rights get taken away
>Historic violence amidst aggressive seizures
>Society, if it survives, is still dysfunctional
>It just becomes easier to shuffle the problem individuals off and to stop the alarm bells from going off
>Things continue to get worse and worse
>More needs to be taken away
>Free speech gets taken away
>Country ends up a bunch of yabbering retards as the ability to enforce common language fails by the fear of offending someone for speaking differently by correcting them
>Everyone ends up hooked on drugs and retarded
It'd be like we never left Britain at all.

It's no our problem to solve. GTFO libshit.

And your workable solution is????
Seriously, all I ever see you people do is gather the dead bodies of fallen people, put them in a big pile, and stand upon them and say to the world how great you are.
Explain to me how your "gun control" will be implemented properly and what is the process you will undergo in order to ensure everyone follows the law.

Also, immediately after the gun buyback in Australia occurred, the number of armed robberies every year increased from 6,000 to 11,000 and while the gun homicide went down, the knife crime shot up fast along with rape. More violence will happen because criminals do not follow laws.

My solution: get rid of gun free zones because citizens can't protect themselves when they are legally not allowed to protect themselves, do what Israel did and have guards protecting the school or some teachers with arms, and stop given shooters media attention.

We have solutions and ideas, but because they don't alline with your world view you call gun owners murders that they want children to be slaughtered because it's easier to be emmotional than factual.

Or in summary: you're skull has been left unoccupied

The solution is to address the social issues in the schools. You need to come down hard on gang creations, and try to really pressure against bullying in any capacity. I know that sounds like a cupcake sjw tactic, but thats really it.

Guns have been commonplace in the US since its birth. School shootings have only been a problem very very recently in the countries history. Somethings gone wrong socially, it needs to be fixed.

Banning guns is simply removing one means of committing slaughter. If you take guns out of the equation, they'd use pipe bombs, toxins, heavy vehicles or even just straight out physical violence.

Yes, removing guns will stop school "shootings", Ill give them that. But it wont stop massacres. It wont stop murders. It wont solve the problem, which has nothing to do with simply the weapons which are used.

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Come kill us then (:

Make America a homogeneous white country. Don't forget kids had shotguns in their lockers to go hunting after school.

Maybe you could punish bullies even if they are jocks or pretty girls? Like expulsion or suspension and fines?

>Center for disease control

>And your workable solution is????
ban semi auto rifles and pistols.

In don't care because it's not a significant problem.
Parents shouldn't be raising their kids to be hysterically retarded.

>gets bombed
ANd dotn tell me bombs are hard to make, fill a 12 gram co2 cart with match heads and it will kill.

remote locking mechanism for doors
quicklot first aid in all classrooms
badge entry to get in school
couple armed staff

I doesn't have anything to do with guns, it's about a increasingly industrialized society undergoing decades of cultural and demographic upheaval leaving people depressed and alienated.

Someone should start a petition for media outlets to agree voluntarily to no longer show a mass shooter's face, talk about their motives or cover their trial outside of reporting the outcome. Get them to squirm while they try to justify their complicity in the violence.

A semi assult weapon is literally any gun in which you do not need to immediately reload after shooting it. Seeing that it is clear that your talking out of your ass with buzzwords why should I hold your suggestions in any regards?

Get real noguns. Learn this shit from yourself rather than just reading the notes from the party line.


*Semi auto

>What's the pro gun argument on stopping school shootings?
Giving school officials the right to carry or store firearms on school grounds.

>Does anyone have stats on how many lives guns have saved?
Our firearm rights aren't subject to firearm statistics.

Why don’t they impose the death penalty for parents/ legal guardians of teens who commit mass shootings in schools. That would stop them real quick.

>ban semi auto rifles and pistols.
Our firearm rights aren't subject to specific firearm types.

You can't legislate yourself around every tragedy that occurs.

"Hurr b-but kids"
Mass shootings and school shootings specifically represent a statistically insignificant number when you consider other instances of homicide. Then bring up gang violence and when they say "hurr well duh that too" remind them that they haven't proposed any legislature to stop it. Then call them racist and say they hate poor black people for not including them in their platform.

By now they will have had to expand their argument to include ALL firearms. Then just poke holes in their argument as they struggle to find ways to confiscate over 300million firearms. Eventually they'll realize that simply making something illegal doesn't solve the problem- which brings you back to point number one.

>Why don’t they impose the death penalty for parents/ legal guardians of teens who commit mass shootings in schools.
So kill people that didn't commit a crime?

Fuck due process as well, right?

>That would stop them real quick.
Really, how?

Dumb fuck retard...

Parents need to take responsibility for their shitty kids

dont need to, just need to wait for the first half to be "protected and served" by guys like in this post, and the second half to be culturally educated by niggers

>Workable solution.
Heavily restrict the sales of ammo and gunpowder.

"protect and serve"

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>Heavily restrict the sales of ammo and gunpowder.
Violation of our firearm rights.

>Parents need to take responsibility for their shitty kids
Maybe the Jews should take responsibility for this shitty society they've created.

It has nothing to do with guns, it has everything to do with Faggotry, Anti-Depressants and other mind-fucking drugs given to children, and Jews.
>Pic Unrelated

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I think this a valid arguement though. Answering the question of what level of death/injury is acceptable for a given activity is a hard one. Most people will say zero deaths but reality is that society has voted that some deaths are ok for any given activity. Look at how popular "extreme" sports have gotten which all have a much higher chance of injury or death than more traditional hobbies. Even something like drinking alchohol is permitted even though it contirbutes to all kinds of abuse.

So what makes gun worse? Yes they kill people but they are also part of an engaging hobby which provides people with a chance to master skill and a fairly welcoming social group.

I'm fine with banning guns but if that happens I would also expect the same logic to be applied to the rest of our activities and hobbies which I doubt will happen.

Tighten access to schools with ID badge entry points and post two or three armed professionals (concealed) in all schools, sort of like air marshals on planes.

>more people die by bare hand assault
let's ban assault fisting first

>Citizens have to wait weeks just to get 10 bullets
>Gang bust into the store and steals the bullets
>More citizens due because they can't protect themselves
>Dems use this as an exuse for more gun control

This same tactic has been applied in California and the are ranked 13# for gun crime

Hey, as leftlypol points out earlier in the thread, there's all sorts of countries with NO restrictions on that that manage to not have school shootings.

There's nothing in the constitution that says you have the right to bullets.

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Sandy hook was 2012. Fix it, facts only.

>There's nothing in the constitution that says you have the right to bullets.
The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

If your laws would infringe upon the ability to keep and bear (aka use and maintain) firearms, it's unconstitutional and illegal. Not that our firearm rights come from the constitution, mind you. They're inherent and no government or law can take away that right.

You're a dumb fuck faggot that doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Sterilizing the mentally ill (that includes autism) and reopening the asylums would likely resolve this situation.

>Sterilizing the mentally ill (that includes autism)
So how does that stop firearm crimes?

Or is it that you just want to the government to sterilize those that you don't personally like?

> and reopening the asylums would likely resolve this situation.
You know gungrabbers believe that the desire to own a firearm is a mental illness right?

>store has no bullets
>Gang bust into the store to steal the bullets
>gang can't find bullets
Well between fixing the entirety of society and stopping production of a thing I think the second is slightly easier.

>keep and bear (aka use and maintain) firearms
That's just your interpretation. You can keep maintain and use your firearms without ammo. Training drills with dummy cartridges are a staple of military preparation. Pretty sure your moist nugget makes a good spear.

>Gun store has no bullets
Your retardation knows no bounds does it?

Just flip the "You're more likely to be killed by a falling piano than a terrorist" thing to school shooters

>So how does that stop firearm crimes?

Rampant breeding among nutjobs and retards since the eugenics programs ended and the asylums closed is what got you where you are now.

How many school shooting were there before they closed the aylums?

>Or is it that you just want to the government to sterilize those that you don't personally like?

Yes, namely Jews, criminals (most niggers there), retards, homo/trans and the mentally ill (autism, schizo, etc).

>You know gungrabbers believe that the desire to own a firearm is a mental illness right?

Gun grabbers deserve the firing squad, it is what your founders would have done, but they weren't fucking pussies like modern Americans are.

It isn't called a bullet store.

>Well between fixing the entirety of society and stopping production of a thing I think the second is slightly easier.
Our firearm rights are not subject to firearm deaths.

>That's just your interpretation.
No it's not my interpretation it's what the second amendment says.
The constitution and bill of rights are not a living document up for interpretation as you gubgrabbers claim.
No, the constitution did not always grant the faggots the "right" to "marry" regardless of what the Jewed out Supreme Court claims as it reinterpreted the constitution.

>You can keep maintain and use your firearms without ammo.
It's our right to own whatever firearm we wish and maintain them however we wish with whatever we wish. Motherfucking bump stocks included.

>Training drills with dummy cartridges are a staple of military preparation.
And ammo is essential for its proper use.

>Pretty sure your moist nugget makes a good spear.
It's a better rifle. But that's why you want to ban ammo. So that the people can't use that rifle against you for anything other than a spear.

>Pro-gun argument
Arm all the teachers and students. That's the only pro-gun argument I can think of.
Then again school shootings have nothing to do with 2A or being pro-gun so why should you need a pro-gun argument for it?
There many other ways to prevent school shootings and you don't even have to consider 2A or anything else gun related while solving the problem.
School shooters are all fucknuggets who were pushed too long till they finally snapped. How about I get an anti-school shooter argument for once since far as I've seen all the school shooters have had legit justifications for their actions, socially/morally wrong or not.

>The constitution and bill of rights are not a living document up for interpretation as you gubgrabbers claim.

Oh no, I guess say goodbye to the incorporation of the rights of the constitution to the states. This means that your state legislature now has the right to take away your firearms as well as your speech. Whoops.

>Does anyone have stats on how many lives guns have saved?
The 0.5 million to 3 million stat Crowder references is from a paper titled Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence published in The National Academic Press, which was endorsed by the CDC among other entities. It is freely available online. Keep in mind that firearms used defensively is only one topic covered in the material. The paper, in turn, cites a book titled Armed: New Perspectives on Gun Control regarding defensive firearm use, which I do not have access to and have never read.

> (You)
>Well between fixing the entirety of society and stopping production of a thing I think the second is slightly easier.
LOL. Such a lazy ass response. I bet you can't even name the countries, much less identify what's different, either legislatively or culturally.

And if you're going to have such a strong opinion on this topic, at least be minimally informed. Look at how much firepower it took to deal with the Branch Davidians. You call replicating that shit nationwide easier?

>Using bullets to stop the manufacture of bullets.
All you need is a shortage, Just tell Winchester and the boys to pack up and go home for a few months, You can even pay their workers for the trouble.

>What's the pro gun argument on stopping school shootings? I'm very pro 2A but don't know how to argue this part, when people keep pointing towards all the school shootings that have gone on.

Like most thing in this stupid country you and everyone else have been lead by the nose to focus on the wrong problem.

The problem isn't with the guns. The problems with school shootings stems from the gross over-use of prescription drugs. There is no one drug ( Xanax, Wellbutrin...whatever) that fits all. Yet these types of drugs are given to kids without any idea of the consequesces. Drugs pushed by Manufacturers who want profit and teachers to lazy or inept to assert control are given to kids with still undeveloped brains who have no real problems to begin with and are expected to be zombified like all the others on the drug.

But brain chemistry is a real thing and those drugs change your brain chemistry. Sometimes in ways that no one intends. Hence, school shootings will seem perfectly normal and a rational act to someone who shouldn't have been prescribed in the first place.

The bottom line is that these drugs are a $300+ million a day cash cow. Do you really think the drug companies what the light of truth shined on them? They are perfectly happy with a the media driven hate focused on some silly-assed NRA.

The rest of the world is right.....Americans are stupid. They allow themselves to be manipulated by a bunch of Jews. And the whole worlds suffers for it.

I liked the armed veterans thing honestly.

Stop prescribing SSRIs and other psych meds like candy:

It's well known that these meds make people homicidal. Only common denominator in most non-Muslim related mass shootings.

If you have an establishment and you do not want the people who use your establishment to be armed for their own security then it becomes your responsibility to provide security for your patrons.

This does not advocate for armed children or armed teachers, although an armed teachers would be wise because the teachers are aware of what students may pose more of a risk and may be more prepared in the event something does happen.

I think the best course of action would be to have private security firms who are vetted by school superintendents and local law enforcement, to provide the necessary security the schools require.

>What's the pro gun argument on stopping school shootings?
Having an officer there to handle it. How the fuck else do you stop everything else? How do you stop a guy punching you to death? Outlaw fists? You get the police to do their job. There was an officer, he retired because he didn't go in.

Don't fall into that trap. Just because you're pro gun it doesn't mean that you're Pro school shooting. It also doesn't mean that you have to solve the problem. I enjoy the occasional beer but it's not my place to solve drunk driving for the country.

>muh assault rifles
Handguns are used in 100 times more crimes than "assault" rifles. No pro-gun person takes you asshats seriously because you are literally targeting something of little significance and claiming that it will have a desired effect.

You want people to take you seriously, bring up real statistics and target the real problems. Your affectual reasoning will always fail if it lacks any logic whatsoever. Handguns are far more significant, but we dont want to seriously talk about the problem do we? we just want white people to loose more and more white culture

Lets face it though, leftists dont even want to talk about handguns because then we'd have to talk about who commits most of the crimes using handguns. That would lead into ACTUALLY DISCUSSING THE PROBLEM but since most of those crimes are committed by black men, we should focus on something more common for whitey.

Getting rid of gun free zones would drop the chances of someone attacking a school dramatically. The idea that anyone could be armed equally or better than you and these individuals are distributed seemingly at random is a wonderful cost effective deterrent.

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There is none because it's literally unecessary, trying to take a right from everyone because 1 idiots misuses his is beyond stupid, it's like if one idiot crashes his car and now everyone has to stop driving so that no car crashes will happen again.
Also guns are just like any other weapon, entirely dependant on the user motive to use it, just this is already reason to not ban it since you can't assume everyone has bad intentions with a weapon, and if they're going to ban a weapon because it's a weapon they may as well ban anything that can be used as a weapon aka everything.
And I'm not even going to start on the "why would you need a weapon this potent" bullshit.