Tom Cruise

What's crazy is how they sued the IRS in every state to the point they received their tax free status.
The endless law suites were a nightmare for the IRS, so they made the deal.

>it was created by Hubbard alone.
>CIA asset
Pick one

This was the funniest shit I've ever seen. Tropic Thunder is a god damn national treasure.

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>Scientology is based. You create a Jew-proof shield around your life, property and communications, and call it a religion.
Scientology is just a way for actors to protect themselves from the jews. None of the originators and big members believe in this, it's a jew shield.

explain these jew shield properties niggers

it's a money draining cult


Literally saying kikes are disgusting.

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>Scientology a protection club
That would make sense. Thanks Anons.

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Oblivion is very underrated, as is the same director’s Tron Legacy.

I completely agree. The dude has not only a distinctive style, but he also used genuinely good filming techniques. Oblivion I am more familiar with and was so impressed with the projection lighting (not Lucas CGI slop) that I try to incorporate a form of it into my own day job. The script, without giving spoilers, is an extremely good representation of how most people confront our 'new world order' system.

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>earth is bad place now, everyone goes to titan (saturn) to be saved
>turns out that it was a lie, and all the people who went to saturn were damned
What did Cruise mean by this?

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