How do we get Chicanos to start voting Republican?

actually, most of them are. They just stay quiet. I want the merit based (tax paying, non-felon) immigration system. Kick out all the lawbreakers, keep the hard working law abiding future Americans.

while that may be true, they still love Mary, they will do any nuber of bad things, but get almost Islamofascist angry if you say anything bad about her.

Let me see...
- Focus on christian values
- Make it clear niggers are worse
- Hell, make it clear all the problems with the spic communities is them wanting to act like niggers
- Act directly with hispanic governments in order for spics to easily and cheaply come and go from their countries and the US
- Use such government relations to make deportations look more fair in the eyes of the spics, who get bombarded with bullshit from the media that makes deportations look unfair
- When spics are filthy degenerate criminals, make the way they've been filthy degenerate criminals as clear, obvious and loud as possible. Spics tend to have tribal and victim mentalities, so incarcerations and deportations of their people tend to appear unfair in their eyes

Something along those lines.

>nothing relevant in jewgle

you realize the average mexican iq is 85 right pedro? Not only were the people who founded the country white, they were intelligent. Mexicans are not.

We don't, we remove them as a voting bloc.

>> How do we get Chicanos to start voting Republican?

I think a lot of them did vote for Trump because of Hillary's connection with black magic Juju (spirit cooking, occultism, anti-Christianism at their conventions, etc)

stop being racist?


t Cuban.

>also fuck santaria niggers

Problem is, while most immigrant spics tend to be tax-paying, non-felon, outstanding citizens (though not republican by and large, just either democrat or apolitical), their kids tend to be affected by the marxist agenda and turn as rotten as the illegal immigrants that were also criminals back home.

They and other variations of nigger vote democrat because they get free shit along with all the love propaganda, the only way I see it happening is by making them not want the gibs, this would require actually good education and cultural revolution, it's easier to send them back to México.