Keep it going. Keep tweeting it. We're now trying to see if Roseanne or some other celebrity is dumb enough to retweet it.
Keep it going. Keep tweeting it. We're now trying to see if Roseanne or some other celebrity is dumb enough to retweet it.
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a bump on the side of me head.
Yeah, sure, I'll bump, why not
CIA niggers BTFO, no war in Syria sponsored by joooooos
Bump to the top
Here's the original American file. Share it
millennial matt is a jewish shill
also not your personal army faggot
I have been calling the white house twice a day all week
British JPG.
My bad. That's the Aussie one lol
in all serious i feel like this is a honeypot though, was saying in the other threads with (((discord)))
Fucking kys you subversive kike.
No one use this Jewish propaganda
black and white version
Are you fucking retarded, the only thing we want right now is a war with Syria. It's literally 2 000 000 birds with one stone.
whats the trick here? i got the "its ok to be white" thing.
but what does this prove? or is it just a political movment, trying to get people do share a glorfied facebook post?
Official Britbong edition
These Jewish groups WILL NOT condemn this campaign. You're just giving them good PR. It's not just a waste of time, you're actually working for (((them))).
Do you think the United States will let that happen? Any war with Iran will drag America into the conflict in order to protect Israel.
hello, russia. back to your vietnam war propaganda again i see
it's basically a way to stop kikery but a disinfo campaign way and probably test to see how disinfos spread
'no war in syria' is a pretty retarded slogan desu considering there has already been war in syria for 7 years
thats the joke
even if
we want to spread the message
Netherlands Edition
>Print out this "No War in Syria" picture
>"Humanitarian" millennials start tweeting and posting "#NoWarInSyria #WorldPeace" on social media
>Catches people's attention
>Catches media's attention
>ADL and AIPAC start denying sponsorship of this and start condemning it saying that "the Jewish community in America supports intervention in Syria"
>People see this
>Backfires on Jewish community in America as boomer neocons and moderates start getting suspicious of Jews
Talking about fucking American intervention you retarded mother fucker
Then why include the names of the Jewish groups to begin with? Like I said, you're giving them good PR.
Why the fuck would the ADL condemn something like this? It's just stupid thinking.
>be jewish groups
>just say that we didnt do this but we also dont necessarily disagree
>ur gay
Thank you
this based on the idea that "the reason the US is joining is because ISreal is telling them too?" and "that the US would have left if not for Isreals very 'timely' attack"?
and this movement is trying to take power away from the fanatical deathcult that genuinly hopes the world is going to end soon because they think it willl send them to heaven and would likely do whatever it takes to make that end of the world- war, happen faster?
the concept of a Jow Forums honey pot is fucking stupid. If they have the technology to be honeypotting they dont need you reporting in to a thread, they are already monitoring everything you post here and its not like they have to prompt you to say anything you might say in this thread, none of it is new and none of it is of any use any more than a list of IP's of everybody who comes to this site.
That said
That, is. A tactic to expose the Zionists.
>And yet it'll still spread virally making more people aware that we should be against the war
>Still a win
the logic here is that the groups will say they want a war, but theyll just say we want peace and a safe israel
Haha it's real, kikes about to get BTFO'd
lots of JIDF slide cucks on this thread, they are scared
sorry im a twat,
are these sponsers jewish organizations? is this the "gotcha"?
They'll have to condemn the campaign, any anyone who happens to see these posters will have to become aware of that condemnation. Not going to work.
>disinfo campaigns are a win, no matter the sacrifice
Need higher-res version plox
it really doesnt matter any way or another, it's just funny seeing such a strong influence to create a narrative
that's the point, to expose them as war-hungry shills.
nah, with the latest revelations of how social media is used to create an opinion, stuff like this can be used as data and science to see how it spreads
controlled experiment as opposed to looking at a real
especially when there are discord links involved
Why not focus our efforts on something that would actually work?
You don't get it. They won't condemn this campaign. Nothing will be exposed. Some on lookers will see the posters and conclude that Jewish groups are anti-war.
but the adl just has to say that they arent making the posters, but agree with peace, yet safety
you dont understand you can ensure safety by force?
or why not just let the middle east go to shit and then finish the kikes off when they muzzies go belly up?
it's a ongoing strategy of an everchanging situation
bc thats not the point of the poster
even if it backfire through Israel or any related Jew media
other people not related to Jow Forums can spread it and found themselfs why are the jew rumors spreading through the board or why are we trying to go against UN intervention
with no bullshit shills like you
Regardless, we'll still have gotten the message across to be anti-war. Nobody's going to pay much mind to the sponsors except the people that know who they are. The ones who already hate them will still hate them and the ones who like them will probably be indifferent (or maybe hate them).
I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. Is English your first language?
nice one retard
is it because you cant make an argument?
>not forcing the jews to clarify they actually want war
You must be a 90iq brainlet
Pol is for 5d chess players only.
I am sorry to hear that. It is probably swelling from a recent impact if you have hit it anytime recently, sometimes the muscles surrounding your head can become tense and bunch up on one side too, leading to the sensation of there being a bump. I wouldn't worry about it either way, user.
I did make an argument. Your response was mostly gibberish.
Fuck Russian shills
Trump is based. America is based. Israel is based. Jews are based.
Trump follows the BASED jews. Fuck all those who don't support the BASED jews.
This one killed me. Look at the poster. Anyways, glad to see this is finally gaining traction
>this thread
>notice there is no difference between stupid fucking useful idiot hippies and dumb fucks helping spread this garbage on social media
>cia niggers out
>kgb fuckers in
KYS. either russia or the u.s. gets their pipeline through syria and this is straight up textbook russian propaganda style
forgot pic related
May be a stupid question but is the hashtag actually supported by ADL or is it there to piss the kikes off?
yeah you were
and i just kick your balls so hard that you cant find anything else to relay your shill bullshit in
i couldn't really interpret either easily, so i didn't read it lol
i think you're missing the point of the potential power that you're dabbling in. Sure, I don't think necessarily Assad gassed his own people, but it's a damn good way to get control of a rebel controlled down, as they surrendered the next day, don't you think?
With a particular form of propaganda blaming the israelis for a falseflag, this takes the attention of the possibility that Assad himself attacked the town strategically, simply by using a rogue group not tied to his military
You're now here at the part where israel is pretending to say they want peace to ensure nothing escalates
idk, the potential power isn't worth a small victory
I asked you to fucking clarify your word salad. Why are you refusing?
Oy gevalt.
er, i skipped a step, you're at the part where russian/assad shills are pretending to be israelis wanting peace
the rebels that were in the gassed city were vitually some of the last rebels in syria, and now they're dispersed. this was one of the jews' last poker chips on the table taken off the table by assad indirectly
ADL and AIPAC have been calling for attacks on Syria for a few years now I believe. See this 4-5 year old article on the times of Israel where they say a number of jewish groups are pushing for some sort of strike in Syria:
Piss kikes off
Kek they're taking the bait
no kike it woulnt matter if your shill bullshit happens this will get in anyone with common sense
>if you were so careless about you wouldnt even bother to post your bullshit argument
>oops i guess wrong nigger
Was going to say, did you mix me up with the other guy with a similarly colored id?
Dj race mixer
I wonder who wants the (((war))) the most? Could it be the Zionists? hm..
I go to a liberal ass university, what would be the consequences if I was caught posting these? Do I have plausible deniability since it's just an anti-war poster?
good shit.
I warned the ADL of this. fuck nazis, punch nazis
Leaf kike
Can someone tell which font this is? I'll make some with other languages.
Calibri, I believe
thanks man!
Post em here when your done dude. We've also got an official Discord server you should join
h- t t t-p s: / / disco-rd. gg/ uqbq wxA
>Remove all spaces and instances of "-". Jow Forums won't allow me to post it as a regular link.
FYI, wikileaks just put up a poll about war with Syria. Possibly could be used as a hub? (whispering: they have 5m+ followers)
How would we do that? They won't retweet. They never spread false info
Just Say No