NWIS is Spreading

Leaf kike

Can someone tell which font this is? I'll make some with other languages.

Calibri, I believe


Attached: Screenshot_20180412-132021.jpg (1080x825, 339K)

thanks man!

Post em here when your done dude. We've also got an official Discord server you should join

h- t t t-p s: / / disco-rd. gg/ uqbq wxA

>Remove all spaces and instances of "-". Jow Forums won't allow me to post it as a regular link.


FYI, wikileaks just put up a poll about war with Syria. Possibly could be used as a hub? (whispering: they have 5m+ followers)

How would we do that? They won't retweet. They never spread false info

Just Say No

Attached: Dont Do It For Her.gif (480x360, 870K)