Syria General /sg/ - Make Love, Not War edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>E Ghouta Apr 8
>Idlib Apr 8
>N Homs Apr 5
>DeZ-Bukamal Apr 2
>Yemen Apr2
>Afrin Apr 1
>Yarmouk camp Mar16
>Lavrov on Syria

Devs April 13
>Guardian: Preparations for a possible Russian counter attack on the British base RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus were underway on Thursday in the event of US-led military action in Syria.
>Russia's UN ambassador says top priority is to avert war in Syria, doesn't rule out possibility of US-Russian conflict.
>DefconWarningSystem: Some reports that backchannel talks between the United States and Russia over Syria have broken down "badly". We don't know how true this is.
>President Trump met with NSC members, has yet to make final decision on Syria.

Devs April 12
>Tigers get redeployment orders for Yarmouk offensive
>Mattis to Congress; US military does not have evidence either chlorine or sarin were used in Douma
>Merkel states Berlin will support allies in Sy, but “Germany will not participate in any military operations"
>Al-Sukhnah; SAA, Hez and Liwa al-Fatemiyoun counter attack IS along DeZ Hwy, reports state they reclaimed some of the lost points
>Macron; "We have proof" chemical weapons were used by Assad last week
>China calls for restraint amongst all parties in Sy


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Other urls found in this thread:

leaf n sheit

Did anyone else unironically vote for Trump in order to trigger WW3 and destroy modern civilization?

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Blocks your path

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I wanna kiss every Russian anons

I know I did, lol

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>meme defense system

>Did anyone else unironically vote for Trump in order to trigger WW3 and destroy modern civilization?
My opinion is that WWIII will unironically be good for the economy.
Does that make me a shekelchaser?

this picture makes me so hard

the look in her eye, you just KNOW they banged

Vasily Nebenzya is known to be THE most hung diplomat in the UN, possibly one of the biggest in the world. his cock has been described as "like a vodka bottle", with gargantual thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty mac. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed Nikki's pussy.

they would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting herself wet enough just so she can take it. i can just imagine her begging for it, with Vasily barely able to force it past the knob, and Nikki moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. she would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to her cervix.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with her vaginal muscles clamping down on Vasily's throbbing monstrosity, her whole body quivering in euphoria..

i bet she still masturbates to the memory of it

This. I wish putin would notice me.

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kiwimutts should all burn in the fires of hell

>4 tubes
>40 missiles
Good luck, Russkie shill.

And you're gonna pay for the damage!

>Impling the overpriced US military is not a meme.

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>the jew in russia

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>You will never walk by a lake with shirtless Putin as he leans over and passionately kisses you

Why even live


>mob boss
prepare for the fallout. the neocons have set the stage for the greatest sperg out of the century. hide your dogs and butcher your children.

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Reposting, lest we forget
>The original neocons were a small group of mostly Jewish liberal intellectuals who, in the 1960s and 70s, grew disenchanted with what they saw as the American left’s social excesses and reluctance to spend adequately on defense. Many of these neocons worked in the 1970s for Democratic Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, a staunch anti-communist.
>The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 moved much of the Bush administration closer than ever to neoconservative foreign policy. Only days after 9/11, one of the top neoconservative think tanks in Washington, the Project for a New American Century, wrote an open letter to President Bush calling for regime change in Iraq. Before long, Bush, who campaigned in 2000 against nation building and excessive military intervention overseas, also began calling for regime change in Iraq.
>In a highly significant nod to neocon influence, Bush chose the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) as the venue for a key February 2003 speech in which he declared that a US victory in Iraq “could begin a new stage for Middle Eastern peace.” AEI – the de facto headquarters for neconservative policy – had been calling for democratization of the Arab world for more than a decade.

Has it ever been used or is it a meme like invincible Leopard or Abrams?

>bridges collapsing, city streets are cratered, children massacred
in america. meanwhile we're spending $10 million dollars a night in jet fuel in order to survey targets to destroy in a foreign country

>invades your taiwan while your not looking

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america need to purge all neocons

*repels ur invasion*
nuthin personell kid

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Lel. The posters in this thread is really trying too hard to make it seem like it's a bad idea for America to go to war right now.

>Repells invasion

Taiwan would vote for joining China in a heartbeat

Depends. You sure as hell know who's paying for it (you), and who'll benefit from it (not you)

Do it faggot.

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Why do I love Xi so much? It must be his beautiful face.

So your an accelerationist?

ughh why can't I be Vasily and fuck Nikki's juicy pussy myself, why live

Yeah the Republic Of China, not the PRC.

You can't be this delusional, c*mmieshit

#Medium Happening

Volodin and Co introduces a bill to the State Duma. Includes points on nationalizations of foreign companies

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Genuinely confused why Apo isn't /ourguy/

>The real power that forced me out of Syria was Israel. It should not be forgotten that Israel and Turkey already had clandestine agreements in the 1950s.

>Mossad did invite me to worth with them... But I was not open to, nor desired this - neither politically nor morally.

>The system we are confronted with is supposedly based on human rights. In reality though, it is an (((elite group))) manipulating and exploiting the rest of humanity, unleashing war whenever that is in their interests. (((They))) are the ones dictating the roles the rest of humanity must play.

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that pic, wow

>Depends. You sure as hell know who's paying for it (you), and who'll benefit from it (not you)
Well that's what you're telling me, but if my hunch is correct I believe that the long term U.S. economy would benefit, long term national safety would benefit, and new technologies would be introduced faster into our world which would benefit at least my personal hobbies. Well that is if the U.S. decides to go in on a "big war" instead of nickel, and dime-ing itself to death with prolonged micro wars.

Here's another one

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>Brainlets ITT actually think a full scale war between the US and Russia will happen

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>Do it faggot.
I would if I was able to make that call.

oh god whats skeletor doing to bruce willis

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daily reminder you're talking to a zionist in russia

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He's gone rogue. He's been supplying Assad directly. War is inevitable, if only to stop his reign of terror.

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Breddy good :D

why are Russians so aesthetic?

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I hate u

Why would they do that?

>Brainlets in this pub think a full scale war between the UK and Germany will happen
t. 1913

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>I believe that the long term U.S. economy would benefit,
How? You aren't really so naive you think the strikes are about oil, pipelines or the economy?

>long term national safety would benefit

The exact opposite. Although terrorist acts are mostly a meme, alot more people in the US dies in school shootings, the war will still continue and terrorists would be much better off. A conflict with Russia on the other hand, can lead to apocalypse

These are several different people you retard

But user. I'm an agnostic American who lives in America.
These two are mine.

"Venezuela here we go"

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everybody did, it was just a plus that he happened to act in the best interest of GOOD up until the kikes got him around their finger.

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Go sign up for the Russian army faggot, your country needs you

>Brainlets in this trench think a full scale war between Germany and USSR will happen
t. 1940

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you got me leaf. 2smartbomb4me but not so soon!!!

Currently in "never used" status. Wonder if we got to see if it meme or not.

Did Venezuela nationalise US companies?

Did I miss something?

>Be you in 2024
>Your work has you and a few coworkers visiting the suite of a foreign national named Ali who is visiting your country on a business trip
[At the suite]
>Your normie coworkers are mingling and chatting with Ali
>You find a quieter part of the suite and sit down
>As you look around the room you see a picture of a man you immediately recognize
>Issam Zahreddine (Pic Related)
To be continued in Part 2

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go on...

>You stare at the picture of The Druze Beast and reminisce about your days of autistically shitposting on /sg/ back when the war was ongoing.
>Unbeknownst to you Ali saw you from across the room and noticed you looking at Issam’s picture
>Ali parts from your coworkers and walks towards you as your coworkers prattle on amongst each other
>Ali says: “He was a brave man and a true Shaheed.”
>You look surprised and turn to see Ali. His eyes are locked on Issam’s picture. His expression is a solemn one of respect and sorrow.
>Your autistic mind thinks of things to say and you awkwardly stammer out: “Issam is based. Death to the Yahudi!”
>A puzzled expression comes across Ali’s face. He’s confused, but he senses that you have respect for Issam and a genuine interest in the war
>He looks to you and says: “He and I fought for the same cause.”
>Your eyes light up as you hear those words. You feel as if you had just met your favorite athlete.
>You sheepishly ask: “Did you serve with Issam?”
>The foreign man replies: “No. I never had the honor of serving with Major General Zahreddine. But I had the honor of serving with some of the best comrades a man could ask for.”
>You inquire: “Oh. Who did you serve with?”
>Ali grins with pride and says: “The Syrian Arab Air Force.”
To be continued in Part 3

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I don't think u understand.
Russia has its war supplies; we'll run out sooner or later.
We literally ran out of bombs with Libya.

70+ years of consumerism and it has left us without resources to keep our lifestyle.
My point: "We war you" for resources.

>brainlets in this mass grave literally think our empire and the americans are at war

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Syria general brought you by Rusian shill....
God damn Jow Forums hs really gone downhill

Imagine that, those retards thought a war is impossible and the media has pushed for it!

Hell,if they did
They nationalized EVERY foreign company and that's one of the main reasons they're going to shit

>Your starry eyes are still beaming
>”Y-you fought with the Air Force?”
>The proud soldier feels that you know quite a bit about the conflict. He’s glad he’s found someone who knows about the war and respects its victors.
>Ali takes a seat in a nearby chair and says: “Get comfy little kuffar. I’m going to tell you a story.”
To be continued in Part 4

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>They nationalized EVERY foreign company
Even Chink and Russian ones?

>and that's one of the main reasons they're going to shit

Really? I thought they are under a literal embargo buy the US and EU kikes?

any sourians with knowledge of Damascus here?

We're waiting for the next part

>The old warrior gently pulls out a golden watch from his pocket and looks at it proudly before looking towards you and begins his story.
>”This watch was first purchased by my grandfather during the Arab-Israeli War.”
>”It was bought at a little jewelry stall in Latakia, Syria. Made by the first company in Syria to make wrist watches. Up ‘til then people just carried pocket watches.”
>”It was bought by a Private named Ahmed Hussein on the day he set off for Golan. This was my grandfather’s watch and he wore it every day he was in that war.”
>”When he had done his duty he went home to my grandmother – he took the watch off then put it in an old tea can. And in that can it stayed.”
To be continued in Part 5

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>How? You aren't really so naive you think the strikes are about oil, pipelines or the economy?
At the very least it will take manpower to rebuild, an entire workforce to feed, and supply those laborers, and the course of the war will naturally need people to pump out new technologies for during, and after the war. Then this, and that...
My way of thinking is the complete opposite Naïveté.
>A conflict with Russia on the other hand, can lead to apocalypse
Lele. Okay why would you think this? Convince me that you aren't stupid, and if you mention anything about a "nuclear holocaust" that ends the world then I'll just consider you a bad shill.

Continue but make the stories longer so you don't have 30 parts

theres only 1 kike with a russian flag and the 'plz respond' name
and it's the same kike that posts shit bread to derail /sg/
do everyone a favor and kys

>”Until my dad, Abed Hussein, was called upon by his country to go off and fight the Israelis once again. This time they called it the October War.”
>”My grandfather gave this watch to my dad for good luck. Unfortunately Abed’s luck wasn’t as good as his old man’s. Abed was a tanker and he was killed – along with most of the other tankers at the Battle of Nafakh.”
>”My dad was facing death. He knew it. None of those boys had any illusions that they were leaving that valley alive.
>”So 3 days before the assault began my dad asked a gunner on an Air Force transport named Abdul, a man he had never met before in his life to deliver to his infant son, who he had never seen in the flesh, his gold watch.”
>”3 days later my dad was dead, but Abdul kept his word. After the war was over he paid a visit to my grandmother – delivering to my infant self, this gold watch.”
To be continued in Part 6

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Who's asking? CIA?

oh so your argument is he's wrong and you're right no matter what? wow great debate champ! you truly are mommies special mutt.

Americans are fucking insane, and need to be put down.

>”This watch.” Ali said as he held up the golden watch.
>”-was on my wrist as I was shot down over Idlib. I was captured and put in a terrorist prison camp.”
>”I knew that if the takfiri ever saw the watch – they would confiscate it. Take it away.”
>”The way I looked at it this watch was my son’s birthright. I’d be damned if any greasy wahhabi was gonna put his dirty hands on my boy’s birthright.”
>”So I hid it – in one place I knew I could hide something. My ass. 5 long years I wore this watch up my ass. I hid this uncomfortable watch up my ass for 5 whole years. Then after those 5 years I was sent home to my family. Now. This watch will be my son’s when he comes of age.”


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Rank these lads, /sg/:

>oh so your argument is he's wrong and you're right no matter what? wow great debate champ! you truly are mommies special mutt.
All the "nuclear" weapons could detonate right now, and it would not end the world. Anyone who says otherwise is either stupid, or willfully lying to push an agenda.

Are the 7 parts okay? I like having pics to set the theme. Maybe I could make it 5 or 6 parts.

Thank you for your interest friend

>Even Chink and Russian ones?
I'm not aware of the Russian ones tbqh

>I thought they are under a literal embargo buy the US and EU kikes?
This is another reason, but the main one is the lack of foreign investment (mostly from LatAm countries) due to government's actions, such as nationalize everything they can. There is no a real market place for investment, therefore their economy is just sinking.

Vid is a show of Chavez nationalizing lots of buildings just because fuck you

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Story started off good, but the ending felt rushed

just a regular blyad blyad
I want to know where "al-Wanar quarter" is

>Lele. Okay why would you think this? Convince me that you aren't stupid, and if you mention anything about a "nuclear holocaust" that ends the world then I'll just consider you a bad shill.
Russia will just launch a tactical nuke against the carrier groups that attack her. That's it.

>Putin #1
>Assad #2
>Kim #3
>Xi #4
>al-Houthi #5
>Nasrallah #6

Let this be true lmao

It was good, lad. 7-12 parts is ideal. Keep them long and try not to rush and they're 10/10


Appearently, the syrians fired a bunch of S-300s (less meme-y S-400) at the IAF planes but scored zero hits, to the point where the kikes shot down one of the missiles with their anti-missile system.

>Russia will just launch a tactical nuke against the carrier groups that attack her. That's it.
This is your ace in the hole? Okay man I'm convinced that Russia is stronk, so maybe it's in Russia's best interest to fight a war that they can win, no?

I'll add a few more lines at the end for the autist's reaction to the story. Would that fix it? Also you have to read the story in Christopher Walkin's voice:

it's in everyones best interest that your country and everything it stands for be stopped

We can easily win a nuclear war if we strike first. We'll lose something like 40-50 million people, while the West would be completely obliterated.

Then we can split the world with Chinks and poos

Alright, thanks for the feedback.

Alright, lol. You write any books?

You do know that delivery of S-300 was halted by Putin order in 2013? Syrian doesn't even have them.

>We'll win
>Lose 40-50 million people in the process

Is that even winning though? Life inside a bunker, just to run outta food not to long after? Only people who wouldn't be touched would be like nomads in Siberia who wouldn't even know a nuclear war took place anyway

>Only people who wouldn't be touched would be like nomads in Siberia who wouldn't even know a nuclear war took place anyway

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