kiwimutts should all burn in the fires of hell
Syria General /sg/ - Make Love, Not War edition
>4 tubes
>40 missiles
Good luck, Russkie shill.
And you're gonna pay for the damage!
>Impling the overpriced US military is not a meme.
>the jew in russia
>You will never walk by a lake with shirtless Putin as he leans over and passionately kisses you
Why even live
>mob boss
prepare for the fallout. the neocons have set the stage for the greatest sperg out of the century. hide your dogs and butcher your children.
Reposting, lest we forget
>The original neocons were a small group of mostly Jewish liberal intellectuals who, in the 1960s and 70s, grew disenchanted with what they saw as the American left’s social excesses and reluctance to spend adequately on defense. Many of these neocons worked in the 1970s for Democratic Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, a staunch anti-communist.
>The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 moved much of the Bush administration closer than ever to neoconservative foreign policy. Only days after 9/11, one of the top neoconservative think tanks in Washington, the Project for a New American Century, wrote an open letter to President Bush calling for regime change in Iraq. Before long, Bush, who campaigned in 2000 against nation building and excessive military intervention overseas, also began calling for regime change in Iraq.
>In a highly significant nod to neocon influence, Bush chose the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) as the venue for a key February 2003 speech in which he declared that a US victory in Iraq “could begin a new stage for Middle Eastern peace.” AEI – the de facto headquarters for neconservative policy – had been calling for democratization of the Arab world for more than a decade.
Has it ever been used or is it a meme like invincible Leopard or Abrams?