How's it going lads?
A comfy thread to discuss the upcoming war and how you're coping. Don't worry, we all die together.
Where's everyone from?
How's it going lads?
A comfy thread to discuss the upcoming war and how you're coping. Don't worry, we all die together.
Where's everyone from?
I'm comfy af. Where the French lads at. United once again against evil. WW3 when
South Yorkshire here
What’s the best way to maximise my chances of being killed by a nuke?
See you on the front lines soon
c u
Head straight to London.
Was about to go to sleep. Now I'm going to make a cup of tea.
My gf is boarding a flight for London in 5 hours. Honest question, will she get nuked?
Southern neighbour we're safe, except I'm getting drafted.
If the draft comes, head south of the border. You can stay with me in the Galtee mountains.
Sounds comfy.
Nukes are overrated. If you think you're going to die by nuclear fire in the first 5 minutes of WWIII you either live in DC or you've bought all the hippy propaganda. As long as you're not at the epicenter you've got a decent chance of surviving provided you're not retarded. Stockpile supplies now so you can survive the aftermath without starving to death. Alternatively, join the military so you can fight in the most metal war in history.
>no near any of the military bases
>get to watch the world rip itself apart without any fear of death
>winter is just going to last longer
I'm too comfy right now.
Tampa FL here. We’ve got MacDill AFB so we’re near the top of Putin’s shit list. At least I die quickly and painlessly
No mate, not unless Moscow wants to be uninhabitable for 1000 years
Can someone catch me up with some confirmations of the shit going down only just got home from work.
Meh. If I die or not, there's no issue here. I'll be comfy.
Post your BGM for the end.
US UK and France are apparently doing airstrikes in Syria whilst being VERY careful to avoid Russian and Iranian targets.
Are we going to get nuked?
I unironically want to see US soldiers getting killed.
>Galtee mountains.
Can I stay too user? I'm white
>Tfw when flat feet so no drafty for me
I'm feeling safe here in Cleveland. There hasn't been anything worth nuking in Cleveland since they invented nukes!
Comfy, got spec ops line OST playing after hearing announcement. Might fire up and play some spec ops again.
you're gay
St Pete here. Here's hoping your irradiated corpse hits my house from the force of the blast b4 the nuclear hellfire takes us both.
>Continious nato war since before we all were born
There will never be a draft as long as their is fiat. When fiat falls, run.
Got really drunk and now I'm depressed.
Virginia fag here. Being between DC and Norfolk basically makes me a nuke target
Remote town here, but not remote enough that I'm not in the blast radius of some of the larger nukes
I live in new york city how fucked am I?
Gayest shit ive ever read
BC Interior.
I've frantically checked the wind patterns for every US target near me - they're all blowing south. We're only going to get hit by the EMP it seems.
So I guess it's back to medieval life for a few decades here... real life changer for me. I hope I can convince the city to build a wall because we'll have a fuck ton of mutt refugees pouring in.
What a good time to live in an irrelevant country!
L.A. I’m just trying to save money and buy a house in Utah or something. I’m in the National guard and somewhat close to retirement, but I also think if we went to war on our soil or tried to fight Russia head on it would be stupid. Really hope my unit doesn’t volunteer.
Groningen, north Netherlands here. Is Russia gonna invade Europe soon, or just nuke us all to death?
Any streams?
pls no take falklands after/during the war, that where I plan on moving to avoid the nukes if they can wait long enough
Anyone got a spare room to rent out?
/Arkansas/ standing by.
Drankin' beer. Smokin' cannabis.
right there with ya :)
Originally from the U.S. Now live in the Bahamas. I hope that war doesn't come here. But if war does come here, then I hope that they let me fight even though I am a foreigner. I want to be part of something more than myself before I die.
Hey BC Bro. Good to know we might make it. Im right by the boarder so I might get fucked. Doesnt help that Im close to a russian missile target from the cold war. Oh well RIP
Same story man. Right smack dab in the center of VA. Gonna be a long night waiting to see if the world tears itself apart.
its great isnt it, my one concern is that we might get pushed into it due to proximity with the US but I sure as fuck hope not, we've been following the "stay neutral and watch the shitshow from a distance" policy for a long time, hopefully that won't change
All quiet here in Marton. Rugged up in bed with hot water bottle, brie and some Italian digestif liqueur.
Washington here, eating some good ass shrimpos
Could someone de-autism this happening? Did Jow Forums wanted a US big strike in Syria or not? Is this another war for Israel? What are the odds of this shit getting out of control?
>Inb4 lurk moar
Post some music to listen by while the nukes start going off in the distance.
Any media I should be watching rn?
Post live radio/web streams.
Drive north while you still can
If the bombs hit first steal someone's horse
I'll wait a day or two, if this keeps going on i'll probably ask a girl who i suspect has a crush on me out, just so i dont die a virgin, what about you OP?
Holed up in Eastern Ontario woods. Double happening this weekend here, Syria + a >20cm snow and ice storm in mid-April (rare). Got my booze, muh dog, plenty of popcorn and extra generator fuel just in case. I'm almost over comfy right now.
Some of you are alright. Don't go to Syria right now.
Got a cozy cabin to myself deep in the Smokey Mtns in North Carolina. By small little mountain town is full of survivalist/doomsday prepper types. We'll be okay.
Russiabro during this time of conflict, I would invite you and yours to feast with my family.
most of Jow Forums hates jews and therefore don't condone the attacks. the rest of em just want to watch the world burn. it's pretty simple
Trump launched a missile attack on Syria in response to an alleged chemical attack. There's your de-autism.
Re-autism, the only person who gains anything from this attack is Israel. This whole thing looks like a huge, fishy false flag to get us back onto destabilizing Syria, which only Israel wants.
Remember me
Might make a comfy cabin in Siberia. Could have been a mistake to live in Moscow.
>tfw too fat to draft
Yeah, it's just probably a mix of traffic and the fact that the site has been dodgy as shit all day.
Its a chilly calm New Zealand afternoon, Rugby on one screen WW3 on the other.
Its a shame dad has to get into fights sometimes but it always turns into a show.
I wish I lived in Russia. There's barely any shitskins or homos.
My next door neighbor is a kike. I'll be monitoring him closely in the coming days to see if he takes an unexpected vacation.
Cyka blyat chiki briki I v damke.
Ready to live on canned/pickled sausage, bread, and vodka.
they've been loading slow for me for about 2 days now and it's triggering
Why does Israel wins by fucking Syria?
A fellow based Arkansan I see, can't wait to die since I live literally 10 minutes from Memphis
Northern Saskatchewan hear, kinda stoked for WW3, wbu?
Colorado boy here. trying to decide which branch of the military to die in. I don't think i'm good enough for marines but I want to be in the action.
>the rest of em just want to watch the world burn
That would be my category, as long as the jews burn as well
you're better off getting nuked
njfag here
i live right next to Philly NYC and DC
If the nukes start flying i'm super duper fucked
In TN here, if we get nuked, it will probably kill more Mexicans than actual Americans.
São Paulo, Brazil.
Still not safe from the Commies.
WWII 2: Electric Boogaloo
I hope London gets nuked
Im in boston.
>how fucked am I?
Not sure but if Russia nukes DC they might as well hit us as well.
D-Dallas isn't strategically significant, right?
(((Washington))) reporting in. Nuke Seattle please
>just got a gf
>ww3 starts
on the other hand, I have fucked up feet so I won't be getting drafted
Washington, DC reporting in - we aren’t dead yet
Over here watching from my comfy rock in the Irish sea. Won't have to worry about any nukes but food shortages or radiation travelling from the UK should kill me off nice and slowly
New Zealand is probably unironicaly the safest place in the world right now. You’re not even on most maps.
>tfw my family has a cabin in the Utah mountains that I could escape to
>tfw it takes 6 fucking hours to drive there