Comfy WW3 Thread

WWII 2: Electric Boogaloo

I hope London gets nuked

Im in boston.

>how fucked am I?
Not sure but if Russia nukes DC they might as well hit us as well.

D-Dallas isn't strategically significant, right?

(((Washington))) reporting in. Nuke Seattle please

>just got a gf
>ww3 starts
on the other hand, I have fucked up feet so I won't be getting drafted

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Washington, DC reporting in - we aren’t dead yet

Over here watching from my comfy rock in the Irish sea. Won't have to worry about any nukes but food shortages or radiation travelling from the UK should kill me off nice and slowly

New Zealand is probably unironicaly the safest place in the world right now. You’re not even on most maps.

>tfw my family has a cabin in the Utah mountains that I could escape to
>tfw it takes 6 fucking hours to drive there

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