Go full SJW against """racism"""

Bingo. You have to pick a side at this point. You can't try and win over every segment of society.

That's racist.

Pretty much this.

It's an absolute joy to watch Starbucks attacked from the left. They tried to be both a public library and coffee shop- and got bit in the ass for it. Store managers are put in an impossible position. Like liberalism generally, it was doomed to fail.

Also, the cops did nothing wrong.

Attached: hmmm.jpg (773x554, 54K)

You can't even win over your own side if you go left. Beautiful.

clearly niggers should be able to loiter in coffee shops as long as they want you racist

Cutting their own throat even the tards that buy their shit won't if there dirty loud mouth rude niggers not buying Damn thing just harnessing all women. See how that shit goes for sales. When Drive thru is 80% of revenue & total sales fall by 60% they'll change their tune

As dragon once said while tripping balls kayaking whitewater

So a couple of deadbeat niggers were loitering in a coffee shop? Who gives a fuck.....

The entire country, apparently.


Free coffee for people of color. Let's pack Starbucks with black freeloaders

Globalist assholes who put shareholders before customers and profits deserve it.

Boycott tax avoiding mother fuckers