> "I want to belong to a generation that chose to defend its democracy."
What’s with the west’s fascination with democracy? It’s always ruled by the most shitiest, inept, and stupid people...
> "I want to belong to a generation that chose to defend its democracy."
What’s with the west’s fascination with democracy? It’s always ruled by the most shitiest, inept, and stupid people...
The reality is that democracy is a fetish defended by two kinds of people: the deluded and those who have something to gain from that defence. The first truly believe in the power of vote, in the power of political representation, in the need for parties, in alternation of government, etc. They really believe that when a party in power is replaced by another after the elections there's some kind of significant change.
The second, however, defends democracy because they understand exactly what it is: a way to disguise the fact that, regardless of the change of parties, power remains in the hands of the same more or less invisible elite, which through economic control and media control guarantees the political perpetuation of their interests.
As the European transitioned from authoritarian regime to liberal democracies, then the living standard rose significantly.
This has bred an underlying assumption that liberal democracy has brought this rise in living standard.
If you remove women/poor peoples right to vote, or infringe upon the liberal values in Europe, then your country will technological/economically regress.
Obviously this is not the case, but as long as people are convinced of this - then yeah, we are heading toward a civil war.
why is there a pirate in the background
>European civil war
Lol what? If that's the case, the civil war has lasted for thousands of years. When has a European country not been at war with another European country.
Democracy is decided by those who have the loudest voice or in the modern age the most media coverage. It has nothing to do with the quality of candidates and very little to do with the quality of ideas.
Well reasoned arguments are drowned out by a media saturation of simple ideas.
>If you don't do whatever the Jews say and exterminate the white race out of their native lands in Europe, then you hate liberal democracy you tyrant!
Oh how I LOVE this line of thinking. It's not (((democracy))) when the Chosen side loses, I guess? Authoritarianism would look more like, oh I don't know, a right-wing party winning, then sending the police to round up all the left-wing politicians, Jews, bankers, and their families, and then throwing a carnival-like festivity where they each got semi-automatic lead based face paint.
That authoritarian twat thinking he's liberal
Macron is the new idiot who try to usurp the power over European Union after Merkel?
He is like those newfags from /b/ who try to raid their enemies with Jow Forums.
If you want to know why he is suddenly waxing lyrical about Democracy it is because he needs the good press. His Approval ratings are lower than Trumps with the backing of the entire establishment media.
>It’s always ruled by the most shitiest, inept, and stupid people...
>other options such as communism or socialism are different
People are the problem here you daft cunt.
>Micron thinks he's in charge
It's not that they're shitty and inept. There actually frighteningly competent, you just have the bad assumption that they work in the interests of the voters. They do not. The voters, in vast majority, are braindead normies that believe whatever the media says. """Democracy""" is rule by the media and the owners thereof.
>claims he is for democracy
>doesn't give the French people a vote to leave the EU
It's shit like this that will cause a civil war. The only way a war can be avoided is if the globalists realize their plans have failed. That's not going to happen though. They are too self affirmed that they are "on the right side of history".
Have a (you).
He's also a really weird looking person, like an alien with boggly eyes.
The word "democracy" in France means leftist progressive SJW shit.
It doesn't mean that France is a democracy, considering that the fifth republic is an authoritarian regime that grants powers to the president that no other western leader could possibly hope to have.
If there is any place that trusts polls, it's Jow Forums, amirite?
French people want to stay in the EU, even Le Pen changed her mind, they don't propose the frexit anymore
Are you implying his popularity is higher you stupid shitskin?
Democracy at the very least forces investment in the people. That's even if it's all quite as bad as you say it is, which it may very well not be.
The government must die, the EU must also die!
To defend democracy is to defend financial capitalism
To defend financial capitalism is to defend those destroying any chance of ideal society for one where (((they))) can make a maximum profit margin.
This time around every european country will rise up together instead of flinging shit at each other
>you will see it in america some day
Democracy to them means minority rights, cuck values and shekels, they don't care about the power to the people part as shown with Brexit where they were all saying it should be ignored and that referendums are anti-democracy
Ironic I think, because Macron and the Pro-EU crowd are very much supporting a non democratic institution just as they generally support very illiberal cultural Marxist polices in the name of multiculturalism.
Democracy is not bad, it is very good. It is also very unnatural for humanity however, and like all social orders is easily abused by the cunning and greedy minority when majorities of people are ignorant.
Non-voting government form require more meritocratic actions from its citizens than any kind of democracy, even propertied vote.
Democracy is a meme. If you really wanted to be heard, you'd still be able to in a fucking feudal monarchy if you tried hard enough and did it according to societal protocols.
Democracy is just like universal rights: unnatural.
>Democracy is a meme.
I agree. The vast majority of people should not have the right to vote.
My point was regarding quality of life. Money flows down for votes.
It's a poll made by (((them))) for (((their))) guy.
>Well reasoned arguments are drowned out by a media saturation of simple ideas.
kinda like reddit upboats
A system where the French people actually got to make their own rules would guillotine Macron tomorrow morning, and start making plans for the solution of France's Muslim problem that afternoon.
It pampers us and makes our people weak. I would rather hardship and technological advancement and no i don't mean I-phones i mean colonising the moons of Saturn and sending probes out to neighboring solar systems within our life spans. These things require an accumulation and investment of human capital instead that same human capital is invested into dysgenic social programs.
>I believe in democracy
>except when democracy goes against the EU's wishes
What you get is China or the Saudis. Rich authoritarian nations tend to have a high degree of wealth centralized in a few major cities, and a great degree of very poor people in the countryside and minor cities.
There is no democracy without a armed populace. Fear is the only thing that makes your vote matter.
The living standard rose because of America's contributions to industrialization. Nothing to do with liberal ideaologies. You can thank things like the vacuum or the stove or the refrigerator.
Or the grocery market
Vacuums and refrigerators are and were not unique to burgerland.
But we made them accessible to the plebs.
>Please no more Muslims.
>No! Those aren't Our Democratic Values! That's not Who We Are!
>*votes right-wing*
>No! That's a turn towards authoritarianism! Our Democracy is in danger!
Through money flowing down, yes.
Pretty much summed it up.
>wants more EU
muh based macron
Starting up a country in America is like playing on easy mode. It has so many natural resources, good waterways, good farmland, etc. that you cannot fuck it up. liberal democrats simply assume that this must've been due to liberal democracy, when it was more likely due to having ethnic British colonists and having the best plot of land in the world.
No by making lots of them and people buying them for status of not living in dirty hovels.
I agree that it allows human capital to be centralised. How that is used depends on the culture and the people. An example would be as you say, China and the Saudis have poor people in the country side, while envision that the west would have poor people on Luna processing material for those Europeans governing on earth while lesser races revert to an animalistic state.
I don't see a real difference. Or a serious downside.
We made them and the world rolled with it.
They were made, in part, for votes. Because the party that directs the economy towards such things, is rewarded with votes. And so indirectly, the living standard rises.
You are wrong. The majority of votes in the first round of voting last election went to Eurosceptic parties
We also made hot water tanks. Europeans didn't have showers until we showed them the hot water showers we took daily in America.
Unlike blacks, white people can actually be taught and educated, the colonists weren't just homeless, poorly educated people, they had trades and skills and that proved to be correct when they applied them and built up. Not seeing many "Syrian" doctors or engineers contributing in Germany, other than acting as a drain on resources, finances and policing.
Europeans were still boiling water to take hot baths in portable tubs like fucking peasants.
'Liberal Democracy' seems to be a completely different thing today than it was say 25-30 years ago.
The amount of change in society is just unhealthy. Nobody knows what is what... and the young become estranged from the old, and untethered from their own culture.
It's a very demoralizing thing... and it's the so-called 'liberal-democrats' who are constantly agitating to overturn anything and everything.
We are in a period of social insanity akin to Maoist China. It could get that bad or worse, but we don't have an all powerful leader like Mao to harness it. I really can't see a good future..
>Europe was as poor as Soviet Russia
You Americans have some crazy ideas about Europe.
janusz korwin mikke is the answer. what the EU needs is an absolute monarchy where he is the king.
There are plenty of nations with absolutely terrific natural resources that find a way to fuck up spectacularly
I say ethnic British in particular because imo the Protestant culture was more conducive to successful settlement than Catholic culture. Note that the Spanish settlements in the New World are largely mestizo shitholes.
Mexico is one example. You need good colonists and good land.
I legit had Americans react with shock at the fact we have internet
Also an american invention
don't need democracy when u have goulag
You got "muh constitution, rights" and we have "muh democracy", same delusional shit
Germans share that ethic of machine like thought, we have it to an extent but the Germans are autistic with it and it can be destructive because they have no balance. It's one extreme to another, mother fuckers need some lorazepam or sodium valproate to control that shit.
Fucking this
So was Multiculturalism
this fag should anhero asap
remind the US not to get involved
That was rome
NPL did it first, sorry.
most of the time when these dickheads say democracy they are talking about liberalism. democracy is the will of the people.. if people voted for migrants to fuck off that's not anti democractic it's 'illiberal' and even then liberalism is something which progresses so it's better described as a backlash against the extreme progression of liberalism.
I wish they'd get it right because this it's anti-democratic shit is just disingenuous propaganda and if they talked about liberalism we could have a proper discussion about it's limitations and flaws.
No that was you.
No, it was the Jews.
Stop deflecting.
>A president that doesn't care about labour unions and wants to liberalise the labour market
>Every french person is a member of a labour union and all support insanely high import taxes but don't like foreign products being able to be cheaper
>Questioning why the stupid french don't like him
It's like you want to act retarded.
Most 'research papers' are horse shit anyway.
We could do without 90% of them.
at least we're allowed to defend them
i don't care for why he is disliked i am just showing that he is disliked.
"they'd get it right"
there are two types of politicians:
- useful idiots who really believe in the orwelian bullshit
- psychopaths who do it for future good positions in multinational companies
Stop thinking "policitians don't unterstand". either way, they perfectly know what they are doing.
>Eating X "COULD" give you cancer aids
>One glass of wine a day can reduce your life expectancy by 100 years!
>Not having one glass of wine a day can reduce your life expectancy by 1 billion years
and so on, it's quite irritating. If you're going to do research, do proper research like teleportation or invent new drugs that are fun and safe.
Idk. Maybe, maybe not.
Whatever they want or they do not we should never, ever give any fuck about this.
Democracy is bullshit, even if 11 millions frenchies voted for a commie, thinking they were voting for identity politics and leaving EU, that was totally dumb.
Even if our gov werent corrupted, that would still be bullshit.
Democracy is bullshit.
would be absolutly funny if everyone was shilling for ww 3 and russia vs america dunking nukes at each other but we end up with EU going in full civil war.
And whats really scary is that a war between the EU might be a real thing since there is no MAD to keep the eu countries from nuking each other to the stone age... fuck me i aint gonna die in a nuclear hellfire but il die cause of british comie bombs...
Okay so get rid of 90% then the amount of research per capita is still the same.
it's not even a problem of the president having power, in my opinion
there is absolutely no democracy here.
We must eliminate politicians, journalists and a few billionaires. Then maybe...
No I agree with the statement that whitey invents and is damn well good at it but most of the shit that is pumped out of universities under the guise of "research papers" is just retarded PHD's that don't actually want to do a job and will pick some obscure, easy crappy thing in order to justify being handed a research grant. The media will pick up a few of the studies and publish it to further brainwash and scare the public. But the public just doesn't care any longer.
> Le Pen
> not a system's slave
pick one
French people are like any other people, 95% of them are imbeciles. Shill for death camps on tv for a few months and they'll become genocidal.
no, french are even dumber, but they are loyal to the end.
If they have a good leader, they will follow him to the end.
If they do not, that means a better one came.
Otherwise, loyal to the end, even to the biggest asshole on earth.
Literally nobody thinks like you except parisians. Even Muslims vote left for the special treatment they can extract out of it, not out of any pro-EU sentiment
Authoritarians have won no elections, hold no power, and in fact have not even come close. 'Liberal democracy' has almost uncontested and absolute power, yet Macron thinks there is a civil war? Holy fuckin hell
and I assume he's the liberal democrate gud boi while the guys opposing the blacking and islamification of france are the rising authoritarians right? RIGHT? meanwhile in the real world, the french state decides who is a father of a child so when your "wife" shits out a half nigglet you still will have to pay for it bc "paternity is determined by society, not biology" - their words, not mine. who's the authoritarian tyrant here again? "the jew cries out while he beats you." this is the same shit. the authoritarian accuses you of authoritarianism as he rummages through your virtual footprint in search of wrongthink and hatespeech posts to nail you with...
oh look
jews trying to divide and conquer again........
>Authoritarians have won no elections, hold no power, and in fact have not even come close.
yes they have. all over the EU. Macron is one of these Authoritarians. Just like Merkel and May. what do you call regimes that jail people for hatespeech on the net? what do you call people that use legislature pushed through under the guise of terrorism defense to spy on their political opponents? das rite, Authoritarians. the president of our NRA got 6 months for saying "islam has declared war on the west" on his HP and in his newsletter. if that's not authoritarian, I don't know what is. How many years did the nazi pug dude get again?
>Orban hurts my feelings therefore civil war is coming
>also I am Jupiter the eternal ruler, suck my dick you plebs
Macron is an odd person
*blocks your fucking path*
When will the Roman god choose his side?
Not really. I'll bet the scientific value of papers from say, Japan is much greater than those from say, Canada.
A lot of 'research' is meme tier gender studies bullshit.
Anglo countries seem to be the ones with the greatest likelihood to cook the polls, I have to think that Mr. Centrism is probably floundering due to his warmongering.
The real redpill is realizing that France and Britain hate Roosya far more than the American elite ever did.