If you want to know why he is suddenly waxing lyrical about Democracy it is because he needs the good press. His Approval ratings are lower than Trumps with the backing of the entire establishment media.
Macron warns of “European Civil War”
>It’s always ruled by the most shitiest, inept, and stupid people...
>other options such as communism or socialism are different
People are the problem here you daft cunt.
>Micron thinks he's in charge
It's not that they're shitty and inept. There actually frighteningly competent, you just have the bad assumption that they work in the interests of the voters. They do not. The voters, in vast majority, are braindead normies that believe whatever the media says. """Democracy""" is rule by the media and the owners thereof.
>claims he is for democracy
>doesn't give the French people a vote to leave the EU
It's shit like this that will cause a civil war. The only way a war can be avoided is if the globalists realize their plans have failed. That's not going to happen though. They are too self affirmed that they are "on the right side of history".
Have a (you).
He's also a really weird looking person, like an alien with boggly eyes.
The word "democracy" in France means leftist progressive SJW shit.
It doesn't mean that France is a democracy, considering that the fifth republic is an authoritarian regime that grants powers to the president that no other western leader could possibly hope to have.
If there is any place that trusts polls, it's Jow Forums, amirite?
French people want to stay in the EU, even Le Pen changed her mind, they don't propose the frexit anymore