Are you m8s ready to die for our glorious leader?
WW3, If they bring back conscription
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Nope I will cut the throat of anyone who comes to ask why I haven't responded to the draft and bury their body in my garden.
Fuck that - I'm not dying for stuff I KNOW is bullshit for reasons which aren't disclosed.
If WW3 happens it will likely be nuclear in which case I'm toast due to proximity to london and location
No. fuck that. I'll buy my way out of it. Good luck though.
I'll be thinking of you as I jet off to a luxury hotel in NZ.
Autism is an automatic exclusion, so that is about 99% of Jow Forums
Already applied for the army last year and got rejected because of my eyesight.
I'll stay behind and breed with the lovely ladies and ladies (male) :)
They won't bring it back because WW3 isn't about land. The war will just be remote strikes against each other until one side gives up or is wiped out.
>we won the war!
>look at all the land we conquered
Firstly neutron bombs can wipe out life while leaving structures intact and the radiation doesn't last long
Secondly no one is trying to conquer or free lands right now, it's just middle eastern bullshit yet again, the nukes would be used on the sides puppeteering the proxy war (ie USA and Russia)
bong police are fat useless cunts so ill clobber them if they come looking for me
I'm not fighting for this country.
It's not worth fighting for anymore.
BASED af. Im becoming an outlaw the moment this happens to me and slaughter anyone in my way who dares question my decisions.
HA! Saved.
I'm sure as hell not being conscripted into an anti-white war. I'll go my own way and start killing traitors.
you're drafted in order of the last letter on your national insurance.
A's first, then B's etc.
the foreigners can fight first, they need to earn their right to live here.
then the women can go second, they're apparently equal now, and they owe us 2 wars imo.
> Why didn't you go to the draft user?
no i am not dying for a puppet of the damn Jews
>Dying for a country trying to eradicate my people
I identify as a woman
No one will fight for this british government
They will fight for england though.
Reminder to all the lads in this thread, take the short 2 week training they give you then at the end of it steal the guns and equipment and start a militia, don't just draft dodge.
the draft?
oh you mean the pol lads military coup
rolling 4 nukes
shit bad luck
I'd rather die fighting this country, than fighting for it. The elite will regret the day they turned their backs on us Brits. Go ask ahmed and jamal to fight for you, cunts. It's their country now, so they can fight for it.
>send you out on sailing ships
better stock up on sunscreen and extra gloves
Not a fucking chance, you can go die for the jew if you want to.
>Big gov thinking I'd be willing to die for a country that's given me and many others absolutely nothing
Nice try, Brockpuppet.
fuck no
May looks like a discarded tea bag.
Her soul is like sour milk
Only the Queen can claim the throne as having the stinkiest Queef
I would be happy to join so I can shoot myself when they give me a gun
They'll never give weapons to jamal, jamal would round them up an gas um...then burn um, then gas um some-more.
Better luck next time.
>about to turn 30
Bring it on. You cucks get to die for me.
I will turncoat and sell out my cucked squadies the first chance I get.
sorry mummy i'm too schiz to serve
That makes me feel bad man.
Now watch this
Grandpa was tricked, user
this x100
Female conscription into combat would kill feminism overnight. They'd be begging to be chained to the kitchen instead.
Living in Peru, if they draft me I'll go and tell them they should let my latina gf get citizenship, Im an auttie but that wont matter in an actual draft, plus these labels are just given up for the industry to continue. Then go die or live for this war instead of dodging like a little bitch, seriously guys when did we lose our spines as a nation, every brit posts shit getting triggerred instead of going outside and dealing with their problems, we need to man the fuck up and stop blaming other people for our shortcoming's. Same with the whole blacks and Asians on our women, ever thought they are more masculine than these cucks who post on pol and try to beg other people to agree with them instead of going outside and fighting back or improving their live's/careers and therefore improving their chances of achieving goals. Seriously I'm glad not to be living their anymore.
I'm 30. We would get drafted too, but would be less likely to be sent to a forward area as the younguns.
Last time the UK had a draft it was 18-24 year olds. We're too old to be drafted unless things get absolutely desperate.
Seen it user, It's just what will become of us in the next few decades? I fear we'll never be able to go back to /comfy/ England. Afterall there is no England now.
With your unloicensed butter knife?
Well, i live in Moscow. The only thing i need to concern myself with is escaping nuclear fallout.
If it goes full-on without nukes, or if i survive moscow, i'll probably volunteer.
Wouldn't your eyesight compromise your assessment of "lovely"?
- oy-vey, we give up. don't strike us no more.
- ok, now that you've surrendered i don't need to occupy you.
With an unloicenced bike wheel?
I could use some training, would escape right after that and join a militia, not gonna die for ""my"" jewish-reptilian overlords
militia. on a fucking island.
I got a diamond idea for you, lad.
Start "Renegade Coastguards"
no i will render myself unfit for service then die for that cunt and this cunting country.
Did they ever actually end conscription or have they just not had a reason to use it. Because selective service is always in effect here and you have to register for it when you are 18 but you won't be drafted unless there is a conflict that warrants a draft.
Another good idea - once you manage to form your renegade coastguards, join forces with IRA. They have decent experience fighting bong government.
You could false flag a hate crime in a dense muslim neighbourhoods and bring some real havoc on some government districts.
Or we could just all join Mother Russia and steamroll the fuck over everything.
I love what my country once was and despise everything it has become, i'd rather fight for the russians.
Even though I know everything is fucked up in this country I'm still proud of my heritage and I love my family. I'd fight in the war for them but not for our evil politicians.
I'm joining a PMC.
If i'm going to die, at least the paycheck should be good if I survive.
If events really do turn the way that would make such alliance possible, there wouldn't be much left to steamroll upon. Israel for one thing. What else?
And i would gladly support any hardworking brit (in third generation) against his joke of a government. I just do not believe that such opportunity will ever arise.
Hadn't thought of that. Like the time Iggy pop turned up wearing a dress or Lou Reed. That shit wouldn't work now. Removing your small toe would work .....i think ?
She is a jew dude
I can see why we're seen as little bitches.
We expel them, and drag their image through dirt and even attack their best ally. Now it's nonstop
What has Putin done to harm us proveable in anyway? If we keep taunting them, of course they're going to strike
back, but it's absolutely justifiable. This is the first time I agree with Corbyn, regarding this matter.
Anyway, go ahead native britsh people! signup for war! don't worry!! the muslims will keep your women company and the
british seed strong!! rule britannia!!
i hope the argies retake the malvinas while you're busy dying for israel
If you're sent off to war for Israel just friendly fire on Jews until you're removed from the front lines or incidently killed ((or you get away with it))
Apache helicopter, Ah well it was good while it lasted lads
>Sobs I'm soo soo sorry mr black gentleman I'll never do it again! boohoo
>glorious leader
you mean Natenyahu?
Yes as a worthless NEET, I'm willing to die for Mistress May.
May is not our "glorious leader". She is the Prime Minister, the Head of Government.
And I wouldn't even die got our actual Head of State the Queen.
But I would die for my country regardless of who's in charge.
I would fight for Britain even if it was a communist country.
You would have to pry my dead carcass from humping that banging GILF body.
If I was a Brit or even a mutt and they started drafting I'd unironically modify a semi into an auto and go spray a synagogue
More like "drag your banging body away from this dead carcass"
and limes
don't forget the limes
If you’re from London you already are. Just think of war as a casual stroll down the street. You can either be stabbed at home or die abroad! Now that’s living!
Bring it on. I don't value my life that much and fighting in a war could be a fun experience.
Why do people fight for their countries? You were literally born randomly, you could have been born in India or some African country. Iv'e never understood patriotism, just let the UK end already.
oh nice. im D
im fully agree with this.
>But I would die for my country regardless of who's in charge.
Then why are you sitting there doing nothing while mudslimes take over your country and rape your children?
nice. all those little fuckcunts in london doing the horrid shit can die on teh battlefield. hope the gov uses them as canon fodder
doesnt russia have nuclear bunkers for the whole country?
Then they will execute you on desertion charges as is tradition in EVERY major war in history.
i never registered here. dont think its a thing here. wouldnt the government auto register YOU? surely they would have a database of all citizens (legit ones, not your meximen)
Fuck i shouldn't of lost those 60 pounds
I'm 38 so I'm going to impregnate slags while all the hoodrats are off fighting for the yids.
I'd be medically unfit probably so fuck the rest of you.
>tfw LITERALLY disabled
And I'm not even worried about getting nuked. Fuck it, bring it on, release me from this earth.
Feels good man
really hope poland joining them becomes a reality. im half polish , and if putin wants to give me a tank, and dual ballers, im down
good goy
You can. Im late 30's so would volunteer as an officer and get a project management type job as thats what I would do.
Whilst they drag you kicking and screaming to basic training, I will be doing a 9-5 in a chair and home every night for Emerdale.
Cheers lads.
>Has degree in electronic and Electrical Engineering
>Will i be placed in operation hide behind the niggers
If we all conscripted knowing our kike government only whites will be sent because its discrimination.
They've confiscated your knifes, bitch.