What should we do with paedophiles?
What should we do with paedophiles?
>didn't touch a kid but confirmed pedophile in court
chemical and physical castration through the deposhot and snip-snip
>touched a kid
execution after castration.
He watched too many of those Youtube videos.
Chemical castration.
Public beatings (seriously) in the town square and scheduled/announced 6 weeks in advance.
And finally, jail time, but only high security and isolation because letting niggers rape them all day for several years will just fuck them up more sexually. Although it would be an apt punishment, it would only create more problems.
Firing squads
>window cleaner
>dressed as spiderman
>to target children's hospital
nothing about this story makes sense
Dipped in acid and then firing squad.
A-am I doing this virtue signaling right guys?
We could use them as test dummies for experiments. That are unsustainable for the normie mind set.
what is the point of castration before he is executed?
>What should we do with paedophiles?
Sensitivity training. Educate them on the art of child love and how to recognize when a child just doesn't like you "that way"
this makes me like trump more
every man is a secret pedophile better watch it! every male in this thread which is 100% of you are most likely raping little kids right now. fucking sick faggots I hope you all get castrated NO KILLED.
This is extremely rare amongst white people, it's mostly seen in niggers and sandniggers.
No need to make such a big deal about it.
What are you going to do when you find out police, judges, banking/industry/government leaders have all crossed that line into kiddiefucking and probably killing kids to in order to stay in power?
maybe give them sex dolls to stop them also like europe :)
Sand niggers are the usual suspects in cases as such.
Give Japanese Americans katanas
to cause suffering.
Lmfao wtf did I just read?
yah, of course no one is going to touch this question
It's not that rare to hear about a white kid that was diddled by his uncle.
It should be more common that diddled nephew mutilates pedouncle
That's a fucking meme you idiot. Just like everyone in the south is inbred.
Leftards and bleeding hearts will protest execution. In case they can stop it or he escapes, castration should be performed first.
elect them as our government officials
If you guys remember, pedos were brainwashing kids on youtube using spiderman and elsa triggers.
This shit is beyond fucked.
With a hammer
It isn't a meme. It's in the news pretty often, unlike inbred Southerners.
While I like the idea of public beatings or bringing back the stocks. I believe that you would get many niggers out there participating in the taunting of the criminal. They would gather around and virtue signal justice and society and give their incomprehensible speeches and freestyle rap for the news cameras.
I'd be worried that it would give niggers a free avenue to participate in an acceptable part of society and get recognition for it and I'd prefer that they be kept off balance and just slightly out of sight.
Cut off their balls off.
Nah that's a bit extreme.
Send them to pedophile island where they can reproduce and have sex with children legally.
Best plan right here.
ive always wanted to see someone staked down and eaten alive by fire ants
The catch is only with Vietnamese children
Castration and imprisonment
delet this
Damn edgy underage fags.
Good gif
Get them better costumes. That thing he's wearing looks worse than Peter's shitty wrestler costume.
Fucking Spiderman and Elsa youtube vids. Someone alert (((Ethan))).
John you’re drunk go to bed
Castration at least
Execution at most
yeah that's the ticket.
we need more of dem programs 'n sheeeeiiit
Kill them
I know the guy depicted. He used to post on a rollerblading forum I used to frequent. Aggressive rollerblading is a small community and we all know eachother. He was known to us as oldschool, i think his name is jared. He's the biggest piece of shit in the world and he deserves death by torture. He's a meth addicted homosexual, he said he was clean for a couple years. He was EXTREMLY defensive about people correlating homosexuality to pedophilia. The msgboard died after we found out the truth about him, he defiled it.
Be careful out there and lookout for your children, this sick faggot basically had custody of some poor young girl and people thought he was taking care of her.
>diddles the kids whenever he can
>shoots his web from his dick
>Little Billy gets a face full of ick
>look out! here comes the Pedoman!!!
Impale and burn
It's Spider-Man, the hyphen is important
It took you that long to realize he's a pedo?
Did he lived, though?
What's moose been up to?
You are a faggot if you don't want to fuck tight fresh 13 yold pussy.
>aggressive rollerblading
really? nobody noticed the likes on that post?
They should be put in a labor camp.
>so many pedophobic comments in this thread smdh
I hope y'all are trolling. It's 2018, time to leave that bigotry in the past where it belongs along with the dinosaurs.
Use them as test subjects to develop a cure.