What should we do with paedophiles?

this makes me like trump more

every man is a secret pedophile better watch it! every male in this thread which is 100% of you are most likely raping little kids right now. fucking sick faggots I hope you all get castrated NO KILLED.

This is extremely rare amongst white people, it's mostly seen in niggers and sandniggers.
No need to make such a big deal about it.

What are you going to do when you find out police, judges, banking/industry/government leaders have all crossed that line into kiddiefucking and probably killing kids to in order to stay in power?

maybe give them sex dolls to stop them also like europe :)

Sand niggers are the usual suspects in cases as such.

Give Japanese Americans katanas

Attached: 7B09E749-FE6C-4D7C-80BB-BF0277A994F7.jpg (586x894, 112K)

to cause suffering.

Attached: IMG_3478.png (500x644, 170K)

Lmfao wtf did I just read?