Hello, Jow Forums

Hello, Jow Forums.

You always talk about "the Day of the Rope". It's coming, but it's not gonna be "race traitors" who die. It'll be MRAs. Incels. MGTOW. The alt-right. Neo-Nazis. White Nationalists. White Supremacists.

Communists, anarchists, and all revolutionary socialists will take over, and then we'll round you all up and lynch you.

Be prepared, faggots. We'll be coming for you.

Pic related. It's you right before we kill you.

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You'll be up against the wall with them, too, at that point.
People who have made it their living to create turmoil in society will have outlived their usefulness at that point.

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low energy thread

It is clear people need to die. But I will stay at home with my puppy and vidya and hope my side wins. I'm not much of a DOTR person. Hate physical exercise.

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communists with muscle mass is possibly the funniest thing ive ever heard.

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then suddenly capitalism happens.

Attached: then suddenly capitalism happens.jpg (905x529, 91K)

race traitors kill themselves off anyway. Think about it

>Communists doing work
Doubt it.

cis white males are already banned from antifa lol

>paid to post
>paid to rope

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>It's not gonna be X it's gonna be Y
Hundreds of millions will die on both sides you insufferable twat.

Then why do commies get their asses kicked in every single video that has ever been recorded and posted online in the history of forever.

>visible ribs

That's gross

Is this one satirical lol?

No, 99% of Western leftists are afraid of firearms and therefore can't beat anyone.

can't wait

Yes I'm sure you are with a perfect girl

Leftist =/= Liberal

we're waiting. Come.

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>"Hey, lets kill all the rural rednecks growing our food!"

The only thing communists completely and innately agrees upon is methods of starving themselves.

A huge amount of food comes from Commiefornia...

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omg omg, the consumers are coming!!

save me jebus!!

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Yeah, the northern part, which is rural and mostly white. The same part that wants to secede because they're constantly being fucked-over by southern California spics.

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Uh huh. And then you'll get shewed away from your utopia and/or merked by your comrade faggot friends. See Trotsky. Communism is LARP anyhow.

I beg to differ. Many people are starting to feel the squeeze of the economy and are becoming more radical because of it.

> Hello, Jow Forums. You always talk about "the Day of the Rope". It's coming, but it's not gonna be "race traitors" who die. It'll be MRAs. Incels. MGTOW. The alt-right. Neo-Nazis. White Nationalists. White Supremacists. Communists, anarchists, and all revolutionary socialists will take over, and then we'll round you all up and lynch you. Be prepared, faggots. We'll be coming for you

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you dont have guns because you dont believe in guns we have the guns

see you on the day of the rope faggot

Im sorry I can't be perfect, nothings going to change he words that you say. Its hard enough to talk to you but you dont understand .. . .

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>a huge amount of food comes for California

Nice quantification there, is huge enough mean it can feed the entire USA? Even if you could grow all the food in that shithole how would the logistics of shipping it out go? All major geographical choke points, infrastructure wise, lead through rural territory. I can't wait to see you hang next to the stars and bars.

We're ANTI-GUN CONTROL. Only the liberals are pro-gun control.

>a-any day now guis
why are gommunists the most inept fagits on this board?

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Make no mistake.

Every single nigger, nigger-loving Northerner, race traitor, Marxists, parasitic kike will swing on the Day of the Rope. You WILL be liquidated down to the last man, woman, and faggot pronoun. NOT ONE of your degenerate will be spared.


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Literally my fantasy is to have SJWs come and try to lynch me. You have no idea how many people have wet dreams over a commie uprising in this country. And these people have so many guns. You can't imagine the guns.

Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum

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Tell me, Mr. Anderson…what good is a roundup... if you do not have any guns?

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*Wiggles a stick with s○ylent tied to it*

why are you going after the symptoms and not the cause?
Why attack and harass a bunch of people getting raked over the coals instead of targeting bankers, corporations, media, and institutional education?

Is it because these groups already back you?
If so, you might want to rethink what your flag stands for.

in Western countries it's almost the same thing famalam. And aside from marginal groups of old-school Marxist-Leninists, lefties are opposed to guns.

Meh. Useful idiots. They always eat themselves from within. *Inhales deeply* M-MOM, I *voice cracks* TOLD YOU! I'M FIGHTING WHITE SUPREMACY!

>be poor as fuck
>join a socialist party
>they're too busy obsessing over fascists (centre-right liberals) to actually care about the poor
>no longer about workers
>get expelled for calling them out on their gay shit
nah fuck communism it's not happening, but fuck capitalism as well

Brownshirts died first comrade.

you ARE fake

>the United States of today is more like the Russia of 1917 than it is the Germany of 1933
Sure thing.