Hello, Jow Forums

communists with muscle mass is possibly the funniest thing ive ever heard.

Attached: 1496453550463.gif (286x258, 2.51M)

then suddenly capitalism happens.

Attached: then suddenly capitalism happens.jpg (905x529, 91K)

race traitors kill themselves off anyway. Think about it

>Communists doing work
Doubt it.

cis white males are already banned from antifa lol

>paid to post
>paid to rope

Attached: repent.jpg (379x379, 23K)

>It's not gonna be X it's gonna be Y
Hundreds of millions will die on both sides you insufferable twat.

Then why do commies get their asses kicked in every single video that has ever been recorded and posted online in the history of forever.

>visible ribs

That's gross

Is this one satirical lol?