Python Conference Very Inclusive

In school we had to take a class in assembly. Interesting, but it sucks, can’t even multiply

>why Python?
Easiest to learn. You can pretty much pic it up in one day.
>What attracts them to this?
Smell of weakness. Same reason all of beta hobby groups (comics, D&D, vidya) are getting infested.
>This is what tech is truly like
This is what every facet of society is and always was like. Women testing how much they can get away with. Modern tech world is only unique in how little men push back.

>Indian shit reaches three different continents
It's like pooetry

Learn c++, it is not infested with sjw yet

I wish I could still use Twitter. I used to love insulting liberals and celebrities to their face. That fucking tranny Chelsea Manning got thousands of people to report me and caught me a permaban.

Amazing platform that allows normal people to interact with celebrities, but ruined by censorship. Sad.

But its for trannies.

>This is what tech is truly like?
Nah, this mostly applies to the "hip" and "trendy" languages like Ruby and Python. Lower level languages are mostly SJW free since your average woman will look at assembly code and think "OMG hacker language to steal my nudes!". The male feminist soibois will dutifully go where the women go.

>And why Python? What attracts them to this?
It was a language made by a Monty Python fan named Guido van Rossum.
This is the typical Monty Python...
IOW, it would have blown out the gender confused folks at this python convention.

No, that's Python, not programming. Use a real language and you'll be fine.

bullshit Jow Forums is full of trap faggots now wearing "programming socks"