Python Conference Very Inclusive

Very diverse, very safe. Nice.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Smart way to let people know your pronouns

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she wants the D

You'll of course need your own private bathroom

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>Ugly blue hair thing
Checks out.

This pick made my brain explode, it hurts.

Of course you'll need a phone number when you come across bigots

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Learn Python for date money.

Real men write in C.

Look at the nice compliments this conference is getting

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when leftist women started pretending that tech conferences are as dangerous for women as record release parties in the ghetto is when I just lost all fucking respect for these people. Fuck "women in tech"

C# or C++. C is for Boomers.

Fuck that forever using powershell from now on. Why is python so gay

The absolute state of high level languages.

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Imagin walking around with a MAGA hat in that enviroment

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Fuck. I specifically decided to use Python because the Java alternative is for trannies.

Why 90% of womyn on these pics are wearing glasses?

probably would be asked to take it off or kicked out

why does sjw culture seem to be so strong in places like those

I'd request nig/nog as my pronouns

that triggers me so bad user.
If you have children you know a lot of the time the handicap toilet
doubles as the family toilet.
If I opened up that door to some degenerate while trying to change and infant's diapers I would literally lose my shit.

C and C++ are languages that aren't infested yet

you have to go with C and/or C++

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real men write in machine code

they've purposely infiltrated them since its mostly white men

Because collectivist commies have weak 'I's

We think alike

is programming like this most of the time?
what am I getting myself into

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Everyone with two X chromosomes is a narcissist.
Prove me wrong.
Protip u can't

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Piss on the seats

As long as you stay away from webdev and learn lower level programming languages you're fine.

Python 3.x.x was a misstake

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Wow this is pure cancer. And I have to do most of my work in fucking Python

Imagine a community that hates itself so much that they employ a volunteer police force and snitches against their own people in a voluntary gathering

If the programming language you use doesn’t start with the letter C you’re a transsexual.

>they're all a solid 3/10

>HolyC con aka TerryCon

>Setup a server, operate databases and communicate with the Open Street Map in C/C++ they said....

pls no

Read diligently inclusive as Orwellian social control grid

C (unsafe) and C++ (unsafe, complex) will never be infested like other languages, at least not the latter, since they will never master the language

this is why Rust was developed at Mozilla (a "fearless" alternative)

Progressive shuts are always around. I see people that are sporting communist stickers and low t fags that preach crypto will end violence in africa.

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>not going straight to Assembly, then moving up


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Unironically it may be time to go back to Java. I hear Java 10’s not so bad...

I can't fucking believe that torn up jeans are still a thing. Really. I graduated HS 5 years ago and it was a thing then, what the fuck?

Your C# and C++ is for people who lack the discipline and intelligence to write in C.
The old Gods wrote in assembly. They no longer stride the bits of this earth.

Not true, you could also be a pajeet

Now one of my favorite programming languages is supporting trans?


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Someone ask it about dongles

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>I can't fucking believe that torn up jeans are still a thing. Really. I graduated HS 20 years ago and it was a thing then, what the fuck?

>Graduated HS 5 years ago
They were ‘a thing’ when I graduated HS 12 years ago and even before. And they say youth fashion is cutting edge

I graduated 13 years ago and torn jeans weren't popular. it was skinny jeans that were the fad

going to stop using python now...

Computer nerds are too beta and busy to complain or confront them so things have ended up like this. 99% of actual programmers will be at their jobs programming while all these faggot "conferences" are going on.

>The old Gods wrote in assembly. They no longer stride the bits of this earth.
And yet they left clues to their existence - in the form of Roller Coaster Tycoon

Stop watching from the side and join me

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True. They took a great body of work and burned it to the ground for code concept purity.

really? this shit is everywhere letting it affect you means they win

>attend conference
>write preferred pronouns as: škli/šklem
>nobody knows how to pronounce it
>have incident report phone number on speed dial
>report every single purple-haired bigot at the conference

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Shank him with a katana like the whitu pigu he is

Python is for lazy faggots.

t. Software Developer

>all python games are degenerate cuckold shit



God damn do I ever hate feminists. Can't even snicker at a dick joke now.

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>tfw I'll probably be getting a job in tech once I graduate

I'm gonna be surrounded by fucking hobgoblins.

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Stick with low level languages that need at least an ounce of discipline to be productive in. As other mentioned, C and C++ fit that bill quite well. Bonus points if you work on embedded systems and have to work directly in assembly to get every ounce of performance.

>COCs are so damn important

She meant cocks

just write that you feel triggered by trans getting compared with disabled people


im permabanned off twitter or i would be all over this with you, fren

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eh, it's better than bash for writing little scripts and things

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You should be allowed to just kill people who look like that

Wait. This is what tech is truly like? I thought all of this blue haired tranny nonsense was just some photo op propaganda at Apple and Google. This is actually what it’s like? And why Python? What attracts them to this?

I work in finance and none of this would fly at any time

>colored hair check
>degenerate leftist ideas check
>gentleness look check
the eternal useful idiot

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I wonder what his pronouns is/are

Nice DnC Jew, but I'm fine with farming (you)s

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why is this a majority women and """""""""""""women"""""""""""""""" attendence?
are all the men at work?
also who the fuck codes in Python

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>I would literally lose my shit.
Indian with proxy?

CS is the most cucked non-humanities field. Why is that? Is it because jews head a lot of big tech companies?

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Yeah... not really, you will be surrounded by Indians if you are not one yourself.

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If you work for the biotech industry you never encounter this shit. Just be prepared for turboautists


> choosing a programming language based on politics
This is why you don't have a job

Most people who go at conferences are attention whore idiots who can't code. Nobody that isn't an idiot is going to go to attend a shitty conference like that unless their employer is paying for them to go.

Programming is trendy and geeky now, it all started with webdevelopment and went downhill from there. Now instead of focussing on programming they focus on "creating a safe and inclusive community"
This is luckily not universal across compsci but with languages like Python, Ruby, Javascript, etc. you're bound to come across SJWs.

Python, Ruby and Javascript are infested with that trash because they’re easy to learn and popular for low-skilled jobs like webdev.
Their primary use should only be used for scripting smaller things like parsers/plugins, ”data analysis” (using science packages), writing shite websites (hopefully webasm destroys this) and acting as glue for more important things.

Engwish teacher?
Read this.

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Reddit is entirely python, which explains these pics

t. Google search expert

In school we had to take a class in assembly. Interesting, but it sucks, can’t even multiply

>why Python?
Easiest to learn. You can pretty much pic it up in one day.
>What attracts them to this?
Smell of weakness. Same reason all of beta hobby groups (comics, D&D, vidya) are getting infested.
>This is what tech is truly like
This is what every facet of society is and always was like. Women testing how much they can get away with. Modern tech world is only unique in how little men push back.

>Indian shit reaches three different continents
It's like pooetry

Learn c++, it is not infested with sjw yet

I wish I could still use Twitter. I used to love insulting liberals and celebrities to their face. That fucking tranny Chelsea Manning got thousands of people to report me and caught me a permaban.

Amazing platform that allows normal people to interact with celebrities, but ruined by censorship. Sad.

But its for trannies.

>This is what tech is truly like?
Nah, this mostly applies to the "hip" and "trendy" languages like Ruby and Python. Lower level languages are mostly SJW free since your average woman will look at assembly code and think "OMG hacker language to steal my nudes!". The male feminist soibois will dutifully go where the women go.

>And why Python? What attracts them to this?
It was a language made by a Monty Python fan named Guido van Rossum.
This is the typical Monty Python...
IOW, it would have blown out the gender confused folks at this python convention.

No, that's Python, not programming. Use a real language and you'll be fine.

bullshit Jow Forums is full of trap faggots now wearing "programming socks"