Just eat steak nigger
Works amazingly. Love it. Keto Gains is worth looking at, lazy keto is alright, but you need to max that shit.
keep telling yourself that.
If you wanna drink dairy get raw milk from a local farm
Pay attention to the protein bit, anons. Get too much protein and your body will convert the excess calories to adipose, albeit less efficiently than carbs. If you’re going to fuck up and inadvertently eat into s surplus, do it with quality fats; that way you only get the squirts for half a day and keep the definition in your abs going.
Ketoacidosis is a boogey man. The ketones you get with ketoacidosis is an order of magnitude higher than you can achieve with the keto diet.
If your body can produce insulin normally you can't reach dangerous levels of ketones. Ketoacidosis is the the result of a broken feedback loop. There are people who have fasted for months (the ultimate low carb diet) without reaching dangerous levels of ketones.
T. Low test fat faggot
Go on ebay or a site to find used books and get an Atkins diet book from 1972. Follow the diet plan. Don't make any substitutions. I lost 21 lbs in three weeks.
for you
Fat is th e number one priority. It's