How can I redpill my sperm factory on race mixing?
He's interested in national socialism but I think he's a bit of a cuck in terms of miscegenation. He didn't seem concerned at all whether or not either of us were part nigger or part kike. When I brought it up, he said that my natural beauty was natural selection so he wasn't worried about it. He said neither of us had to do DNA tests when I suggested it. Is he hiding something from me? Are my standards too high if I won't reproduce with him without genetic proof of him being pure?
>t. 140 kg roastie complaining about her manlet bf who claims to be nazi to hide baldness
Justin Cruz
fuck yuo Jow Forums and your raycism against memeflags, reply to me.
Robert Ross
And you are why the white race is dying.
Carson Brown
What does he look like? Phenotypes, body type, where might be his most ancestors come from?
William Cruz
Guess I will ask elsewhere.
David Robinson
Literally and unironically would help you if I get more informations.
Landon Davis
He is blond, has blue eyes, 5'8", light otterrmode, no idea about his weight. He is a Norwegian and probably has Nordic ancestors. I'm a bit concerned because his nipples seem a little darker than I expected.
Landon Cook
Tits or gtfo. Jesus Christ, the absolute STATE of nu/pol/
Daniel Cox
You're probably a liberal if you think I'm going to cuck him to an internet leaf.
Jaxson Stewart
Fuck you and your shit LARP However >I'm a bit concerned because his nipples seem a little darker than I expected. I did laugh at that so good job, faggot
Hunter Taylor
You standards are too high! there is a difference between a little bit darker nipples and brown nipples. These test are partly bullshit and get's your DNA on a database. Get white children now or gtfo
They are brownish though. I swear, I'd post a picture but it's a little mean to do that without his permission.
Cooper Gutierrez
>implying this thread was ever going well
Anthony Brooks
>t. leaf
Ryder Davis
>They are brownish I..I don't know if this could pass.
Is it true that most leaf posters are chinks`?
Landon Brown
>nipples seem a little darker than I expected He's is probably secretly part jew/gypsy/arab or something, you should date me instead. My nipples are light pink.
James Barnes
tits or gtfo worthless roastie
John Carter
Tits or gtfo
Ethan Wood
If you're gonna breed with him you better have blonde hair blue eyes too.
Joseph Jones
Just stop making excuses and hop on his dick user, Seriously "Brown nipples"? Sounds like you are hesitant to having any children at all.
Jordan Rivera
I cropped the picture, should be fine to show it, and Jow Forums threads get deleted eventually, right?
I'm a hapa with pinker nipples than him. You should probably drop him and be my gf instead.
Cooper Parker
If you think the color of his nipples is going to tell you if he has any non-European ancestry you are a fucking retard.
Brody Green
>hay guyz is my brown nipped, manlet bf a true Aryan huwhite man?? XDD Fuck you and this dumpster fire of a thread
Kayden Clark
Get a picture of his facial profile, or a quarter of his face containing one eye and his hair. The skull is what really matters when identifying racial traits.
Jow Forums just please tell me he's pure white and his dark nipples are just some random anomaly. I don't think I'd meet someone I've liked so much ever again.
Jeremiah Miller
No you're not getting it. I can reproduce with him. I just go by a male name and present myself male, everyone knows me as a male, without having transitioned to the point I couldn't become pregnant anymore. We are practically gay in the eyes of others.
Leo Thomas
Nah he's not white t. "white" man with brown nipples, brown eyes, and brown hair. probably got moor blood in me and so does he
Jeremiah Robinson
Jesus Christ are you both whiteish? Memes aside being happy with your partner means everything. Besides you can just self identify as white. Does he know about your memeflaggotry?
Landon Cox
Honestly you're too obcessed with purity, it's like trying to find a diamond on a junkyard at this point.
Daniel Diaz
I think whiteness is the least of your concerns
David Sanders
We're both natsocs, yes he knows about my memeflaggotry.
You're a very strange person, just stay with him since you love him so much.
Lucas Butler
Honestly I'd be ok with that
Leo Fisher
>How can I redpill my sperm factory on race mixing? >He's interested in national socialism but I think he's a bit of a cuck in terms of miscegenation. He didn't seem concerned at all whether or not either of us were part nigger or part kike. When I brought it up, he said that my natural beauty was natural selection so he wasn't worried about it. He said neither of us had to do DNA tests when I suggested it. Is he hiding something from me? Are my standards too high if I won't reproduce with him without genetic proof of him being pure?
I would say you are a joke if you weren't so miserable.
Ryder Carter
This is a thread where a natsoc woman pretending to be a man is posting pictures of her boyfriend's nipples on Jow Forums to crowd-source a consensus on whether or not he is white and thus worthy of procreation. And all I have to say is
While I don't mean to imply you shouldn't be concerned about both your backgrounds, I must stress you should stop giving your DNA to these jewish companies. How gullible can someone be ffs It's pretty simple, learn to distinguish phenotypes, have a honest look at him, his parents and if possible grandparents. Based on that you decide if he's European enough for you(and vice versa). Stop giving your DNA to kikes
Camden Reyes
Fair point.
Isaac Martin
Shut the fuck up you retarded slob, she didn't say she was female to draw attention. You say tits or gtfo when she it doesn't matter to the topic at hand and is pure attention whoring. Go back to /b/ you braindead retard
Tyler Martin
>My BF I doubt your a real female browsing Jow Forums using a Nazi Flag so you know the drill
Tits or GTFO
Zachary Hughes
Take him through this list in order.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The best and most important thing you can do is refer your children, parents, friends, teachers, bosses, and grandparents to
That's right, a social media site where people go to expose Jews without fear of the JIDF, or Pussy Moderators.
Pussies and Traitors will ignore this.
Logan Gonzalez
I don't even want to be called a female let alone get attention for it, I don't see myself as a female, if I didn't have the duty to reproduce I'd have gone through transition fully.
Don't worry, my family is tall, we wouldn't make manlet children.
Samuel Richardson
This is beyond my ability to comprehend. ffs, this is what's wrong with the world today
Logan Smith
WOW WOW WOW Get your shit together right fucking now, don't you have children with that fucked up mind. I'm gonna sound like a faggot, but you should get in touch with your feminine side, something women are largely isolated from today. For example, instead of spending your day at the office, spend your time with children. You'll naturally gravitate towards female nature
Mason Gomez
Wait wtf, this doesn't make sense, it seems like a completely different person than
Chase Stewart
Germans are nordic, those nipples are normal. You got yourself a chad now go and have kids.
Justin Howard
>those nipples are normal wat? While his face profile does look nordic, those nipples don't make sense. Ffs they seem darker than mine, and I'm not nordic by any means
Colton Clark
Please draw a map of this
Levi Scott
I at least can't do it on my own, maybe I'll heal over time with him since he seems to compliment my "feminine" features while not outright berating me over being a tranny faggot, it makes me feel a little uncomfortable but also a little good. For now at least I will still call myself a man and introduce myself that way to others, because I go complete sperg after getting called a female. And again, he's a faggot himself, he probably wants me to keep up some of this aspect of my personality.
Isaac Bell
Maybe it was the lighting that made him look darker in that picture, who knows? I'm not lying, if this is fake, then that means I'm being catfished.
Jaxon Moore
He probably got some Finnic in him or some other eastern stuff. Those are typical jap niples. Which is not bad if you are not fanatically purist
Nicholas Brown
This is trolling, isn't it? You can't be serious. This is literally the "I'm a female to male but gay" meme Lauren Southern is that you?
Logan Hall
It's a shitposter, user. Unfortunately OP has yet to deliver a "PUT ME IN LE SCREENCAP XD" moment ( is close) so this thread is a 3/5 at best unless OP can come up with a hail mary play to make it legendary before it's get delet t. shitposting enthusiast
Leo Martinez
>trying this hard Spawned a Jewish Nazi! Mention Sonderkommando and think about how great it would be for your cause to put Jews in an oven.
Bentley Wilson
This is not even bait. Pic related, is a chat between me (blue) and him (red) before he showed me that photo of his nipples.
Even if you're honest, why should we help a fucked in the head faggot to reproduce? I gave you a genuine reply before and you seem intent in keeping with your degenerate ways. We don't need any more of those types of families
Lincoln Hughes
And he talks like a gigantic faggot
Luke Moore
Don't forget It could save your countries life from Jewish Supremacy.
Pussies will continue to ignore this.
Leo Thomas
>Even if you're honest, why should we help a fucked in the head faggot to reproduce? Anything to further the white race.
Plus he's just gorgeous, brilliant, and overall a great guy. I've never been able to know anyone on such a deep level before.
>Anything No, not anything. Quantity is the realm of niggers and chinks, Europeans put quality first. If you want proof just look at the subhuman chavs in the UK. That's the same thing as saying someone with down syndrome should reproduce just because it's white
Dominic Powell
Anglos are Jews unironically. That's what's wrong with them.
Liam Moore
if you can't be a mum, then don't it's that simple
Daniel James
Tits or gtfo t. 100% white man who will pump you so full of cum that your uterine walls will burst
That's weird. Seen a natural amount of men's chests, gym, the beach, whatever, but that stands out. Can't tell you what to do though. Also she(?) did post tits, kinda.
Logan Rodriguez
>t.Bald neo Nazi Cringe
Eli Bennett
I guess it will be fine, but if you feel like a man and reproduce. Could you make a difference to the child during pregnancy? He also wants to be a father? Would the child be raised with two male parents?
Camden Walker
>a reverse trap >husband >nipples Complicate an issue no end don't you..? Working out an image here was like a Rubik's cube.