Fuck you and your shit LARP
>I'm a bit concerned because his nipples seem a little darker than I expected.
I did laugh at that so good job, faggot
How can I redpill my sperm factory on race mixing?
Jaxson Stewart
Hunter Taylor
You standards are too high! there is a difference between a little bit darker nipples and brown nipples.
These test are partly bullshit and get's your DNA on a database.
Get white children now or gtfo
Connor Cooper
Cooper James
They are brownish though. I swear, I'd post a picture but it's a little mean to do that without his permission.
Cooper Gutierrez
>implying this thread was ever going well
Anthony Brooks
>t. leaf
Ryder Davis
>They are brownish
I..I don't know if this could pass.
Is it true that most leaf posters are chinks`?
Landon Brown
>nipples seem a little darker than I expected
He's is probably secretly part jew/gypsy/arab or something, you should date me instead. My nipples are light pink.
James Barnes
tits or gtfo worthless roastie
John Carter
Tits or gtfo