Why are rural western girls so racist?

>just moves out to a rural Rocky Mountain town from Florida
>met a ginger qt and start dating her
>few days in we are talking and she asks me “my grandma wants to know if you’re eye-talian (how she pronounced it) because you look Italian and your last name sounds Italian”
>I tell her “no, my parents were from Cuba and I was born here but I am white hispanic”
>she gasps and says “You’re Mexican?! My dad is gonna call me a race traitor for dating a brown guy!!”
>at this point I’m getting offended because I know I’m descended from the noble aryan Teutonic tribes of northern Spain
>ask her “do I look brown to you?”
>she says “no, but you’re brown in here” and gestures to my heart
>starting to lose my patience, tell her “I’m as white as you are.”
>she says “you’re full of shit, that’s why your eyes are brown”
>I’m mad so I tell her I’m tired and want to go to bed so she should go home
>she says “don’t be mad, I like you and I want to keep dating you even though you’re brown”
>I’m still furious at her refusal to acknowledge my absolute aryan lineage, directly traced back to noble Neanderthal bloodlines and defenders of the white race such as Charles Martel and Jan Sobieski
>still usher her out and tell her to go home
>barely get any sleep last night
Why can’t the people out here see that I’m white, Jow Forums? I’m genetically white and I want to be accepted as such

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>noble aryan Teutonic tribes of northern Spain
ie: mexican

>so racist?
niggers and mexicans are typically criminal pieces of shit in America. If you don't want to be classified as one, wear khakis, polos and top siders for the rest of your life.

>from Florida
Fucking spics ruined my home of Miami. Dry foot, mariel boatlift, jews in charge of everything now.... You guys are scum and need to go back.

I wish. My hick town was totally pro-beaner racemixers.

fake and gay

It’s okay OP. You’re brown. Embrace it

Rural girls are responsible for 80% of the white birth rate at this point, so thank God they are.

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you have to go back, elian


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ignorance. some dumbasses think eye color and skin tone is what makes you white

holy shit get

>"If I pretend I'm white it'll happen"
>t. Mohammed

this im half black but i have a teutonic soul

WITNESSED and words of wisdom. How do we make rural girl less racist and more accepting of men from other cultures??

nice memeflag

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tell her to go on Jow Forums lol. teach her about basic human history, and genetics. it aint rocket science

Based rural hottie sniffed you out as an undercover shitskin.

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nice shitpost faggot. go back to Jow Forums

another arab going through an identity crisis

I totally get it, gramps was British, grandma was German on my father side. My mother is of northern Italian roots, I was born in South America, I'm whiter, taller and more refined than most Americans. I was brought up middle-upper. IQ of 145. Work on engineering, master in CS from top 10 Eng. school. still get bs from the white trash and jews.

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>another “white” spic

>refusal to acknowledge my absolute aryan lineage


It’s not. It was really surreal to hear a woman use the phrase “race traitor” IRL. I never expected that I, an American of noble European aryan Hispanic descent, would be on the other side of that

Everybody can tell you’re Jewish though.

I’m not Jewish, the Jews were expelled from Spain centuries ago

You're not white op go cry about this on r9k

Rednecks r ignorant af

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there is nothing wrong with us american eyetalians. we are a good pasta-loving people and it would be a shame if some bad things happened to your homes or pets or lower body joints because of a poor decision.

Totally authentic and completely heterosexual.

>white is the self-identification of many Latin Americans in national censuses

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>Jewish “white” spics getting toasty

I cant wait for all those snackbars to explode and sink your island

Did you just threaten to kill a puppy?

Und du rufsts Kruzifix, kann es sein dass du gerade meine Krew zerficksts?

The fuck is this shit? Just because I am ethnically Gallic and Germanic doesn’t mean I can speak the launguage

Mamma Mia! I'm an eye-talian!
Seriously if I'll ever set up a company that makes glasses I'll name my business Eyetalians.
Thank you

Jews in the USA often claim to be Italian. It’s easy to call their bluff, just ask them to do a Hail Mary.

I wouldn’t trust one just because he does a Hail Mary. Jews would gladly commit sacrilege against their religion to deceive a goy

I’m pretty sure anyone can tell the difference between moretti and Gomez. Also meds aren’t aryan they’re hellanic

Yeah but they would never have been in a position to even learn their Hail Marys.

none of those girls are white

Why you are so mad? She still let's you play with her tortilla.

t. Divide and Conquer kike

>Leftist humor

Are you retarded?

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No, they're only counted as white when they commit crimes

At least she was brought up right

>noble aryan Teutonic tribes of northern Spain
Good one

shitskin detected

>A Mexican going through a whiter than you episode.

Alright provide me an analysis on their facial features then. Prove to me they aren’t white

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>x isn’t white
Still trying that tired nonsense Schlomo?

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Those girls are clearly chicanas.

at least you got out. I am living the 10% face everyday

Yeah any white woman who gets a tan because she lives on a ranch is a spic, Schlomo.

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Takes a dingo to call it out. Why are roos so based on pol these days? They used to be just an annoyance

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You wouldn't know what white was if it bit you in the ass, Juanito Carlito Gutierrez-Hernandez.

Look pal, it does not matter. Italians, Spaniards, Spics; they are all niggers inside. Brown, just like the krautniggers. So, your Southern Belle was right. Maybe she could date a handsome Swiss, whose ancestors emigrated to the US?

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>not knowing that the DNA testing companies have already admitted to adding 1-2% nigger DNA to “mess with racists”

why are mexican girls so hot? especially the brown cutie in blue shirt on the right.

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So THIS is what billions of Soros bucks buys, bot assisted shillops.


> Cuban = / = White

You're a mestizo LARPing as a white man, hang yourself spic!

>Maybe she could date a handsome Swiss, whose ancestors emigrated to the US?

Im not saying brown people like Swiss arent based af, but you are definetly not white.

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Post a pic of yourself OP, only way to tell if you're telling the truth.

>went to Wyoming for a job interview
>beautiful little mountain town of ~1000 pop
>people were very simple and kind
>girls were sweet and qt
>made a bunch of friends in the saloon
>saw snow fall for the first time
>company offered me the job
>I turned it down because my parents pressured me into staying in Florida
>now I'm stuck in this 56% tropical shithole forever

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Rural western girl can do whatever she want.

Can you?

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>I am white hispanic”

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keep telling urself that

>Noble Aryan Teutonic tribes of northern Spain
Lmao. Just for believing that you deserve this, Cuboano-mutt.

>barely get any sleep last night
this thread is cancer

They admitted it actually.

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Says the fucking croat! Ever hear of the Ottoman Empire? You were colonized by Turks for generations you South-Slav mutt!

what about white by genomic study.
look it is obvious that the vast majority of spics in the states aren't white. All I'm saying is that there is white ppl in south america, the same way there is white ppl in South Africa.

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That's why Federer's kids are sooo brown, Unikum. Pix related.

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lol. nice one shlomo. you get a few extra sheks for that one.

bonus shekels for convincing /poltards this is real

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>Says the fucking croat! Ever hear of the Ottoman Empire? You were colonized by Turks for generations you South-Slav mutt!

Brown Swiss are our rolemodels and hope that even brown can into 1st world.

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this is fake and gay, sage in options field

I think he means you're jewish in the person actually typing behind the keyboard, not the person you're LARPing as. Like you know, the truth.


Are you sure you want to date something this low IQ?

>noble aryan Teutonic tribes

Got some news for you, Tony Montana, you are a greasy Island nigger

I am italian and want a pale gf but I'm afraid this same thing will happen to me.

Good point

>she says “no, but you’re brown in here” and gestures to my heart

Nice digits

t. muhammad

I’ll be honest, I just moved to this town and I’m utterly alone. I hadn’t been with a woman in over a year. I saw her smoking on her front doorstep and chatted her up. I played some guitar for her and 30 minutes later we were back up in my bedroom. After we finished I cuddled her and asked her if she would like to stay. She I was the first guy to want to stay with her after a one night stand. Apparently she is addicted to meth and has had 8+ ONSs and she is only 18. So I felt like shit and let her stay even though I was disgusted because I’m so fucking lonely. Then a couple of days later she starts telling me I’m the “man of her dreams” and she wants to be my housewife. So now I’m starting to feel bad about stringing this young impressionable girl along with my old ass even though I’m not going to marry a junkie whore. So I’m going to break it off while it’s still early.

Thanks for reading my blog

You are an Alpine nigger
Plain and simple


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