Are you sure you want to date something this low IQ?
Why are rural western girls so racist?
>noble aryan Teutonic tribes
Got some news for you, Tony Montana, you are a greasy Island nigger
I am italian and want a pale gf but I'm afraid this same thing will happen to me.
Good point
>she says “no, but you’re brown in here” and gestures to my heart
Nice digits
t. muhammad
I’ll be honest, I just moved to this town and I’m utterly alone. I hadn’t been with a woman in over a year. I saw her smoking on her front doorstep and chatted her up. I played some guitar for her and 30 minutes later we were back up in my bedroom. After we finished I cuddled her and asked her if she would like to stay. She I was the first guy to want to stay with her after a one night stand. Apparently she is addicted to meth and has had 8+ ONSs and she is only 18. So I felt like shit and let her stay even though I was disgusted because I’m so fucking lonely. Then a couple of days later she starts telling me I’m the “man of her dreams” and she wants to be my housewife. So now I’m starting to feel bad about stringing this young impressionable girl along with my old ass even though I’m not going to marry a junkie whore. So I’m going to break it off while it’s still early.
Thanks for reading my blog
You are an Alpine nigger
Plain and simple
Meant for