Today Colombian elects a new president.
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He looks like a hippy
He's a leftist.
What can you tell me about Colombian society?
It's becoming better.
we were in a much worse position back in 98, but right now we're much better than back then.
FARC made a peace deal and that's the biggest thing that happened in decades.
Next thing will be making a peace deal with ELN and finally focusing on criminal gangs and narcos.
we're improving.
How important is family for Colombians?
And who are your biggest allies?
we're a right wing country, and much more conservative than europoors and anglos.
family is still important for colombians and even gay shit is extremely polemic to us.
even giving sexual education classes to kids in school is controversial here.
religion is still a huge deal here and there's like 20 churches in my neightborhood and people like to attend church here, both catolic and protestant.
You sound like a deluded millennial retard. A deal implies the strong side (i.e. the state) gets something and the weak side gives up something to avoid total annihilation
>NK gives up nukes to avoid being turned into a new Libya
>Syrian rebels exile themselves to avoid being sent to hell by bombers
>France gave up land and paid to be occupied under the treaty of Paris
>Germany gave up land and paid to be occupied under the treaty of Versailles
>Japan agreed to disband it’s armed forces and accept American rule for some years after its surrender
You guys allied a few rebels (which could have been easily killed) to keep billions of ill-gained wealth and avoid facing justice for their crimes so how can you expect foreign investors to see you are a stable nation with rule of law and a sustainable peace?
It's much better they become senators and enter civilian life and maybe fuck some old narco whores with their state pensioms than keep putting bombs and kidnapping people retard.
the main issue to getting european and anglo investment is the fact that any major infraestructure get bombed at some point by FARC and ELN faggots.
kys retard.
>it’s great that transnational drug smuggling criminals and terrorists become senators
>nothing could possibly go wrong if we teach a poor mixed race population that crime pays
You are just begging to be ‘justed’. This is a greater level of cuckholdry than the Bongs and the leafs. At least they recognise they are being abused by their government, you’re begging for it.
bro, the goverment has tried to bomb FARC and ELN since before your grandpa was born.
the goverment can't beat them.
If the Syrian government can beat US backed ISIS (who had greater numbers, were more savage than the FARC and lived in urban zones) then it was possible to kill the rest of the FARC.
If you bomb ISIS in downtown Mosul then there is civilian collateral damage. If you bomb Juan ‘el atrocidad’ and his FARC buddies in some jungle shit hole nobody innocent dies.
The only thing lacking was a society that believed in punishing crime and encouraging civility.
Colombia is three times bigger than germany, half of it are fucking jungle and mountains.
good luck finding them in the jungle of the size of several times an european country.
>what is SIGINT?
>what is HUMINT?
>what are satellites?
>what are drones?
Protip, you didn’t need to drop a bomb on the last 10,000 but rather on enough to really soften them up at the negotiation table whilst at the same time promising gibs and infrastructure for tr civilians in their zones.
By the way it must be very early in Colombia because there is normally a lot of Colombian and Vz posters
Dear Colombia, apologize for giving NA this
Fuck Petro. Hope he rots in piss. Big day for us here in Colombia. Hoping for that man Duque to win.
yeah retard, they can easily bomb ecuatorian and venezuelan territory for free dumbass.
It's 8AM
dumb gringos marrying hot latinas.
his fault
It was a Canadian cuck who got divorced right after she got Canadian citizenship.
not diferent from yellow fever retards.
his fault.
Who /fajardo/ here
Chavistas to Colombia? You are either a masochist or a clown.
Vote Duque and stfu.
Plus, they gave 10 seats in Congress to those rapists and murderers from FARC.
>not knowing this has been 20+year-right-wing country
You guys could have had Pablo but no you had to go ahead and kill him.
Wow, you two must be gay and looking forward to the legalization of homosexual marriage and adoption, huh? Keep that shit out of our country you lefty niggers.
more like 30 years right wing since gaviria and basically since independance day.
voting for the right is voting for the same political parties that have governed since bolivar.
US ordered it, otherwise it'd be another Venezuela /Cuba with pablito
Who is going to win, the left or the right?
You are definitely wrong. You don't understand the value of justice.
Gave those rapists, drug dealers and murderers seats in Congress, when they should be in jail.
Your weak mentality is disgusting. A people that doesn't fight for justice and freedom certainly doesn't deserve it.
Also, how is Santrinch? He really gave up his criminal days behind, didn't he?
Oh! And Iván Márquez? Is he done fapping ELNs in the jungle?
A criminal is and always will be a criminal.
You need to get out of the closet, besides, no one cares about your fear for lgbtpgvfjfbh+=_-/&$':% parties. Get a life
there's an 80% chance the right wing win.
there's an 20% he doesn't get enough votes and there's second round next month.
Praying for the right. Yeah, the right may have been in power for a long time but electing a leftist or a communist will turn this country to pure caca in a matter of months.
Not much diferent from the right wing elites who we call goverment (falsos positivos, paras and others).
Ok. Enjoy your Revolución Bolivariana.
petro has less than 1% of congress support, dumbass.
>makes people suffer even more is his sense of justice
They are old, they were in lousy conditions for an old man, also they have to the government properties, money, gold from years of criminal doings, and they are still under investigation for anything they have reserved and hospitals are now with less influx of injured and people are not dying as much as they were.
Paisas are the worst, hope they independence as soon as possible.
Lmao I need to get out of the closet? Pretty big coming from a cocksucker like you. Have fun with your LGBT libshit agenda that's gonna be pushed in every fucking corner of the country because of stupid cunts like you voting for the wrong candidate. Homosexuality leads to the downfall of societies, t. The USA. Get a grip faggot and start living in reality, not everything is gonna be a Paradise in your little gay wonderland.
>Leftie vs Evangelical
RIP Colombia
Hope you are right!
You have Venezuela right next to you. Petro was an exmilitia and Chávez tourist guide. Just don't vote "because is different". Poison is still poison. Whatever you decide, be careful.
Why don't you make yourself the Adolf paisa, anyone can run for Nariño house instead of complaining as a stupid underage.
People voting for Duque literally enjoy getting fucked in the ass by the government.
he has no congress support.
he literally has less than 1% of both congress and house of representatives.
Mfw you're right.
MIRA Party is going with Duque, the puppet.
Negros vine a traer un cargamento y no puedo votar, por favor voten por fajardo
Bitch I might, better than whatever you can do.
So you will have every guerrilla head doing the same? As soon as they are old, they will just blackmail the government and claim a seat in Congress?
So does Maduro in Venezuela.
Do Colombians consider themselves to be white
not really, petro doesn't have a big political power.
he can't turn us in venezuela, he doesn't have a military support nor political support.
20-30% of colombians are european looking.
Are these people considered to be "privileged"?
Don't underestimate a man in power, my dear friend, especially one with that background.
not really, you can find blonde blue eyes or green eyes people poor as fuck and being of the lower castes of society.
but girls will suck your dick if you're european looking and tall.
He's not even the favorite candidate just FYI. Op seems like a lower middle class brainwahed fag who bought into his populist discourse
bro, the congress is controlled by uribe.
The average colombian is 70% caucasian and 30% either indian or black
Who are you voting for my friend?
Duque (the leading candideate according to most polls) is not evangelical nor leftie.
Might look, but they are Moore in the core, that's how this flag doesn't go anywhere.
So, if elected, he's going to be useless?
pretty much.
the entire political parties all hate chavismo.
He won't be elected. There are more sane than resentful people in this country. Nobody believes in his class hate commie rethoric
Are you still voting for him to see if maybe he can?
I wanna move to Colombia. Is there any demand for Portuguese teachers there? And how much is the m2 in Bogota?
I don't think he will go full chavez comunism venezuela electric boogaloo.
Petrodrones will be ready to go and cry about fraud. Maldito país sin memoria.
Why even tempt destiny? Isn't the curren situation in Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua; the experiences of Brazil, Argentina and Ecuador with leftist enough proof thet they are twice as corrupt as right wing governments and always lead their countries to collapse?
What makes you think a leftist government would be different here?
All but Petro.
Tjere are lots of brazilians here in universities and call center jobs as there are lots of trilingual campaigns (spanish, portuguese and english. You could land a job at uber or spotify customer support and the pay is about $800-$1000 if you can communicate somewhat fluently in the 3 languages.
M2 in a middle class area is about $1500 and rent is about $700 for an apartment. I recommend sharing with a roomate to split costs
Just let Fajardo win already so I can chill
I have a DELE B2 and managed to understand Lazarillo de Tormes in original. Is it something?
or is just a good bait
hot chick i know is voting for petro. is she retarded? he kinda seems like our bernie sanders
this is why women shouldn't be allowed to vote
Colombia is just going to be another Venezuela when Petrio wins .Colombians are stupid voting for this asshole
Fuck off Juan
yea, we used to think the same about Chavez and LOOK HAT FUCKING HAPPENED
Couldn't agree with you more. Seriously pisses me off to see people shill for Petro. It's like are they fucking braindead? Look at the countries around us, do these people not learn from the past history? Everybody in communist countries is fucking starving. So many times its shown in history it doesn't work and retards still want to "make it work" when it won't.
Yeah, that's good. Be mindful though, there are a shotload of venezuelans coming here so we are literally competing for jobs now against them, with the difference that they'll even work without social security. I'd come here as tourist first to see if you would fit in the country before making a radical decision such as moving from Brazil
Women are genetically less smart than men. They tend to pick the worst possible option in most scenarios. That's why you can be ugly as fuck but if you have good conversation skills (persuasion) you can still land a hot girl. Same with politics, tell them a few unrealistic words and tou'll have them at your feet
He's The runner-up in the polls. The favorite candidate is Ivan Duque. Op is just a shill and used his picture because he thought having him there would generate more reactions from other posters
Petro wont be able to do shit because he has less than 1% congress and house support.
fucking retards.
and I'm going to vote for petro.
>buh muh castrochavismo
He's a leb/italian mutt. Nothing good comes from that mix. Just look at the reputation lebs have in Australia
I get the impression
>Petro = Bernie Sanders with a literal terrorist history (or perhaps Maduro)
>Fajardo = Hillary (a say anything/do anything to win candidate)
>Duque = Ted Cruz (patriot, traditionalist)
tell me the reasoning behind why according to you is good to have a divided executive andl egislative power
Obama never had a majority in the US congress or senate and he still fucked then up in numerous ways
Vargas Lleras = Trump
De la Calle = Literally who
Fajardo is actually a PhD in Mathematics from Wisconsin University but he has reputation for being soft handed
he did at the beginning of his first term. i dont really remember bc i was in college at the time
I agree with some of petro ideas, mainly redistribution of land and drug legalization.
hope he gets elected maybe those issues are solved.
The Italians here also brought the first mafias and filled the streets with marijuana, heroin and coke. It’s a bad combo. Expat Italians are either exiled Jews (eg the current pope) or poorfag violent southerners.
Good, but Congress in LATAM are useless. Remember Fujimori, he basically dissolve it.
The only thing they mildly teach us in school is history and look how fast we forget it. We are hopeless.
our right wing elites are not pussy shit.
we have a history of killing left candidates before.
also the military hates chavismo as fuck as well as the political parties.
there will be civil war before this turns into venezuela.
Also US interest here.
Trump can’t be compared. It’s unheard of for an outsider to get such control over his institutions and totally just the MSM in such short time.
Hmm that’s an interesting background for a politician. It’s certainly better than another lawyer but in a country with many blacks and mestizos you need order and toughness to rule. Whilst I doubt they’ll ever be the next Bavaria or Silicon Valley it’s a myth that ‘shitskins’ can’t have decent countries. Look at Syria before the jew destabilisation, Iran, Iraq or Libya before the eternal American got involved. The common theme was a tough on crime leader.
But Obamacare was forced in with a hostile Congress. It’s a myth that a leftist president can’t cause damage if the congress is centrist/right.
Colombia has some sexy traps on chaturbate.
If you were a land owner (I fully assume you aren't), would you still be in favor of a land redistribution policy that forces owners to sell by increasing their taxes and selling to government at meager prices while they finance said purchase via public debt? (that's his proposal by the way)
Alo, can you point me out his proposal regarding the legalization of drugs? You are making this up, he has never said that he will legalize drugs. He is only offering free doses to drug addicts (and he calls it rehab) and that'll somehow disencintivize drug abuse. How progressive. If you think that is a good policy off yourself
>Petro wont be able to do shit because he has less than 1% congress and house support.
>fucking retards.
>and I'm going to vote for petro.
The average chimchombian voter, everyone