Vargas Lleras = Trump
De la Calle = Literally who
Fajardo is actually a PhD in Mathematics from Wisconsin University but he has reputation for being soft handed
Vargas Lleras = Trump
De la Calle = Literally who
Fajardo is actually a PhD in Mathematics from Wisconsin University but he has reputation for being soft handed
he did at the beginning of his first term. i dont really remember bc i was in college at the time
I agree with some of petro ideas, mainly redistribution of land and drug legalization.
hope he gets elected maybe those issues are solved.
The Italians here also brought the first mafias and filled the streets with marijuana, heroin and coke. It’s a bad combo. Expat Italians are either exiled Jews (eg the current pope) or poorfag violent southerners.
Good, but Congress in LATAM are useless. Remember Fujimori, he basically dissolve it.
The only thing they mildly teach us in school is history and look how fast we forget it. We are hopeless.
our right wing elites are not pussy shit.
we have a history of killing left candidates before.
also the military hates chavismo as fuck as well as the political parties.
there will be civil war before this turns into venezuela.
Also US interest here.
Trump can’t be compared. It’s unheard of for an outsider to get such control over his institutions and totally just the MSM in such short time.
Hmm that’s an interesting background for a politician. It’s certainly better than another lawyer but in a country with many blacks and mestizos you need order and toughness to rule. Whilst I doubt they’ll ever be the next Bavaria or Silicon Valley it’s a myth that ‘shitskins’ can’t have decent countries. Look at Syria before the jew destabilisation, Iran, Iraq or Libya before the eternal American got involved. The common theme was a tough on crime leader.
But Obamacare was forced in with a hostile Congress. It’s a myth that a leftist president can’t cause damage if the congress is centrist/right.
Colombia has some sexy traps on chaturbate.
If you were a land owner (I fully assume you aren't), would you still be in favor of a land redistribution policy that forces owners to sell by increasing their taxes and selling to government at meager prices while they finance said purchase via public debt? (that's his proposal by the way)
Alo, can you point me out his proposal regarding the legalization of drugs? You are making this up, he has never said that he will legalize drugs. He is only offering free doses to drug addicts (and he calls it rehab) and that'll somehow disencintivize drug abuse. How progressive. If you think that is a good policy off yourself
>Petro wont be able to do shit because he has less than 1% congress and house support.
>fucking retards.
>and I'm going to vote for petro.
The average chimchombian voter, everyone