Britain will run out of food as a result of Brexit

Is anyone looking forward to these Africa tier ads with starving people where they then ask people to donate fish and chips to be sent to Britain?

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you believe what the media tells you?

I look forward to the day the UK starts hanging journalists for subversion. Unfortunately that, too, will never happen.

Just produce more crumpets m8

they could have just buddied up with the u.s. after brexit and they wouldn't have any problems. but they had to be little pussy faggots.

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Just as well. I haven't renewed my rope licence.

Only because they'll starve before they can do anything.

looking forward to a fifth referendum

don't be a dope bin that rope

I like how Britain is the bad guy for leaving the EU and creating these food shortages
The EU is somehow the good guy for not selling food to Britain and starving the population.

>making light of our situation

Utter faggots.

>you believe what the media tells you?

No, but I still look forward to real world footage from a post-apocalyptic Britain.

Good news will sort out all the fat fucks and the muslims will be on ramadan anyway

Jesus Christ bongs you can't even feed yourselves anymore?

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>I like how Britain is the bad guy for leaving the EU and creating these food shortages
>The EU is somehow the good guy for not selling food to Britain and starving the population.

I like that too

click bait, even the anti brexit politicians are calling this bs


They've been rolling out these doomsday stories since the brexit referendum was announced. Its Britain's media version of 'muh Drumpf will press le red button' elite neoliberal doom porn for the sheep masses.

I think we all know that if another Brexit vote was held today that the vote would definitely be for No
And theres plenty of people lobbying for a 2nd vote now, very possible that all this hassle will have been for fuck all

Ramadan is not about fasting, dude. In Ramadan Muslims stuff more food in themselves than in any other month... they just do it at night and then they cannot sleep or work the next day.

If I don't laugh i'll go insane.

You've exposed yourself Ahmed

lol we'll just send them food to piss off the U.N.

>Britain will run out of food
Is this a brown country thing?

All doomsday predictions have actually become true. You have a stagnating economy and your pound is shit and your politicians have little else to focus on but Brexit

Please take us back Krautbro.

We made a mistake.

I regret voting Leave.
I dont want to starve.

tfw you voted leave because you know Britain will suffer because suffering is what we need

this desu

>I regret voting Leave.
>I dont want to starve.

too late... too late!

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Vote Remain or there will be another shoah.

No they won't we will ship some burgers their way.

Who would be dumb enough to believe that the US/Canada would let the British starve?

Economies adapt as they are forced to by changing markets as they have done for thousands of years.
If Britain goes, Ireland will go straight after and the EU will have to step in and bail them out for the second time without britains contributions.

please dont let us starve
you wouldn't starve us good people over a mistake we made in bad judgement?
We didn't mean to hurt or upset you, we were mislead by demagogues and populists.

I'll do anything.

We might even ship some fries with those burgers.

Anglo-Italian British-Roman Empire RESURGENCE NOW

>Britain will run out of food!

Just give out a cannibalism licence and it's sorted.

don't be abhorred, bin that cord

wtf i love protectionism when the EU does it against Britain

>Trump gets the UK to sign a deal with him with the USA gaining more in the deal
>Keep the UK fed forever

>Food shortage arrives
>neighbours all rush to the shops
>I break into their houses and steal all their canned good and other supplies
>they come back with very little meanwhile I have all I need

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MFW British boys and girls grow up big and strong on a steady diet of SPAM and maple syrup burgers

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Doesn't holding a second vote because you didn't like the result of the first one mean democracy is a joke?

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I'm actually surprised they managed to find a couple of white kids to pose for that emotion manipulation photo.

Soros propaganda for second brexit vote already started?

If the food runs out I'll just start eating Pakis and solve two problems at once. Granted, there's not much meat on the skinny runts but they've been marinading in spices their entire lives.

>Soros propaganda for second brexit vote already started?
It started in June 2016.

Careful may give you the runs.

after 300 years we will get our revenge fully and tax the ever loving fuck out of their faggot biscuits and tea

Guess they better bend over for Brussels or you'll starve em out ehh Fritz?

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m8s the UK could no more run out of food than it could set sail and relocate the islands somewhere warmer. Our principle imports are not from the EU in any case. This is the last gasp of the Remainers, they've gone for broke because there is no time left to fleece the cociane-addicted middle class with fantasies of keep the drug border open.

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Because we all know that before Brexit they were starving to death.

all i want to know is what akala thinks of this

By a strange coincidence Uncle George's campaign to stop Brexit officially kicks off next week.
With that said the government's fucked this up so completely it must have been intentional.

Anything, huh? Why don't you talk to my cousin Shlomo, he'll help you out, for a price.

Is there any particular reason they couldn't just buy food from the US if the EU were being right cunts? Geographic location isn't really a concern considering how heavily China relies on the US for food.

>sucking deranged kraut cock to survive.

This makes me cry user.

No it means that after making a decision the public has realised how bad a decision it was and would now like to change it

>Eat a Paki
>Shit him out
>Still looks the same but smells slightly better

Shhhh Pole, haven’t you recieved the memo. Not while Brits are listening!

I wouldn't be surprised if it's a scare tactic. I also wouldn't be surprised if the British government prevented imports in order to fuel greater unrest and increase control on the citizens.

Tbh I worry drumpf would send the ships and then recall them the next day because retard.

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Hahaha less harmful to the environment too.

>Biscuits and tea
>Not Medjool dates and whatever the fuck muslims eat

Guess why we have just overhauled all our u-boats at the same time? Second time is the charm... blockade!

Always keep in mind that they want to kill you, rape your wife and starve your children, and they think it's funny!

they are still trying fear tactics in 2018?! cute! Just like Al Gore predicted all coastal cities underwater by 2012 -- I am writing to you from 20 meters underwater on my water powered computer.

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I think only if the government is purposefully stalling. Doesn't quite seem like May is stalling,

Does anyone actually believe this is going to happen? The sheer spiteful delusion of the pro-EU movement is enough to convince me that the whole organization should be dissolved.

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>Al Gore predicted all coastal cities underwater by 2012


>if you leave the EU, we will literally starve you and kill your children

>first quarter of 2010
>employment rate


>tfw you try to hang yourself, but the bobby's outside the window, looking at your rope suspiciously

Lmao. Who is this faggot? The future of yurop is beautiful (and gender indeterminate)

They want the free market. They have 12 month to get other sources of food, which they will have to anyway. Some fresh produce is quite scarce in Europe and the producers have enough replacement demand within in the EU.
Start making the magic new deals, stop whining.

Capitalist world my friend. Starvation could be avoided but at tremendous cost to the government.
These Tory cunt consider the poor a roadblock to absolute power so I wouldn't put it past them to start shutting down food banks in anticipation.

You had to choose to get into the EU in the past. Now you changing your mind. And the third time, hm, no, its not possible to change again. Two times yes, three times, no.
Nice mental gymnastics.

I will send some feces over. from the mouth of the beast himself

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I never got this argument. Why have elections at all then if one vote is all it takes to to tell people to sit down and shut up forever?

In Capitalist World, the US produces a vast surplus of food and is happy to sell it to you. This is geopolitics, not market economics.

Cosmopolitan liberals trying to scare everyone away.

>no food scare
>using white kids in front of the empty aisle as a propaganda tactic for suffering but force minority children in everything else

God damn this angers me.

Is this completely bullshit story, part of smiling George Soros relaunching his bid to push for another referendum. I heard he was relaunching this week.

This, its proper retard.

> Paki eats the shit
Thus is the circle of life

>import too many third world refugees onto your island, many of whom have seen combat
>run out of food

It was nice knowing you, England. Let you be an example to the rest of the West

Where in An Inconvenient Truth does he say that all coastal cities will drowm within 6 years???

I worked with Muslims who would come to work sleeping due to it the entire time of Ramadan. Of course you couldn't say anything because that's bigoted. Meanwhile I got chewed out for taking a lunch break to get ashes for Ash Wednesday.

Also would like to point out that there are enough non-whites in London that the UN will still send relief there, and also a small army to keep rural and suburban retards from coming into the city to try and take the free gibs from the enriched population

Don't peddle lies you don't want to hear.
UK begged to get in the EU in the past, because it was believed back then, that they stay behind if they don't. The french where multiple times against it and that was the time
where the Uk got some one off special deal.

Cool that just means the UK can stop spending on foreign aid and they can stop exporting staples to Africa.

We produce the vast majority of our own food and EU produce is significantly more expensive than other sources

Another one for the archive.

Reminder OP has been posting these threads hourly for months.. gee.. almost as if it was his job.

Ive got food enough for months.. i hope it happens.. people can then either fuck off or die off. Lets hope so.

>We produce the vast majority of our own food
≈50% is not a vast majority.
>EU produce is significantly more expensive than other sources
[citation needed]

>hurr these tory cunts
>i love da eu : )

lost on your way from reddit, eh kid?

>accuses people of being from reddit
>uses reddit spacing
What did he mean by this?

>[citation needed]
Do you understand what subsidies and tariffs are?

Oh look YET ANOTHER to add to this evening's compilation

Soros paid pro-EU shills are hitting these boards harder than ever. SAGE in all fields

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