>making light of our situation
Utter faggots.
>making light of our situation
Utter faggots.
>you believe what the media tells you?
No, but I still look forward to real world footage from a post-apocalyptic Britain.
Good news will sort out all the fat fucks and the muslims will be on ramadan anyway
Jesus Christ bongs you can't even feed yourselves anymore?
>I like how Britain is the bad guy for leaving the EU and creating these food shortages
>The EU is somehow the good guy for not selling food to Britain and starving the population.
I like that too
click bait, even the anti brexit politicians are calling this bs
They've been rolling out these doomsday stories since the brexit referendum was announced. Its Britain's media version of 'muh Drumpf will press le red button' elite neoliberal doom porn for the sheep masses.
I think we all know that if another Brexit vote was held today that the vote would definitely be for No
And theres plenty of people lobbying for a 2nd vote now, very possible that all this hassle will have been for fuck all
Ramadan is not about fasting, dude. In Ramadan Muslims stuff more food in themselves than in any other month... they just do it at night and then they cannot sleep or work the next day.