The photos paint a picture of team diversity, 2 bois, a pajeet, and a black dude. Like user said no details yet, but it looks pretty bad. It's a little awkward that this movie will likely be sjw influenced dog shit releasing close to a well received game sequel that sticks to the original albeit basic premise.

>All men must die
>a phrase from fictional series "A Song of Ice and Fire", originally spoken as "valar morghulis" in Valyrian
>Valyrian is usually gender neutral, and in "valar morghulis" a more accurate translation would be "All human beings will die" but that's not really as snazzy
>the main point is that the "men" in "all men must die" is similar to "man" in "mankind" - it refers to all of humanity, not just males

>roasties in charge of understanding the fictional shit they keep relating to

It's just like the retards comparing Trump to Voldemort

Attached: Harry Trump.png (1000x2000, 650K)

Only good character on there is Clementine

Those bottom 3 have nothing to do with e3 2018 though

Attached: DdBcR7GVwAAlXXE.jpg (894x502, 120K)

Attached: 1528470965712.png (878x513, 573K)

Are you serious?

Clem was just shown at PC.
Wolf 2 daughters at Bethesda
Super fro at Ubisoft.

Don’t matter still women won’t play videogames.

why are his legs so feminine tho?

Attached: femboy chief.png (344x349, 204K)