>If you want an actual debate, pick one of my assertions, and state your case for what is wrong with it, specifically.
You made the assertions, it isn't on me to do the convincing dipshit....prove your false claims, go ahead, I dare you to try
>Psychopaths make up 1% of the general population, but 20% of CEOs. Lawyers are second to CEOs with about 15% being psychopaths.
OMG elite pedos and "everyone I don't like is a psychopath", it's like the 2000s tinfoiler scene all over again!
you missed off Keighley, Bradford, and Calderdale. Also soon to be Glasgow
his info was largely legit but that guy was rumored to be dirty too. check out nick bryant, and also ed opperman. sadly opperman was demonetized and some of the best shit on this subject is no longer on yt. pisses me off.
look into jim rothstein. he was a nyc detective in 70s. an expert on the process church and their later movements. the guy knows some weird, dark shit
>I don't get why you'd want to shield childabusers?
That's literally what you're doing, by connecting legit cases with bullshit like pizzagate. Pizzagate has been debunked, so people will not take you seriously if you still spam it.
How much does Hillary pay you for it? You COULD use stuff like the Dutroux case, but you cling to a long-debunked theory. There is a reason for that, you're shills.
Kys fucking kike shill
This. Thank you
Sorry I missed the debunking, care to fill us all in ? inb4 (((Snopes)))
dude just look at the evidence. what very little we know, involving various pedo rings and cults, shows it is all interconnected and vast. also it has gone on consistantly for a very long time