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i dont speak bean
please translate paco

was she blacked.com?

Toll paid?

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Who is this man?

I got angry in the oxxo's row because a woman got into it. I claimed him. He told me something like "fucking blonde your time is over, now that AMLO wins vales pura verga" and hit me. so our country.

Did he ask for a wrong taco?

my fault

Wtf does that even mean.

something about a migrant cutting in front of her and hitting her and claiming it was a "spaniard" too i think

I speak Spanish but don't get what she mean by this.

Apparently AMLO means Andrés Manuel López Obrador, beaner politician. Something to do with who this person is voting for got them punched. I think. Going with basic googlefuckery.

I don't speak beaner English. Someone please translate.

clear as fucking mud

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Vales pura verga = you ain't worth shit

It translates to "I got mad at a line in OXXO (Gas Station) because a lady cut in line. i called her out. She told me something like 'Fucking Whitey, your time is over. Now that AMLO (Presidential Front-runner) won you ain't worth shit.' and went chimp. This is our country."

Thanks Terrorist friend. That was very well translated.

Sad. Where can Mexicans build a wall?

Sorry I'm sleepy as fuck. I'll try to explain by greentexting

>Be in Oxxo's line (beaner 7eleven)
>Woman jumos to queue in front of me
>Complain to her
>"Fucking blonde bitch your time is over. Now AMLO (left wing candidate for presidency) is winning and you are worth shit"
>She hits me

Woman was in Mexican 7/11 when shitskin woman sneaked in before her. Blonde woman got pissed and told her to fuck off.
Shitskin woman beat the shit out of her and said "Once our commie wins, you whities are going to fuck off".

Disregard this retard with preschool level English:

>Now AMLO (left wing candidate for presidency) is winning

I thought the right wing candidate won?

>I thought the right wing candidate won?

My bad it was in Colombia


What kind of spanish is this? ghetto latin spanish? I cant even understand her jesus

I understand why they want to built a wall now.

Most Mexicans are as dumb as niggers.

Sven, is that a trap? fuck me, i really can't tell!

>"Once our commie wins, you whities are going to fuck off".
please clarify?

Well, viva la razza, i guess.

Apparently there really are white people in mexico. Apparently the brown people in mexico think that obrador is brown hitler and all the white mexicans will get gassed.

You fuckers need a wall. With nuclear mines

Thank u

yeah, that's a dude

>woman in OP is indisputably white
>"beaner nigger IQ lmao"

Jow Forums

that mexican blonde probably felt the same way minorities in USA feel everyday with Trump in charge. White americans are scum

Even in Mexico, shitskins hate white skinned beaners.
It’s time for a race war.

man, the US needs to build that wall, let me know when it gets started, I'll come and help!

>obnoxious white woman in foreign country opens her mouth to a native
>native smashes her in the face for her arrogance
>rather than learn a lesson from this and be more respectful roastie posts it to Facebook for victim points and attention
Looks like she's gonna need another dose of the cure.

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Trump needs to send the military to mexico to exterminate the goblinoid mexican race. Truly disgusting race of subhumans, all they do in the states is sell drugs to whites, corrupt our laws when getting into power and drive drunk killing people. They are ABSOLUTELY FUCKING USELESS


This bitch looks like she just ate a galon of period blood what the fuck? Can you get a more fake picture?

Any tim I have an injury blood always follows gravity. STRAIGHT DOWN.
Somehow the blood seems to be smeared over the majority of her lip.

Furthermore, all the dried blood at the corner of her mouth, how the hell did it get there?

She probably does have a nose bleed, but I've seen women force a nose bleed by hitting themselves, and she looks like the type to crave that kind of attention.

Also, white roastie gas station story time:
>be me, straight white male scum
>walking in to gas station
>see roastie approaching from other direction, notice that when she sees me she slows down a bit, no doubt expecting me to walk up and hold the door for her
>she's in her late 20's and displays all the classic warning signs - problem glasses, purple hair, shitty hipster tattoos
>I step up my pace a smidge and smile
>get to the door before her, walk through and let it slam in her face behind me
>she comes in all upset and says "so much for being a gentleman eh?" In a shitty tone of voice
>turn around with shit-eating grin and say "my apologies, you looked like a stronk independent woman who doesn't a man's help"
>smile as I walk out

lmao its like those stories of how white supremacist were bullying minorities in the states when Trump was about to win and left people literally shaking n tweeting about it

can't stump the amlo

Attached: amloposting22.jpg (750x1282, 163K)

And that means?

Once the commie party AMLO or who cares wins, they are going to Zimbabwe or SudAfrika the whole Mexico.
Get away esse, the time of annexation will come and the US will Lebenstraum Mexico

you sound like a bitter incel.

>I got angry waiting at Oxxo's row because a woman got in front of me. I called her out. She told me something like "Pinche güera your time is over. Now that I got AMLO you ain't worth shit." And she hit me. This is now our country.

"Pinche" and "güera" are insults I believe, but I'm not sure how to translate them.

>waiting in line at gas station
>horrible white roastie tumblr-ette in front of me
>she's on her phone bitching about how Tyrone won't kick in a dime for his kid and she's struggling
>gets to counter with her armload of junk - energy shots, candy bars, and oh can she get some cigarettes?
>wait as this fat mess tears her purse apart to find change
>finally pays and gets her shit bagged up
>cashier should've double-bagged but didn't
>she turns around, takes one step, and WHAM all her shit tears through the bag and spills everywhere on the floor
>she lobs a big sigh and looks at me
>she clearly expects me to help her pick this shit up
>instead I step around her and pay for my stuff, then step around her again and leave
>hear her mumble "thanks a lot asshole"
>turn around and tell her that I'd be happy to help but I didn't want to perpetuate the stereotype of the weak woman who needs help from a man
>walk out as she REEEEEEEES because not only did I give her shit but the new bag was tearing too.

You will be shot like the traitorious Poles

Nah, I'm celibate by choice. I've just had enough of white roasties and refuse to play their game. I make enough money to hire hookers when I want pussy, which to me is ideal.

Ok but look at "her" jaw, I don't think it's a woman.

>things that never happened
gotta leave your moms basement to experience life you incel trumpanzee

I got angry in the oxxo's row because a woman got into it. I claimed him. He told me something like "fucking blonde your time is over, now that AYLMAO wins vales pura verga" and hit me. so our country.

Attached: ayyyy.jpg (236x179, 4K)

Even better

Translation: Forgot to tag, I'm retarded

>at supermarket getting a few things
>cashier is a hot mess
>fat white tumblr-ella with rainbow dyed hair (half shaved of course to make her more gender fluid)
>she's ringing orders and taking cash while people are bagging their own stuff
>my turn
>she rings me up, takes my money and hands me change
>We both stand there in silence for anfew seconds
>"Do you need something else?"
>"Just waiting for you to bag my stuff"
>explain that other cashiers always bag my stuff and that I believe her its her job to do so
>she begins to REEEEEEEE about me holding up the line
>people behind me are getting made "dude just bag your shit"
>nope - I got all day
>manager sees line backing up and comes over
>hogette explains that I won't leave and that I'm being rude
>I smile while she paints this picture of her cis white male oppressor
>manager asks me what my problem is
>tell him that I don't work here so I'm not inclined to bag my own groceries
>tell him I've been coming here for years and every other cashier bags my stuff for me, it's part of the service
>manager agrees she is supposed to be bagging, asks her what the problem is
>she starts tearing up and explains how she is in a lot of pain from standing all day and can't physically bag everything AND how she was keeping her line moving faster by making customers do it
>manager bags my stuff and hands it to me
>I walk out with a big gleaming smile as everyone behind me calls me an asshole

I doubt that she was attacked for political reasons but if it is true it is very based. This whores have to be slapped back in the kitchen.

There is some blood smeared around her face, but there is no sign of trauma. Facial features, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, tend to swell and discolor almost immediately. I think this is a hoax.

I don't speak Italian.

>I hire prozzies
which is it retard?

>no swelling, redness or even tears
>almost no blood when you usually lose half of your body's weight from nosebleeds

They’re pulling a reverse Trump, claiming that since a socialist is getting rlected president, brown people will begin to attack lighter skinned people. Another case of
>hey Rabbi

fucking white girl. isnt that exactly how it translates?

In spirit I guess?

can't read that, so I'm assuming she choked on a BBC, cuz she saw on Jow Forums that 'BBC is a meme'

fake as fuck. But yeah, most of the mexican stablishment fucking hate AMLO and are scare to death... like if something was going to change, lmao
