There is some blood smeared around her face, but there is no sign of trauma. Facial features, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, tend to swell and discolor almost immediately. I think this is a hoax.
I don't speak Italian.
>I hire prozzies
which is it retard?
>no swelling, redness or even tears
>almost no blood when you usually lose half of your body's weight from nosebleeds
They’re pulling a reverse Trump, claiming that since a socialist is getting rlected president, brown people will begin to attack lighter skinned people. Another case of
>hey Rabbi
fucking white girl. isnt that exactly how it translates?
In spirit I guess?
can't read that, so I'm assuming she choked on a BBC, cuz she saw on Jow Forums that 'BBC is a meme'
fake as fuck. But yeah, most of the mexican stablishment fucking hate AMLO and are scare to death... like if something was going to change, lmao