>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
>child murderers >the left wants abortion, the right doesn't
Chase James
>in the meantime on another planet mohamed 1 mohamed 2 mohamed 3 mohamed 4 mohamed 5 mohamed 6 mohamed 7 Can we finally admit that we have a problem? Yes? >isch fick euch kapuuut
>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
This is so pathetic, holy shit. They spend more time organizing than actually doing something. >no no, before we can create memes we have to write meme guidelines and before that we have to have a vote to determine the people who write these meme guidelines Reminds me all the times I had to work with a group of all female students back in university.
Dominic Ortiz
7 hoch 2 --> 49 hoch 2 --> 2401 hoch 2 --> 5764801; Über 5 millionen in 2100. LOL
Considering they are all intermarrying we can assume that starting the second generation they'll only reproduce Brundle-Fly-tier offspring.
Ryan Thompson
Adapting to the horrifically leftist literature scene, you'll never get published with wrong-think unless you're somewhat famous, and even then only in non-fiction.
Cameron Stewart
and the more retarded the more children >just fick mir die scheiße hoch
Thats devastating, only the dumb breed everyone else is keen on dying out, ther is no hope to reach anything with these demographics
Kayden Morales
On Hartz IV it's easy to get childen. Basic stuff, like baby beds, clothing etc, is paid and provided. Got another child? No problem, you'll get another baby bed. The old one can be sold of course, same with clothing. No questions asked. School trip coming up? Dental care? Health Insurance? No, problem. This is all paid too. And then there's Kindergeld. Weeew.
Xavier Morris
You niggas knew that I was trolling right ? right ? It's 7^n, where n is the number of generations.
Dylan Bennett
And that's the result: dailymail.co(dot)uk/sciencetech/article-5832789/Young-people-really-getting-stupid-IQs-falling-seven-points-generation.html
Adrian Ross
Es gibt halt verschiedene Arten des Jihad.
Landon Flores
Now let's let's extrapolate and think about what the West is doing in Africa.
think how was it possible that until the second world war a family could have 12 children?
this is not a natural but an artificial problem, and has to do with culture and economics
It makes people forget that they have to die someday you tell people the consumption and career the most important thing in life is (and moves the parenthood to 40+) they tell the people that they live only once and that they should do as much as possible Producing children is presented as a personal decision and not as a matter of course Women are encouraged not to produce so many children
and you wonder?
that's literally suicide what all the wannabe activists do with us here
and in 25 years you will see what that really means
There will be less of us as after the Thirty Years' War and the pest in the Middle Ages together
Oliver Hernandez
>jkbremen Yes
Nathaniel Watson
It's absolutely ridiculous here. EVERYONE here hates Trump and can do nothing but repeat the same phrases which do not contain any arguement. It's so cute that these 50+ year olds actually think they are mature.
Alexander James
paying trillions in welfare to create as many niggers as possible
>and in 25 years you will see what that really means Nope, you will already see that in 10 years max, because that's when the last Boomers (born late 60s) will retire. They will from one day go from taxpayer to Rentenempfänger and the system will collapse.
Andrew Cooper
I guess all the refugees can take care of them then :^)
Aiden Torres
The industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Andrew Reyes
Wrong you fucking retard. It's the welfare state and democracy.
Jackson Campbell
Aren't Germany's boomers the #1 public donators? And then put religion into it. Christianity and Islam are both actively increasing their numbers.
Wyatt Ortiz
I'll tell you where the main problem is Trump has an iq around the 160, and many do not even understand how he mentally works
or what you do not understand, you either hate or declare it insane
but the fact that the whole press is against and he is still there would have to tell you something
But that's the problem of herdentrieb and retardness
Hudson Perez
Was the same thing during Bush. They just establish that the US president is an idiot and that it is ok to laugh at him. Afterwards their lazy comedy routine becomes - "Bush/Trump, ammiright?" *canned laughter*. During Obama there was only silence, because that would be racist.
Someone else watching ZDF news? How the fuck can M lie about crime in Germany so blatantly with a straight face like that and how the fuck do the ÖR keep getting away with this completely biased reporting?
Camden Jenkins
>ZDF news is literally the european version of CNN
ZDF was literally planned as Regierungsfernsehen aka Adenauerfernsehen in the early 60s.
Cooper Bell
Because their lie is based on a statistical "fact", i.e. our crime rate has fallen because the crime statistic only shows crimes in which the state attorney has opened a case. Due to being utterly swamped by new crime and understaffed the attorney offices are stacked high with crimes that they haven't even come around to officially declare a crime yet. This is in addition to the people rapidly losing faithin the justice system and thus not even bothering to report crimes anymore.
Meanwhile all the self defence courses offered by city admins are overbooked with young women fearing for their lives.
Charles Richardson
not to forget how they just some months ago told us "yeah the crim raised, but thats normal because blablablablaa" these people are so full of shit but even more aggrevating are the fucking normie cunts, who actually LISTEN to the newsstation EVERYDAY like the little normies they are, and JUST CANNOT see themselves how the media is constantly changing their narratives and bullshit around but are at the same time so self-rightous in laughing at "trumps stupidity" wtf is wrong with people really
I know all this shit, but what they do is in conflict with the RStV. How do they keep getting away with it?
The part about crime statistics I was referring to was spoken by M herself. She said that the crime statistics released recently proves that we're on the right course (read: crime rates are falling).
>Kindermörder forum Jow Forums What the fuck Jow Forums i never knew you killed kids
Hunter Thompson
>The part about crime statistics I was referring to was spoken by M herself. She said that the crime statistics released recently proves that we're on the right course (read: crime rates are falling). Self-deception is a process of denying or rationalizing away the relevance, significance, or importance of opposing evidence and logical argument. Self-deception involves convincing oneself of a truth (or lack of truth) so that one does not reveal any self-knowledge of the deception.
Did you see the report about Albania? The fucks want to get into the EU by "taking in refugees". So they could send us their scum PLUS those refugees afterwards anyway.
Zachary Diaz
We still have nothing in common with albanians, stop trying
one should really check on this, I wouldn't even be the least surprised if all these comments are made by the "spiegel-social media team" or some bs like that 5 years ago the comments there were always from people like us, then 3 years ago (flüchtlingskrise) they said they're going to TURN IT OFF in articles that have to do with things like that, because of hate speech and all of a sudden its turned on again and the comments are all from left-cucks
> Die 28-jährige Sophia L. will von Sachsen nach Bayern trampen. An einer Tankstelle in > Schkeuditz steigt sie in einen Lastwagen. Dann verliert sich ihre Spur. Nun gibt die Polizei > bekannt: Die Studentin ist wahrscheinlich getötet worden.
Hmm, I guess she shouldn't have entered the truck...