one should really check on this, I wouldn't even be the least surprised if all these comments are made by the "spiegel-social media team" or some bs like that 5 years ago the comments there were always from people like us, then 3 years ago (flüchtlingskrise) they said they're going to TURN IT OFF in articles that have to do with things like that, because of hate speech and all of a sudden its turned on again and the comments are all from left-cucks
> Die 28-jährige Sophia L. will von Sachsen nach Bayern trampen. An einer Tankstelle in > Schkeuditz steigt sie in einen Lastwagen. Dann verliert sich ihre Spur. Nun gibt die Polizei > bekannt: Die Studentin ist wahrscheinlich getötet worden.
Hmm, I guess she shouldn't have entered the truck...