Ron Pearlman literally crying

what the fuck is his problem?

Attached: pearlman.png (582x694, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I actually thought he was cool in Blade II and liked his voicework in Afro Samurai

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What do you think? These people have the minds of children. None of this matters anymore. Eventually these people will have to be purged for the betterment of society and the world.

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He dont know truth

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What the fuck is your problem that you a) pay attention to him and b)care????

Jewish crocodile tears

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Kikes... Kikes never change.

>ron perlman not understanding that:
>war never changes.


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cry more, kike.

The celebrities and politicians who cries loudest are all involved in dark shit which will lioterally end their life if it is exposed.

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>Crying children is our biggest problem
Is he a woman?

Ron is based. You guys are fucking losers for supporting Trump on this. This shit is sick. Poor babies being ripped from their moms. Hope the same thing happens to your family someday.

after seeing The City of Lost Children and those pedoscenes i knew that Ron was (((Ron)))

The most successful thing the Jews have done against us was to infest our "ideological and philosophical collective space" with ultra-feminine, faggy, dumbass emotion...everything is the fucking "fellz"

fucking jews...

something tells me he hasnt shed any tears for the palestinian children who have been murdered by israel

he didn't shed any tears for the beaner children either...he is full of jew-shit

>is that what you want

Yeah I'm sure that's exactly what he wants. Why are these people so self absorbed?

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>parents commit crime and go to jail
>keep kids somewhere in the meantime

Listen up, Shekelberg, and listen good. The West is a civilization based on the rule of law and you will have to take your Jewish tricks back to fucking Israel.

Does Ron get off sexually to child trafficking? Trump might be blocking Ron's fix

People need to stop lying. This entire situation is built of complete fabrications. Its actually insane that we have to fight lies like this every second of everyday.

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He needs roles, and to get roles in current hollywood you have to virtue signal

Ron needs to post a time-stamped photo of him shedding tears and dribbling mucus from his nose. Anyone can write "literally shaking" in a tweet

>why are the spic kids crying "mommy"?

>Iron cross is a symbol of Nazi Germany
Why doesn't he just google this shit before mouthing off and looking like a retard? I'm sure all the modern day German's who have earned the Honour of the Bundeswehr would love to know Ron Perlman thinks they're nazis.

think he's trying too hard to get his next movie role

All this talk of children and cages, and cultish.
>pizzagate is real.
Getting in front of the bullet.
>too late, too many know.

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how about you tweet about it more faggot, I'm sure that's really going to help people.

The core problem is honduras, salvador and other central american countries are gang/cartel shitholes with massive government corruption. But how many tweets of Ron Perlman are about honduran govt corruption? He's not part of the solution, he's part of the problem. By enabling illegals he's actually putting people at risk.

Another fucktarded liberal who thinks the Iron Cross was a "Nazi symbol". It was used by German armies for centuries before Hitler. It is still the official symbol of the German military today. Why are liberals so fucking dumb and uneducated?

Is that why the troll from Ernest Scared Stupid had two noses? Were they trying to tell us to beware the jew nose goblins?

Would explain why he wanted to steal children and was defeated by "mothers milk". A molester that hates family values.

QQ moar

the coalburning jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

Also, someone tell this fag it's always been this bad but Obama deferred any action to address it and didn't have the balls to build a wall.

>immediately gets an erection and starts thinking about other people's dicks
What the fuck is wrong with liberals?

Cry more, homo.

Who would?

Fuck that sucks. What a little bitch. Ron Perlman just ruined Ron Perman for me asshole.
God damn it.

(((Ron Perlman)))

He can adopt as many as he wants, as long as he pays for them all. Having a rich Jew parent means they don't qualify for welfare.

Meanwhile this is the kind of guy that straight up avoids taxation.

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They and their parents should be hanged as the invader that they are

has no problem being steely eyed when Jews are gunning down Palestinians

oh no, a crying kike
Burn the lawbooks

The Democucks are the party of Mass Immigration. Their Jewish Masters are the driving intellectual force behind all Kill Whitey propaganda. Tell every white person you know that if you hate white communities, the Democucks will help you destroy them. Democucks: Killing White Communities Since 1965.

>all action must be motivated by sexual sadism

J e w lad

He's literally jewish you retard

>a jew is crying
Yeah and dolphins fuck each other in the ass

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Whiter than Jews, Rodriguez

Because if they were educated they wouldn't be liberals.

They're doing the same thing to kids in Canada but for some reason that's "great"

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>ITT people that know actors play pretend for a living but still want to live in a pretend world where anything an actor says somehow matters

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maybe be upset at the parents for breaking the law

>Libs who claim that Trump hates the Veterans can't tell the difference between Spartan Creed and an Iron Cross, and so they claim that a disabled Vet who's job it is to hunt down pedophiles a Nazi

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What a phony fucking faggot. Maybe the cries of babies awakened something primal and he realized he wasted his seed on mulatto ape children and his whole life has been a lie.

Damn i thought he was an alpha male like in hellboy

Don't you have a younster to assault for a "sexual emergency" Mohammad?

Democrats attacking a wounded combat veteran is probably a bridge too far for them. Why haven't we memed this?

We should totally make a campaign to get this guy fired for being an "ICE Nazi" with an "IRON CROSS" Tattoo. If we can get these retards to openly attack wounded combat veterans they will be destroyed by the time 2018 comes around.

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>smokes blunt in profile pic

We should all value her opinion


Having lived in group homes, I can tell you there are ten times more children crying and wasting away in your own fucking community being abused by the boot of the leftist nanny state.

You mental midgets do not know anything other than to burp back the soundbytes of your corporate masters.

>Dreamers get a free pass. It's not quite illegal if they have good intentions!
>not all immigrants are here to hurt you, let them in!
And other such mental gymnastics from the loony lefties
>inb4 CBS are Republican propaganda
>inb4 Obama and CNN are Republican propaganda

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>iron cross is a symbol of nazi Germany

I can't roll my eyes hardeer

he's a neurotic kike with too much neanderthal admixture

How many foster children and adopted kids does he have? His home is free, his children are adults.

If even 1% of the bleeding hearts opened their homes we wouldn't have a foster care crisis. Right now these kids have nowhere to go when their criminal parents go to jail.

We know these people hate children. They refuse to have them and then celebrate their vasectomies. It is sickening to see them put on this caring facade when they do nothing to help.

yeah, 8 years of Obamanation doing this is too much.

So is there any actual real answer to how illegals should be processed in regards to their children? Like do you really think lumping adult males, females and kids in the same place is actually a good idea?

Send this on Twitter more people need to know about it.

another whiny jew

He's out of children and/or blood.
note him mentioning sexual depravity in relation to a sensitive situation.


>muuh nazi iron cross boohoohoo
there's literally a movie falled 'the iron cross'. someone telk this fag, so he can cry some more.

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>mocking question
>strawman response
>mocking question
>strawman response
>claims victory
truly deserves the oven

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Ron was based in Sons of Anarchy

Yes. He fucking does. He is an agent of the swamp. He knows exactly what he is doing.

(((Ron))) crying that his order of child sex slaves was held up in customs...

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Drank too much onions doing voice acting for Fallout 76

He's going through manopause


And yet he won't use his millions to fly down and help, or sponsor a family or do shit.

>don't pay attention to the hearings and the coup they are revealing Goy

all that weird shit started happening right around the time they passed that shmidt munt act bill
to legalize propaganda in 2012...

blue max>iron cross

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Daily reminder he is married to a negress

This is how alcoholics react to shit, not sober men. He clearly needs some help for his addiction if he's already hitting the bottle.


What a tool.
I've given up on a most of hollywood and video games these past two years.
Lost 60 lb.

>(((Pearlman)) is crying
That's good news.

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Be really great to see all the pedos larping as "gay accepting foster parents" and the Canadian government just goes and gives these 12 year old trannies straight to them to free them from the shackles of their abusive parents fuck it get the rake

>thinking this is wrong
>thinking two wrongs make a right

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were where his tears when all those little white girls were blown up at an Ariana Grande concert. i guess tears are only reserved for brown children.

Jew never changes.

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Not if they're lighter than Obama, though.

Surprise surprise.
Cannot wait for Rope Day.

>Afro Samurai


these low IQ libtards in jewland are responsible for so much fake news, you could fill a library with the dumb shit they write on social media.

They take children for people having too much laundry.
Its all power tripping nigger bitches taking white children away these days.