Ron Pearlman literally crying

>Crying children is our biggest problem
Is he a woman?

Ron is based. You guys are fucking losers for supporting Trump on this. This shit is sick. Poor babies being ripped from their moms. Hope the same thing happens to your family someday.

after seeing The City of Lost Children and those pedoscenes i knew that Ron was (((Ron)))

The most successful thing the Jews have done against us was to infest our "ideological and philosophical collective space" with ultra-feminine, faggy, dumbass emotion...everything is the fucking "fellz"

fucking jews...

something tells me he hasnt shed any tears for the palestinian children who have been murdered by israel

he didn't shed any tears for the beaner children either...he is full of jew-shit

>is that what you want

Yeah I'm sure that's exactly what he wants. Why are these people so self absorbed?

Attached: I mean.jpg (1024x663, 54K)

>parents commit crime and go to jail
>keep kids somewhere in the meantime

Listen up, Shekelberg, and listen good. The West is a civilization based on the rule of law and you will have to take your Jewish tricks back to fucking Israel.

Does Ron get off sexually to child trafficking? Trump might be blocking Ron's fix