Gun control works

Jow Forums loves to pretend that people will still have guns and crime will get worse if common sense gun laws are put into place. If that's the case, explain countries like Japan and the UK. Let's face it, they have no guns and...NO mass shootings, criminals don't have them, no one gets shot.

It's quite simple, really.

Banning and confiscating assault rifles would stop mass shootings and save lives. Why would anyone be against that?

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Japan also doesn’t have niggers and other subhuman races. Look at Norway or Czech Republic, they have guns and virtually no crime. The problem is not guns, it’s brown people.

Race has nothing to do with it. Stop trying to deflect from the real issue, guns killing people.

We should just make Murder double illegal. Nobody would break the law twice, right?

80% of mass shootings are gang related and done by blacks and Hispanics. Gun crime is the worst in majority black cities with strict gun laws.

How about instead of attacking them you instead help out these communities of minorities who have been subject to decades of systematic racism. Race does not matter in crime statistics because it is not race that motivates the crimes, it's lack of opportunity caused by racism from suburban whites.

It's not any of those things it's the culture or lack there of. We need a change and more laws will do nothing. Look at the UK if the meme is to be believed they are banning knives. Why is that? Because their is a cultural divide with many sides not getting along. Doesn't matter if it's guns knives hell eventually tools if people can not get along people eventually die. Its just how it works

So instead of banning guns we should make more of an effort to engage with and provide opportunities for disadvantaged people. Thanks for proving that guns are not the problem, nor is banning them the solution!

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OP is a faggot and sage

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What it all comes down to is Sam Colt made all men equal, and you want to take that away.

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You don't need a gun to defend yourself. Get a tazer, pepper spray, or go learn martial arts.

A moderately trained martial artist can handle any situation that may arise, including someone with a gun. I know, I am a karate student of a little over a year and have practiced disarming maneuvers extensively.

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Decades of systematic racism from their Democrat mayors. But sure, they'll be happy to hand over their guns to the police that the left assumes are racist and want to kill all blacks.

Not true. IQ and genes differ etween races. Blacks have avg IQ thats 15 to 20 points lower than whites. They also have "warriors gene" tha makes them up to 10x more agressive.

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Whatever you say goku

Essentially this. Only euro cucks place there faith in the government's hands, and look how well it's turned out lol.

Disarm me from 50 yards while I gun your ass down. Guns are ranged weapons and effectively ended open melee combat for a reason

Would you give that advice to a 60 year old woman? Is she expected to fight off a 6 foot tall man who may or may not have his own gun?

Why do you hate women?

Can you disarm a man at 100 yards?

>*gets shot by a nigger with an illegal gun*

The strongest argument the anti-lobby has is the Australian NFA and this image measures it's impact.

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No it doesn't work you commie kike.

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Seems proximity to Mexico is a good indicator of gun crime

It's called "bridging the gap" and it's a method of running where you are able to bridge a large gap quickly while being a small target so you can very quickly approach someone who has a gun before they can use it.

We have students at my dojo as young as 5 and as old as 70. Age is no obstacle to martial arts. Yell, we have a 9 year old that recently got her black belt.

Fatherlessness is also a huge factor second only to Gini Coefficient.

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No, Chicago and Detroit is really fucking far from Mexico.
Check the stats for yourself user.

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>guy control works
>t. brazil

I've flown numerous times, never once had to take my shoes off at the airport.

Leftist nufag spotted.
Always inventing complicated mental gym to avoid simple truths. Everywhere there are niggers, there is violence. When they are armed, and you are not, you are in troubles.

How did Japan lose in World War 2? If they could have just trained an army of 9 year olds and female blackbelts?

>No mass shootings
Wrong. We have had several mass shootings since. Handguns were banned because of a school shooting.

You are correct that we have not had a school shooting since, however ***we did not have any before that single incident either***.

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>Gun control works
Wrong. Look at Chicongo and New Jewery. What you should
be focused on is preventing them from getting
into schools, because you will never remove them from the public.

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>lies and misrepresentations, the post

But the US as a whole is right next to Mexico, dumbass

>literally Naruto run at your opponent while they gun you down

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America has a nigger problem, not a gun problem.

>the only crime is shootings


i guess leftists are too fucking stupid to comprehend maybe its better to have 500 less deaths from home invasions even if it means a handful of deaths from shootings

So rather than someone being able to simply pay money for a machine that they can garuntee will even the playing field in any criminal confrontation, they have to spend a lot of extra time and money they might not have in hopes of training a skill, which they may not even be able to attain due to their own conditions.

Why do you hate women, the poor, fat people, and the disabled? It's pretty bigoted of you to assume martial arts is so easy for everyone.

Plus, that's pretty bad cultural appropriation.

>let in more immigrants
>the "Social Police" are at it, must speak a certain way
>take away my guns
wow, it's like Nazi Germany all over again

i mean, in US it's far more important to hit the news for a week than to live a good and honorable life. no wonder school shootings are so frequent.

Oddly enough, the best counterargument is New Zealand.

There is no excuse for not getting into shape. Also, the disabled can and do learn karate as well so your argument is invalid. Just stop.

>muh Naruto
I have doubts about a cripple or a pregnant woman disarming tyrone. You are retarded, deal with it.

Bang you're dead

If that's true, why haven't any disabled people won an MMA title? Why are there separate MMA divisions for men and women?

If just knowing martial arts makes you immortal, why didn't China conquer the world 3000 years ago?

fuck off

If anything we need to end the war on drugs not start a war on guns

Legalize guns legalize drugs ban the government

Sorry, but my 80 year old mother has an excuse.

Pic refers.

Protip: the problem is not the number of guns but the number of something else.

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>Plus, that's pretty bad cultural appropriation.

Martial arts are not exclusively east asian.

>I have doubts
This is because you know nothing about the martial arts and have probably never trained like I have.

Dude, just leave. Get out. MMA has nothing to do with this because it doesn't.

I wish I were American, just so I could shoot you.

Can you dodge bullets, Naruto?

didn't know sam colt was chinese

We had killed all our large predators in this land, guns became purely used for the killing of other humans. We gave them up willingly at that point.
To be honest, i have such a bad fucking temper, i'm glad there are no guns around, people would have died, i would be in jail. Brits are very "feisty", if every punch up here had a gun involved, it would be carnage.
Burgers DO NOT shoot all your animals ! That is when things get really fucking ugly. Trust me, if Mr FBI wants your guns, the best way to argue him out of it, is if he has to traverse miles of wilderness filled with cougars, bears, wolves and crocodiles, just to come inspect your gun cabinet. The day you kill all your preds, is the day you lose all argument for your guns.
So start helping your local wild life, take it from a man who lives in a place where it's TOO LATE, in a nation that already long ago made all the mistakes you are currently facing.

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>i am a ninja, so everyone can be one
First, Tyrone shoots you easily. Second, even if you could, weak/disabled people cannot.
Karatekas have already troubles with a knife, so a gun....LMAO. stop deluding yourself. Also, i trained in karate. Its crap. If you really want to defend yourself, there are other martial arts. Efficient ones, with grabs and throws.

Yes user, the gun took itself out of a safe and shot innocent people.

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go live in baltimore

you will either

1. get shot and die by a nigger 9/10
2. stfu real fast

It's not about dodging bullets, its about understanding what path they will take relative to where the attacker is aiming and moving yourself out of that path in such a way to distract and disorient so that you can move in close to utilize a disarming maneuver.

lol, kys

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So lets say a small woman and a huge muscular man both know martial arts. The woman is fucked

Also why do you leftists want blacks to be disarmed and be at the mercy of the evil racist police you hate so much? If youre anti police it doesnt fucking make sense to have the police be the only ones with gubs

Seriously, though. Talk of gun control just makes people go out and buy more guns. Threads like these turn Jow Forumsacks into Jow Forumsommandos.

So apparently you think you can.

Look at this fool and laugh ladies and gentlemen. Real life is not like your Japanese animes.

Psst faggots, OP is a shitty troll.

because only niggers have been enslaved or invaded right lolol

try hundreds of years for white people - and guess what, we doing just fine. Russia had worse chattel slavery sending people to mines.

little bitches who cant admit when its their fault deserve to be killed en masse

I'm not anti police. I just think they need to be mindful of how they handle historically marginalized communities.

>No change in the regulation of guns.

God I hate these lying cunts so much. (((Regulations))) means a full civilian ban and everyone knows it, but they tip toe around the truth while flinging shit like a fertilizing tractor. We have a crap ton of gun regulations. Places like Jersey and the people's republic of California practically have the draconian laws that they want. What they are so infinitely but flustered about is that they don't have the absolute totalitarian control that they really want. Fuck these people not one more inch ever.

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How do you dodge in a wheelchair ? What if the guy empties half of his gun clip, because its what usually happens, spraying an area ? Mmm ? What trajectory can you predict when they are multiples ones ?
>muh dragonball, again

And then the disarming maneuver doesnt work because you sent the 60 year old woman with 1 arm against the guy who was a linebacker in highschool.

Or, while she's struggling the gun away, she gets punched in the face because she only has the one arm to work with.

Nevermind that if anyone has this ninja skill to dodge bullets, that they could just as easily garuntee their succedd by having their own gun and not,needing to worry if their opponent is much larger or god forbid also took a martial arts class.

Fuck off with your weaboo fantasies insisting that everyone needs to train for months or years in order to have a right to defend themselves you nigger

>tyrone is marginalized because of muh racism, not because he kills and steals
Ok genius. Other good jokes ?

how does one get rid of guns when we know how to machine them from solid blocks of steel and aluminum? no serial number, no registration, nobody knows when we made them. grandfathered in. fuck you.

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We have more guns than every standing army in the world combined in the hands of civilians. Thank God for the Second Amendment.

How many times this week are you going to shit up the board with this faggot tier pasta?

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The question is why do countries like Czechia and Sweden with pretty lax gun laws have literally 0 school shootings.

it does, you can call my country a shithole
but have no guns at all and our murder rate is at 0,50 per 100.000

Dude you are talking shit. You cannot dodge bullets and you cannot predict to a certainty where they will start flying.

If you got that close to someone with a gun in the first place you've failed. The first rule in any situation like that is to do everything you can to get away.

The white people who enslaved niggers, were slaves themselves. You think some press-ganged harbour drunk forcibly separated from his family, abducted into service, suffering from scurvy, with rope burns all up his hands, eating weevil-infested biscuit and drinking befouled water and who would be whipped or keel-hauled for disobedience by his (officers) if he didn't traipse through fucking sawgrass and kidnap wogs was enjoying a fulfilling free career as a capitalist entrepreneur ?

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The amendment about the right to wear shoes without infringement was scrubbed from the history books that day

>no Switzerland
Country filled with guns but few niggers. Also no gun crime. Explain that.

I learn my gun techniqes from playing doom russian over kill my dude my nuke and quadrupe double barrel shotguns can leave you into mush.

And 5 times that number doesn't make you any threat to your government because it has tanks, drones and nukes.

We have technologies taht when the 2nd amendment was made they'd have to allow you to have RPGs, Stingers and landmines and whatnot to actually combat your military.

Somebody better go call Vietnam and let them know they lost because we had nukes

>I'm not anti police
Well I am. Police act as the enforcers of government tyranny and not just against these "marginalized communities" and i'd rather not be completely disarmed against them.

If you want me to turn in my guns make the government/police give up their guns first otherwise no fucking way

The enemies that the US military has had the most problems with have always been poor dirt farmers with AKs and bathtub explosives.

Funny that.

According to Op, its because marginalized communities and minorities are kept out of martial arts schools by the patriarchy. But since you have none/few, then everybody is a ninja, dodging bullets. While there are shootings, you naruto people dodge bullets all the time and there are no deaths. Also, you need to open your borders and get some tyrone and ahmeds, otherwise you are rayciss.

The minds of leftists are fascinating, you got to admit.

Vietnam was a long time ago user technolgy has advanced a bit.

Your main problem is always that your enemy gets dirt cheap weapons that bust your tanks and helicopters. It's the same problem the Soviets had in afganistan.

RPGs and Stingers. The american population does not have these.

It was not stingers and RPGs that busted their shit, it was IEDs - Improvised Explosive Devices. Shit made in people's sheds and bathtubs.

A lot of those weapons will go missing or stop working if the US Federal government decides to start killing US citizens indiscriminately.

But you'll take away a native persons way to hunt. You don't want to kill natives and enslave their children do you?

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Just cut the logistic chain. Avoid tanks and target fuel and ammo depots. Gorilla tactics. Tanks and other warmachines are useful in a foreign war. Not so much in a civil war. For a government, spies and assassins, infiltration groups and manipulating them is far more efficient. Thats what they do btw. You do not crush a rebellion at home with tanks, you lose it.

>US Federal government decides to start killing US citizens indiscriminately.
So we're talking genocide war?

You have literally 0 chance then. They can chem, bio and nuke all of the states or populations they deem unnecessary. There nobody to make IEDs if every civilian is shot on sight.

Asks the Bosnians in Bosnia when the serbs came and ethnically cleansed territory how much resistance was put up.

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Just stop it, Whitey! You HAVE to give up your guns because niggers and spics can't be trusted with them!

Nigger we had a civil war here. Tanks are pretty damn effective. Especially if the other side has NONE.

Our military has planes, tanks, drones, and advanced weaponry and they STILL got their shit kicked in over the last decade by a bunch of goat-farmers with 30+ year old machine guns and bombs they made out of plumbing.

None of that works without infrastructure. Poorly and extremely hard to defend infrastructure.

Somebody got their funding renewed. Gun control, pro Israel, bbc bullshit, anti white women, blue Wave fantasizing and, so many other lame bait and dilution threads have at least tripled in the last two weeks. If CTR and share blue burned through like 30-50 million during the campaign and Bloomberg cam blow 50 million a year just to maintain the illusion of relative parity between anti gun nuts and regular people. The left is throwing absurd amounts of money at the fact that virtually nobody likes or trusts them. Eventually that Bullshit train is going to run out of track. The only thing that scares me is that they are openly deploying semi sentient bots to do the dirty work for them. Seeings as they own the originating institutions that most people use to interact with the outside world that poses a massive threat to free speech and the exchange of non (((approved))) ideas. These assholes are building the cyber ministry of truth and that scares the fuck out of me. Eventually the normal people are going to get so sick of everything that they are going to drop out of society or fucking burn it all down. I vote torches and pitchforks.

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Great thread Naruto.

The US won't genocide itself, their won't be anyone left to pay taxes and buy bonds which will remove all incentive to work for the government in the first place. I'm talking about the suppression of large groups of civilians through violence which will lead to mass defections and sabotage from military personnel.

Don't you fools understand? If there were more gun control then those criminals wouldn't even have guns in the first place!

I'll post every hour if I need to in order to get my point across. No more children need to die because of the NRA and gun owners. NOT ONE MORE! Enough is enough.

This, a tyrannical government has never happened here but even if it did the so-called rebels would wind up on the wrong side of history once again, lol

They had barely had guns to start with. America was forged and built on guns.