>US Federal government decides to start killing US citizens indiscriminately. So we're talking genocide war?
You have literally 0 chance then. They can chem, bio and nuke all of the states or populations they deem unnecessary. There nobody to make IEDs if every civilian is shot on sight.
Asks the Bosnians in Bosnia when the serbs came and ethnically cleansed territory how much resistance was put up.
Just stop it, Whitey! You HAVE to give up your guns because niggers and spics can't be trusted with them!
Christopher Morris
Nigger we had a civil war here. Tanks are pretty damn effective. Especially if the other side has NONE.
Nicholas White
Our military has planes, tanks, drones, and advanced weaponry and they STILL got their shit kicked in over the last decade by a bunch of goat-farmers with 30+ year old machine guns and bombs they made out of plumbing.
Connor Reed
None of that works without infrastructure. Poorly and extremely hard to defend infrastructure.
Oliver Baker
Somebody got their funding renewed. Gun control, pro Israel, bbc bullshit, anti white women, blue Wave fantasizing and, so many other lame bait and dilution threads have at least tripled in the last two weeks. If CTR and share blue burned through like 30-50 million during the campaign and Bloomberg cam blow 50 million a year just to maintain the illusion of relative parity between anti gun nuts and regular people. The left is throwing absurd amounts of money at the fact that virtually nobody likes or trusts them. Eventually that Bullshit train is going to run out of track. The only thing that scares me is that they are openly deploying semi sentient bots to do the dirty work for them. Seeings as they own the originating institutions that most people use to interact with the outside world that poses a massive threat to free speech and the exchange of non (((approved))) ideas. These assholes are building the cyber ministry of truth and that scares the fuck out of me. Eventually the normal people are going to get so sick of everything that they are going to drop out of society or fucking burn it all down. I vote torches and pitchforks.
The US won't genocide itself, their won't be anyone left to pay taxes and buy bonds which will remove all incentive to work for the government in the first place. I'm talking about the suppression of large groups of civilians through violence which will lead to mass defections and sabotage from military personnel.
Gavin White
Don't you fools understand? If there were more gun control then those criminals wouldn't even have guns in the first place!
I'll post every hour if I need to in order to get my point across. No more children need to die because of the NRA and gun owners. NOT ONE MORE! Enough is enough.
This, a tyrannical government has never happened here but even if it did the so-called rebels would wind up on the wrong side of history once again, lol
Chase Miller
They had barely had guns to start with. America was forged and built on guns.