What exactly are they “resisting “ against...

What exactly are they “resisting “ against? How have their lives been affected in the slightest by Trump being president?

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>I'm not prone to exaggeration but I am

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I somehow doubt he has kids.

If he does, they’re not his.

They are resisting the justice department holding child molesters accountable for their crimes against humanity. The thing about SJWs that is often overlooked is that the high profile ones are often kids of the elite (the black kid at mizzou was the son of a railroad executive). They, while often molested by their parents as children, stand a lot to lose in settlements and hush money trust funds if their parents are put in prison and can no longer make the payments.

They don't want law,order,or decency..

I've always wondered about that too. I'm not seeing the fascism and oppression they're whining about.

Whenever you see these weirdos tweeting this shit just remember they’re often lonely and socially isolated and see themselves as the main character in a movie and an audience is watching them right now. They also think that decades from now a history book will feature their tweet.

Wow, it's like you're not even reading Salon or watching Rachel Maddow or current year man.

Unironically this but for Jow Forums and the Democratic Party. If Trump gets his supermajority he can put in his 4 pillars and keep America white for another 20 years.

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One thing i noted about liberals is that they think they are in a movie. So they probably think they will defeat an evil empire or some shit.

We should encamp them anyway.

Which is exactly what is going to happen.

I blame narcissism and social media

I like how they've had complete control of the entire establishment, the media, and academia for decades but seem to think they're the scrappy rebels fighting the all powerful empire.

Why did he not abort them? That's what the wants others to do.

>that picture
>S O Y
They're resisting reality.
>more than 2 genders
>blacks aren't naturally violent criminals
>women should work on a career before having children
>open borders are good
>whites are bad
fucking completely delusional

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>that onions face
>"i'm gonna resist"
It's going in your ass whether you resist or not.

It feels like destiny user it really does. Almost like either God or the deep state wills it.

They actually believe this shit

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top kek, this is too accurate

LOL. It thinks it's going to breed

They resist common logic.

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>I'm not prone to exaggeration
>Proceeds to be a ridiculous exaggerator
Is this the faggots equivalent of " I'm not like most women" line ?


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>my kids

It's happening. We are in 1930s Nazi Germany. We must resist. My wife and I sold our wedding and engagement rings to buy guns and gun training courses. We won't let them take our ethnic neighbors some day. We all need to train ourselves to protect our democracy before it's too late. It sucks that I wake up crying every day now because this is our world. I wasn't meant to be a soldier I was a cheese maker. I made fucking cheese. But now I'm a soldier thrown into some Hitler remake god it's awful.

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>I'm not prone to exaggeration

>But I believe the next 4 months will be the most significant of our lives


They've been on a permanent Happening Frenzy since November '16.

Almost two years now of Red Alert, without a single thing of note taking place. I mean, wasn't he meant to be impeached and jailed by now anyway?

>Our Only Chance
>Everything I could do to resist!

Jesus fuck - real life is not that exciting, you stupid plebs. Just stick to Star Wars.

>meme flag
>makes perfectly logical great point
Wow....im impressed fren

What in the fuck.

>"I need to show my kids I did EVERYTHING I could do to resist."
What exactly is he going to show them?
>"hey Timmy, did I ever tell you about the time I wore a pink hat shaped like a pussy while holding a sign calling the president a cheetoh?!"

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>I need to show my kids I did EVERYTHING I could to resist.
But that statement assumes that you will fail, that you know you will fail, and that your children will exist fine in the future that is being built without you.

Its weird how the things a lefty simply utters can inform you on their mental state. The sad part is they probably don't even realize others can do that, they probably think it is some special gift only they have.

The Left Wants:

The right to murder the unborn
The right to flood our nation with MS13
The right to make young boys take female hormones
The right to force kids to learn about homosexuality in schools
The right to put conservatives and Christians into camps
The right to take children away from parents who teach things like heterosexuality


>keep America white for another 20 years.
How is this possible? America was never white.


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You know what I mean Finn. White majority for 20 further years.

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They actually think pictures like this will be in future history books, depicted as a good thing instead of complete insanity.

Thanks fren

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D- did he actually post a wave emoji?

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>They are resisting the justice department holding child molesters accountable for their crimes against humanity

What the fuck are you blabbering about? Do you live in some kind of alternate reality or something? Please don't go shoot up a pizza place you fucking autistic retard.

Trump doesn't care about identity politics. He nominates the people he sees best fit for the job.

They're starting to lose their shit more and more. Esp with all this harassing from the left. People are noticing.

I have no idea, and neither do they. People are just running their own little movie in their heads and they need a villain. I dare say these people would be even more miserable if Hillary had won because they would have lost their imaginary demon and have no enemy to defeat. They are too weak to fight any actual enemies so Trump is perfect, he is making everything better for them while they play make believe and "RESIST".

jesus fuck where did you find this garbage

Those are all social issues designed to distract the public from economics and real issues or flood the country with left leaning voters.

The left's economic policy is to provide everything for people at whatever cost because budgeting and purchasing things is too hard for lefties and poor people. Oh and tax the rich, they're evil.

Nice jew posting shill. America has always been white. Literally the first 200 years of America's existence, it was enshrined in our laws.

Because you can't feel good about yourself unless you post faggoty shit dripping with pozzed cum on social media

They don't know, and they can never answer that in anything other than lies, or feelings.

>show my kids

pick one

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>What exactly are they “resisting “ against?

Never talk to him or his husband's son again.

>America has always been white. Literally the first 200 years of America's existence, it was enshrined in our laws.

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a monumental multi trillion dollar shift in the global economy in the favor of the US that Donald Trump has been contemplating for 40 years.
They don't know it but that's what it's all about. They are all willfully ignorant tools

Sure but not anymore nor will it ever be. The teenage ethnostate bullshit is just delusional. And I'm not a shill, I'm an older guy who's been around the world and dealt with all kinds of niggers and kikes.

>he doesn't think pedokikes are a thing
You must be new new here or are pushing disinfo to not know the Pedosex rings in US Politics and abroad.

>EVERYTHING I could to resist.
By the look of his picture, I'd say virtue signaling on social media probably is his, EVERYTHING.
What a faggot.

They're larping as revolutionaries, some are only half serious, the others however have been indoctrinated so much they believe everything CNN broadcasts from pissgate to Trump refusing to leave office. It's incredible to watch, there's some serious delusions here.

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I think it's setting in that the pendulum is swinging back over to the right side, yet they keep doubling down on their insanity instead of trying to bring people back to the left. I can't wait for November.

Digits confirm

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>I'm not prone to exaggeration
>Straight white father and a (((fagbow))) around his numale profile pic

I'll be honest with you Bryce, I'm dubious.

>and abroad
Do you thing we could have a boom in the tourism industry if I started a rumor on Jow Forums about a left wing sami pedo ring in Lapland?

The Antifa/DSA faggots are threatening violence against anyone who doesn't goose-step to their noxious ideology.

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They are resisting against the "turning back" of their "progress". What they claim their goals are and the actual intent of their goals does not mesh. Their actual goal is abolition of all things that make society function. No matter how much they claim to the contrary, their ideology is a religion, and they worship at the alter of the church of abolitionism. Pic related.

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Somewhere along the line the left forgot how to protest properly. Say what you will about the hippies protesting Nixon and the Vietnam war but they certainly had better methods than these #Resist retards.

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they swallowed too much pop culture shit about fighting da man and resisting the evil empire, they are living out the fantasy posting on social media about how much they are making a revolution or whatever

>they keep doubling down on their insanity
This is incredibly stupid. Anyone with any opinions whatsoever is purged from the democratic movement. In 2020 they will start crying about a "single party system" they caused themselves. Hell, might be even after the midterm.

His kids are probably mutts who will think he is retarded.

You are the biggest faggot I’ve encountered today, congratulations, you complete fucking moron jewish faggot.

>scale of degeneracy.png

Spoken like Kaczynski himself

They want to resist hard honest work. Being a good human being takes effort and dedication. Everything a liberal wants to resist. That's why it's no surprise democrats introduced slavery to America. They never once felt the need to put in the effort. Their mindset is that of entitlement. Someone else should do the hard work for them. Then tax them so I can get a cut and support my lazy gold digging ass. Little do they know this is the path of destruction they have chosen. Laziness creates degeneracy, deprivation of natural endorphins so they get hooked on weed, alcohol, meth or other drugs to get that feeling of accomplishment... false accomplishment... while ruining their god given lottery winner ticket of human existence... a human body. Yet they are still ungrateful. They are weak.

But I will dedicate my life to show them the truth. They have been tempted by the devil.

forgive them father for they know not what they do.

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Nice forced meme you fucking loser

The rub coming up in about 20 years is that the (((Elite))) and their Good Goy Pets are going to run out of white normies to demonize. (In case you forgot, the Jews that run the show descend from Eastern Europe and their Good Goy Pets are mostly Nordic and Anglo.) White Self Hatred pays dividends in the form of jobs, social life and rich white neighborhoods. By importing huge numbers of Darkies to do the Cheap Labor, the Elite Class is setting itself up to be dethroned. If Hollywood had balls, they would make a movie about it. But Hollywood doesn't have balls. It has an agenda that must support the Mass Immigration/Cheap Labor scheme. I wonder when the first Massive Hispanic Illegal Laborer Strike happens. That is going to be a fun one to watch. The mental gymnastics the Elite will go through to explain it away as the white man's fault, but not the (((Slave Master's))) fault will be epic.

When do you think Obama #walksaway? No matter what Jow Forums kids say, he was by far the smartest dem as of late and I bet he feels pretty sad about his party's current state.

Looks like it hit where it hurts.

Heaven is still out there. However, it cannot be found in the pitfalls of hell we call cities. All of them without exceptions are the devil's nesting ground. All cities vote democrat. Mostly all lives in cities are misery and torture. Resist the allure of the shiny city. It's the devil in disguise. There are no cities in nature.

Wew, lot of faggots in here today.

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Who is Ed portraying in this picture?

You fucking morons have created all these 1000s of threads and still haven't provided any evidence that could lead to one arrest.

I'm sick of this boomer reddit-tier shit on Jow Forums. The mods should ban all Q posting and pizza gate shit. Go to the conspiracy board with your pedo-larping you autistic faggot.

The guy you replied to is 100% correct and instead of actually facing the truth you post a half-assed stale meme to gain internet points. Jesus faggots like you infuriate me.

I supposed if you live your entire life in a baseline state of high emotional drama and overreaction to anything and everything, you would consider yourself "not prone to exaggeration," considering exaggeration is all you've ever known.

They are resisting taking control of their own life, and must elect commies who will decide everything for them, including whether they live or die. It all comes packaged in the thin veneer of virtue signaling to justify their own lack of personal responsibility.

>when the smell of your overflowing garbage drops more humans than your airshitter ever will

>Tfw that Muslim woman has lighter skin than the (((white woman))),but is more oppressed

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>My #LGBTQ, multiracial, immigrant family is #TheResistance. I value equality, inclusion & empathy. I love my kids, husband & mutt. #BlueWave2018

Tell them to put the cheap laborers in their own homes and neighborhoods, not in the homes and neighborhoods of people they hate. That shuts them up fast.

The Resistance, brought to you by CitiBank™

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>acquire political knowledge both esoteric and practical. Read and Meditate on the teachings of the Great Thinkers, mass media no longer entertains, but agitates.
>Follow strict dietary standards and work to sculpt an iron machine from the flab of western decadence foisted upon us for the sake of profit
>Develop and foster a connection with the Creator of Heaven and Earth
>Expect and plan for glorious combat for years, yearning for victory or the sweet release of death, nothing else could ever suffice.
>Network, Counter Signal and Educate my peers. Demanding nothing, rather showing people a better way.
>killing cheese mongers

Did I waste all my time. Is this really it?

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First, don't assume that anything about their beliefs have anything to do with reality.
Second, know that what they feel is more true to them than what they see or hear.
Third, understand that they may not have any principles at all but are likely full of ideals, but them getting what they want is probably the only thing they are concerned with.

>show my kids I did everything I did to resist
>shitposting on twitter while sipping venti latte with onions milk

>onions milk


Lol, fuck off dumb finn. you don't know shit about trump.

Trump is only doing this for money and fame, he doesnt care about anything else in this world and if you can't see that you're one gullible retard.

Why she even bothering to shop for underwear?

No... cheap labor is what gets cuckservatives to support immigration
(((Their))) goal is the extermination of the white race through race-mixing and suppression of the family unit.
(((They))) know that they can manipulate niggers because they are retarded...
This is why you never see white-asian racemixing propaganda, as this would create a hybrid race that is smart enough to see kike tricks and no white guilt to feed off of.

> not prone to exaggeration

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That orange barrel plug tho

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The media has whipped them up into a froth. Most leftists in the US honestly believe that Trump hates blacks, hates gays, hates immigrants, wants to stop all immigration, wants to end gay marriage, wants to end abortion, wants to lock up all blacks, wants evolution to stop being taught in schools, wants to take away their Netflix subscription, etc. etc. etc.

The media is going to have blood on its hands very soon as they have agitated a large percentage of the country into honestly believing they are already fighting in a civil war.