One thing i noted about liberals is that they think they are in a movie. So they probably think they will defeat an evil empire or some shit.
What exactly are they “resisting “ against...
We should encamp them anyway.
Which is exactly what is going to happen.
I blame narcissism and social media
I like how they've had complete control of the entire establishment, the media, and academia for decades but seem to think they're the scrappy rebels fighting the all powerful empire.
Why did he not abort them? That's what the wants others to do.
>that picture
>S O Y
They're resisting reality.
>more than 2 genders
>blacks aren't naturally violent criminals
>women should work on a career before having children
>open borders are good
>whites are bad
fucking completely delusional
>that onions face
>"i'm gonna resist"
It's going in your ass whether you resist or not.
It feels like destiny user it really does. Almost like either God or the deep state wills it.
They actually believe this shit