You're the one claiming hes the only one and the others wouldn't

Every one of his other opinions is cucked as fuck retard

>adopted two niggers
And consistently put out better opinions

It's called being an originalist. Based call by Trump.

Just wait until Ginsburg drops dead. It's going to be glorious!

>2nd amendment radicalist
this will gives me a boner

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Gorsuch is too.

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>a radicalist is someone who defends the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution now


It's jokes right now, but I've seen multiple people use the term "free speech extremist" completely seriously. These people are dangerous.

yea they need to be genocided yesterday

Seriously, someone needs to sneak up behind her with a paper bag.

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>originalist means agreeing 100% with the Heller decision
Based retard magapede